Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Why I Left Lee Las Vegas - Part 3

So, just as this becoming a partner debacle was unfolding right in front of my eyes, I decided that I was no longer going to be involved with a company that allowed partners to screw the associates so much and so often.

I could go into stories from other real estate agents who worked there before, during and after me --about how the partners screwed these agents, but I think my story is enough.

Anyway, during my meeting with RH, where he was doing his best to describe his discontent for the partners NOT voting me to become one, he did say (maybe off the cuff) that some of the partners, had more say than others in the direction the office was heading.  And, the reason was they were being paid 94% of the gross total commission earned off of their deals.

WHAT?!  How does a brokerage survive if an agent is getting 94%?  (6% was to be paid to the capital investors in the office.)

I was surprised by this.  To me, top producers (maybe) got 75% or even 80% if they did lots and lots of closings in a month.  But, when he mentioned that SP and another founding partner were the ones being paid this high of a commission amount, and they were being compensated without a desk cost, I knew right then and there that the Lee Las Vegas Office partners were idiot businessmen.  (And, apparently, SP and this founder had been paid this amount for quite some time.)

I asked, "Why?"

He said it was because they were the top producers of the firm.

I was surprised.  But, then he let out a bomb shell that hit me like a nuclear blast.

He told me that ALL sign calls were sent to SP first -- so he could "qualify them."

I was shocked, "Even mine?" I asked.

He replied yes.

He explained that in order to make sure that the associates didn't let a qualified client slip through the cracks, the partners trusted SP to make sure the client was qualified to buy, sell, lease before a deal was made.

I had wondered why I wasn't getting as many calls on my signs.  Now, I knew.

AND, (a little while after my RH meeting) I talked to the receptionist and she (reluctantly) confirmed this was true.  I was so mad at this disclosure that I immediately called another Broker, who had in the past asked me to join his firm.  I immediately left Lee Las Vegas for good.

I went to work for the other firm and lasted there for only a year.  Shortly after joining there, I found out that PTB was going to join the firm, too.  He said, he had a disagreement with the partners after I left.  I know for a fact he was "let go" by the partners for commission stealing another agent who was a partner's wife!

(I always wondered why they let PTB go for doing that but NOT SP.  (I guess the wife relationship had something to do with it.)

Anyway, after PTB arrived, he asked me to work with him again.  I said no.

After being there for a year, another agent (let's call him GG) who had been at Lee Las Vegas too who left just before I did, called me and asked me to come work with him at a boutique firm that he went to.  Because of the situation with PTB at the firm, I felt it appropriate to leave and went to work at the boutique company.

There, GG and I worked for almost two years together, until the boutique broker felt I didn't earn him enough money.  That is when I started my own shop by myself.  Recently, GG joined me.

Anyway, since my departure from Lee Las Vegas, many other associates left.  A couple were promoted to partner and then they left for other firms.  Apparently, my honest approach to clients, and other brokers was being too honest for Lee Las Vegas.  I left Lee in March, 2006.

It has been almost 9 years since I left, Lee Las Vegas.  I heard last summer that they defaulted (to my knowledge) on a leased space they had occupied, moved to another small office warehouse space closer to the 'Strip.'

And all the while, (I am still trying to confirm this) SP was still getting his 94% even though the company could NOT pay it's rent.  I learned that the last of the associates left just before they quietly announced they were closing.

Lee & Associates Las Vegas office closed it doors in June, 2015.

Now I know why Lee Las Vegas filed Bankruptcy back in the early 2000's -- it was to get out of a high rent office space they were in.  The space was well located and easy for clients to get to.

Also, I now know why certain other brokers around town, that became Lee Las Vegas competition had left.

As far as I am concerned, good riddance.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, December 28, 2015

Why I left Lee Las Vegas - Part 2

PTB and I started off with a bang.

He had marketable listings that were (in hindsight) very good properties.

One that I marketed for him brought Konami Gaming into the fold.  I had heard through the grapevine, they were NOT happy with their current Las Vegas office they had leased; and, they were looking to not only move, but they wanted to buy an office warehouse.

After sending them brochures of various properties, I received a call from their Human Resource VP.  She said that the president wanted to meet and discuss the properties I had sent over.

The meeting went well with PTB giving a good presentation.  However, they were leaning more to buy than lease.

So, I went to work searching for a buy situation.  Nothing seemed to fit.  Anyway, after several months and some going back and forth with Konami, I ended up with a call that said the CEO for Konami Gaming out of Australia wanted to see some of the properties with me that I had sent over.

So, I met with the Corporate CEO and we drove around looking at what was available.  During this time, I got the impression that he had seen most of what I was showing him.  (The one property he hadn't seen was the listing PTB had.)

Our listing was big enough, but the owner steadfastly didn't want to sell.  So, I purposefully ended our drive on a large 12 acre lot at Bermuda and Sunset.  It is the parcel where their building now sits with a view of the McCarran International Airport.  Here I said that even though the owner of this lot didn't want to sell either, I thought we could structure an offer where in a few years, Konami could buy the building from the owner that the owner would build to suit to lease.

The CEO was impressed.  I also asked if Feng Shui would play apart in his decision. (He looked at me incongruously.  (I think I surprised him.)

He said I was the only broker that he has met that asked him that.  And, he said Yes, it would play an important part of his decision.

With this knowledge, I began to point out the Feng Shui aspects of the lot we were currently sitting on.  The CEO said he would get back to me.

PBT turned out to be very helpful in completing this build to suit for lease -- with the provision that Konami Gaming could buy the building in the future.

Anyway, during this period my mother-n-law had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and had been given "only a few months" to live.  So, PBT took over and handled the lease negotiations, etc. If not for being copied on the emails through the lease negotiation process, I think I would have never known the full extend of the progress.

I did tell PTB that I could make meetings if needed.  But, he never included me in the meetings and I felt betrayed since I had initiated the whole deal.  PTB said he just wanted me to focus on taking care of my wife's mom.  I thought this kind of him -- but it was unnecessary.

Fast forward: With this lease deal closing, I learned that the commission was going to be the largest that Lee Las Vegas had ever earned.  And, this commission qualified me to become a partner.  The entire commission was more than $1 Million.  Everyone was congratulating PTB on a deal well done.

Well, I stopped by the office about the time my Mother-n-law passed away.  It was a difficult time for my wife and I.  She had become an intricate part of our daily lives.  (She was our day care provider for our two children as well.)

As you can sense, something was about to happen to me, again.
I arrived at the office and PTB wanted to meet with me in his office.  You guessed it, PTB wanted a larger share of the commission because he had done so much work to get this to close.

My first thought was what an A--Hole!  Here I thought I could trust him when all the while he was planning on cutting me out of commission, too!

Even though, PTB had privately congratulated me for being able to "find" the client, deep inside, I was pissed.  But, I tried to let it go.  I was looking forward to being qualified to be a partner.

PTB and I agreed to split the commission 55/45 which since then, I have regretted.

Anyway, since I was up for being approved as a partner; and the partners annual meeting was within the month, I just wanted to be on the agenda.  I thought I had proved that I was worthy.

The Office Manager did ensure that I was on the agenda.  So, I waited for word of them approving me as a partner.

After the annual meeting, I sensed something was wrong.  PBT came into the office and completely avoided me.

The then back as President of Lee Las Vegas again was RH.  He came to my desk and asked to see him in his office.

He started by saying (in order to be a partner) I had to apologize to SP for accusing him of lying and stealing when RH claimed that SP said he hadn't.  I told RH that I wasn't going to apologize for telling the truth and I said SP should be apologize to me.

As you can tell, that wasn't going to happen.  He said that I needed a unanimous vote to become a partner.  I asked what the vote was.  He said 6-2.  (Another partner I had a falling out with earlier who was a jerk, right behind my back, tried to steal another client I was working with.  This partner even attempted to make me look as if I was stealing the client from him.)

Back to my story, I told RH that the office manager and I research the bylaws for the corporation for becoming a partner.  I told him there was never any mention of a vote ever having to be unanimous. It just called for a majority.

RH, then, backtracked and said it wasn't an official vote. (RH has since deceased.)

Part 3 will conclude this story.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Why I left Lee Las Vegas - Part 1

From February, 1998 to March, 2006, I worked as an Associate for Lee Las Vegas.  The reason I left is one that most of the people who had left Lee Las Vegas through the years would agree with.  I just thought that giving you my reason, will give you an insider look at how NOT to run a Real Estate Brokerage.

Anyway, here is my story:

I had been working in residential real estate since first obtaining my Real Estate license in California in October of 1991.  I then earned my California Broker's license in 1993.  In 1994, I earned my Nevada Broker's license and then moved to Las Vegas in November of 1995.

From November, 1995 to February of 1998, I worked at a variety of real estate companies -- not fully satisfied with residential sales and loans.

In February, 1998, I was more than ready to move onward and upward.  It was recommended to me by a Public Relations person that I should get into Commercial Real Estate.

Initially interviewed with the managing director at the local CB Commercial (since then it has been bought and re-maned CB Richard Ellis).  I came away from that interview like they didn't want me.  The feeling I got was because I would NOT bring them enough listings for them to market.

Apparently, they only want agents who can bring potential listings to the table.  As for some one who works the telephone well and will spend hours hunting for qualified buyers, that wasn't their cup of tea -- so to speak.

So, I spoke with the PR person again, and she recommended that I talk to RH, who was at the time the President of Lee Las Vegas.  After an initial interview with RH, he introduced me to (for the sake of a potential legal hassle, I will refer to this agent as Selfish Person or SP for short) -- who at the time was the top producer for Lee Las Vegas.  Anyway, he did have many, many family members who helped him get to partner very quickly.  (Which was good for him.)

However, we eventually had a falling out because he felt that my request to split a small lease commission 50% was way too much commission for me to be paid.

Unfortunately, this small lease commission was for a small deal with Bigelow Aerospace, which due to my being okay with cold calling people, I brought to Lee Las Vegas.

You see, I had heard that Robert Bigelow -- who at the time was still a Nevada Licensed Real Estate broker -- wanted a large warehouse to house the initial work he was funding for a hotel in space concept Robert Bigelow wanted to develop.  He needed to lease a large enough warehouse for just 12 months.  My commission check was $575.00.  However, SP said that I had asked too much -- as I mentioned above.

Then, as this was going on, I had found the +/-12,000 SF warehouse which they made an offer on; it was accepted, and we entered escrow.

The purchase price was $540,000.  The procuring commission was $16,200.  And, you guessed it, SP  only wanted me to be paid $1,620 or 10% of the total commission.  It was, 'what I had earned' since I was paid more than I had earned on the leasing deal we had concluded earlier.

In the meantime, Bigelow's secretary called me and asked me if I could find Robert some land so that he could build a campus where he could actual manufacture proto-types for his hotel in space.  I did and sure enough, I had to have SP involved again.

This is where the problem started.  I let SP handle this escrow.  I don't know what I was thinking, but since he hadn't kept me informed on the earlier one, why was I letting him handle another.  This was a big mistake on my part -- which I will explain in a minute.

This time, I found them 20 acres in North Las Vegas where they could build the facilities that they needed so they could develop and test a hotel in space proto-type for orbiting earth in space.

When the time came to close, I asked SP about this and he told me that it had "fallen out of escrow."

Disappointed, I did what every good broker does and what I usually do: I called the client back.  To my surprise, I was told they did indeed close on the land.  I went back to SP and asked why he lied to me?  He said I hadn't earned enough on it to get a split of the commission.  He gave me what he thought I was owed: Nothing.

Because of this, I complained to the powers to be (Some of these people are now deceased or out of the business.)

Well, I went to the powers that be and accused SP of stealing commission, lying to me, and just wanted what he should have paid me.  (Unfortunately, the powers to be sided with SP because he was their top producer.)

Needless to say, since SP had cut me out of the commission completely.  He wanted the entire +/-$26,000 for himself.  So, I stopped working with SP completely.

At this point I almost quit Lee Las Vegas.  But, I was talked out of it by one of the powers that be. Looking back, I should have listened to my wife and mother-n-law. (They said to leave and work on my own.  I didn't need them.)

Anyway, I relented and agreed to work with the other broker because he did have some marketable listings.

(As a side note, I did end up working one other deal with SP.  If I could have, I would have cut him out of the deal except for that fact; His "cousin" owned land where the Buyer I found, Pavestone, wanted to build a batch plant.  It was zoned correctly for their use -- and SP knew that.  Fortunately, I stayed on top of that escrow and did walked away with half of the commission on this.

Anyway, after that, I began to work with PTB, who had talked me into staying and to work with him, (He eventually was voted by the partners as president because RH wanted to step down.)

PTB knew of my ability to work hard to find buyer clients and wanted me to work on some of his listings.

Part 2 will continue this story.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! to ALL and let's all have a profitable New Year!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Thursday, December 17, 2015

If You Want to Acquire Resort Casinos, You Must Contact Me!

If you have the appropriate amount of money in cash (not many of you will qualify if you don't have at least a couple of hundred million and more); the necessary experience; and the ability to close quickly; email me for a Non-Circumvent, Confidentiality, and Commission Agreement.

Yes!  You will have to compensate me regardless of how real estate fees are paid in your neck of the woods.  And, this is for Principal's Only.  As a matter of fact, only corporate CEO's, etc., should contact me.  Broker chains will NOT be honored.

So, if you are a principal, willing to compensate me and my partner, email your financial capability to: david@davidhowes.net.

If you qualify, I will reply with the form for your Authorized Corporate Signatory to sign.

Once the authorized form is received, I will disclose all the details about the subject properties at are available for purchase.

If you think this is a joke; or you just want to go fishing for property information, please don't email me.  You will be wasting your time and mine.

I have dealt with enough of you to know, who is for real; and, who is jerking me around!
Thank you for your co-operation.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Out of State Brokers only "think" they know Las Vegas!

Having lived and worked here since 1995, I have learned a thing or two about how 'business' gets done in this particular neighborhood of the country called Las Vegas!

One thing: Las Vegas commercial real estate (CRE) requires that you build a client base. So, in the 19 plus years of working and living in Las Vegas, I have developed relationships with 'key' people who will help me help you.

Thus, this gives me the advantage that you need IF you are truly interested in acquiring a Las Vegas Resort Casino. Knowing who the 'key' person to approach requires an important decision on your part: Go it alone; employee an out of state broker and see what happens; OR sign me up to help you get to those 'key' people.

Now, most Resorts in general do NOT want to even deal with Real Estate Brokers at all. They think 'brokers' are an unnecessary element that just gets in their way.  I understand their plight.  I have seen, first hand, Real Estate Brokers  -- some from half way around the world -- way over-charge their Buyer clients simply because the Broker thinks the information they have (usually a rumor about what is for sale) is worth more than it actually is.

And, because those Brokers think they are special, that is the key to my success.

Yes. I know which Resort Casino properties are truly being considered for sale!

And, "Yes!" I know the 'key' people to contact at those properties.

And, unfortunately, just as the other Brokers, the key element involved requires you -- as the Buyer -- to compensate me.  BUT, that is where the difference lies between me and them.  I actually know what is going on and the advantages of that, is what makes me worthy of being hired by you rather than the real estate broker from Los Angeles, San Francisco, or even New York.  And, yes, I ask for a 1% commission fee.  But, just as everything else in life, I am flexible.

Recently, a CA Broker told me that he has a Buyer from the South Pacific rim who wants to acquire a Las Vegas Resort Casino AND he is willing to pay him a ridiculously high fee demand of 3%!

I'm sorry. But, I do NOT know of any Buyer who is that ready, willing and able to pay a 3% fee on a $1 Billion dollar property. How much is that? $30 Million?!

Given that Resort Casino prices are mostly in the hundreds of millions, my charging 1% fee can be too much, too. So, I am willing to be compensated on a flat fee.

Now, please be aware of Broker Chains. This is where two or more Brokers want a piece of the commission pie simply because they learned that a buyer - such as yourself - has made it known that you want to Buy a Las Vegas Resort.  These Brokers feel that they are due a larger piece simply for only referring you to me -- which is usually too high. So, ask yourself: Is it truly worth their demand for more money just because they passed along a Buyer client's name or telephone number to me.

IF you did a little more research, you would have stumbled upon me.  Thus giving you access to the seller directly.

I truly do NOT want to be a a part of these broker chains.

However, IF you are truly interested in acquiring a Las Vegas Resort Casino property, please forgo the Broker chain, and sign with me directly as your Broker. And, "Yes!" that requires an officer of your corporation duly authorized to sign a Non Circumvent Commission Agreement that you will compensate me directly from Escrow upon the Close of Escrow or the Sale of the subject Resort Casino Property!

But, remember, I do know which Resort property(s) are actually for sale. Signing up with me to represent you doesn't mean a deal will get down. That could take time and effort on your part. And, of course, there are attorneys involved. But you will actually get closer to submitting an LOI or Offer to the correct person; which gets you closer to Resort Casino Ownership; which with my help -- and you compensating me a fee to represent you -- is a small price to pay for a Resort Casino property Ownership.

Lastly, ALL interested parties will have to disclose their financial capabilities to me. That way, I know upfront that you are able to complete a purchase prior to making an offer. And getting that LOI or Offer with the appropriate financial qualifying paperwork to the 'key' person, protects my reputation as a Real Estate Broker and will allow them to know that YOU are qualified to Buy.

I appreciate your patience and tolerance in the matter.

For Information about Las Vegas Commercial Real Estate Investment Property, contact David Howes at: davidAtdavidhowesDOTnet OR 70 25 01 93 88

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a Wednesday before the American Holiday, Thanksgiving, and I sometimes get nostalgic about my ancestry during this time of year because; YES, I am a direct descendant of William Brewster.

My father's side of the family has been keeping track of our family heritage for, well, since the Pilgrims maneuvered the Mayflower beside a larger then usual but still small boulder they called Plymouth Rock in 1620.

Anyway, have a peaceful, safe holiday. I was going to go sit by our pool and relax, but it is cold here in Las Vegas, NV.

If you have any questions about Las Vegas Commercial Real Estate....

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, November 20, 2015

There is One +/-8% Cap Rate Property Currently in Las Vegas!

That's correct.

And, the first person to make an acceptable offer, could be the new owner of this freestanding NNN Leased Property!

This is NOT a teaser.  There is ONE CRE property currently in Las Vegas that can be acquired for an +/-8% Cap Rate.  And, there are +/- a dozen or so National Credit Tenants in the immediate area around it.  And, the street traffic is +/-71,000 per day!

If you acquire this now, you will earn the +/-$151,200 in current annual rental income!  AND, in August, 2016, the annual rent increases to $166,320!  This is absolutely, the best type of retirement income you could ever ask for!

And the tenant pays all the cost and expenses on this property!  And there is still ten years remaining on their lease; and they have Two Five Year options where the annual rent can reach +/-$220,000!

Want to know more?

Contact David Howes -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88
AND you can Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Compliments will NOT pay the bills!

A while back, I was dealing with a "Supposed" client who was going to acquire a variety of CRE properties in Las Vegas.

At one point he asked me to find him +/-500 unsold homes so he could fix and flip.  He was very complimentary and by the sound of his voice, he was confident I could get the job done.

I did ask for his proof of funds -- which he said he had but would send them once an offer was written,

Anyway, I like so many others before me, I fell under his complimentary spell.

He did bring his "guys" with him to Las Vegas to look at various properties; and, we met with one Owner, who was very complimentary right back at him.

Later, after the "supposed" client was on his way back home to re-think his purchases, the Owner asked me to meet with him.  He wanted to buy me a cup of coffee.

The Owner and I met.  The Owner said, "David, that guy ain't no buyer.  He's wasting your time."

Apparently, the Owner has been through these scenarios before and wanted to forewarn me what was going to (and actually did) happen.

A few days later, the "supposed" client called to ask me to write an offer for the "wonderful" Owner who agreed to meet with them.

The "supposed" client wanted to offer the Owner a way out of his property buy putting together a joint venture and let the "supposed" client manage the business located at the property.  The "supposed" client would increase the sales and profitability of the business at the property, thus increasing the sales price of the property once it sold -- which they'd split.

I had to tell the "supposed" client no deal.  The Owner had warned me that, that was what he was going to do.  I didn't tell him this of course, but he said it would be very profitable for me to accept stock in this venture and I would be benefiting greatly from his tenure as managing owner.

I told him, the same thing the Owner said to me: Compliments don't pay the bills!

Anyway, he has since been less complimentary as far as I can tell, because he has moved on to other brokers -- to waste their time.

So, if you are serious about acquiring a lease investment -- and have proof of cash, there are a few really good deals left in Las Vegas you should be considering.  Call me.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Icahn lists Fontainebleau for $650 Million

At lunch today with a gaming executive, we started talking about the announcement of Icahn listing the Fontainebleau for sale.  The rumored asking price is $650 Million.

"That's too much," said the gaming executive.
He continued, "the gaming industry has changed in the last 10 years. You used to be able to buy a $300 Million property and that resort would turn a profit in a year or so, but not anymore.  The casino industry is in trouble with so many local casinos going in, in other states.  Nowadays, forget it! Spending a billion eliminates any possibility at making any money."

He also added, "Look at Caesar's.  They let their CEO acquire so much debt, that even in bankruptcy, they are going to get the short end of the deal."

He asked, "...and how much is it going to cost to finish it (the Fontainebleau)? At 50% completed (more accurate than what is being published) the new owner is going to be into a property that is not well located on the "Strip" for about $2 Billion.  And, they are going to need a lot more foot traffic in that area before they turn a profit."

I had told him that I written an offer about two years ago for $450 Million and Icahn turned it down.  He said, "That is more realistic but still too much," in his opinion.

All I can say now, is: Best of luck to whoever buys this for $650 Million.  Whatever sucker pays that much will be going the way of other Las Vegas resorts in the short term.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, November 6, 2015

"What other people think of me is none of my business." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Recently, I have had real estate people criticize me in forums and through other people because of my opinion; or, because I am so open and honest in ALL CRE transactions that I am involved in.

It's the reason WHY I have only been to one deposition in 24 years which was for a real estate transaction that was going sideways at that time.

Anyway, the full quote is: "What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

And, because some of these people have said things to other people I know -- I am sure most were trying to be positive and helpful -- that I have to emphasize that I truly do NOT care what you think about me.  Of course, I am referring to other real estate brokers, agents and affiliates or such that have formed an opinion about me through the years.

So, I am going to just say: I do what I have to do to get a CRE transaction done in the correct and most honest manner.  If that bothers some of you people, that's fine.  You can just stop being critical of me because I don't care whether you like me of not.

And, I know who you are.

I saw a saying a few days ago that went something like: 'I have been making changes in my life.  If you haven't heard from me in a while, you are one of the changes I made.'

Hopefully, clients fully understood that there are some idiot agents here in Las Vegas that don't want to do any CRE transactions with me.  That's fine.  That speaks volumes about me.  And, it tells me, that these agents are lazy, sleazy or just want to make a quick buck.  It is also because I have always insisted that they do their job.

Like I said in the previous post, I do work well with others.  I do work hard.  And, if you think I need training, or, you don't like opinion of a property value you placed on a property, go suck an egg.  You are in my way and I am going to help my client get the fairest deal they can.

Working with David Howes is easy! Just contact him -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND be sure to Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Another national real estate firm "Broker" gets Called on the Carpet!

I love working Commercial Real Estate!  I must because of the nature of the business.

You see, recently, I had to call another 'Agent' on the carpet.  I did so because this agent -- who works for a national real estate firm, doesn't return other "Broker" up calls -- then when you do get a hold of them: They Lie!

This particular salesperson/agent -- who refers to them self as a broker (Not licensed as a broker.) -- doesn't want to work with others because of the severe commission split within their own office.  (I have blogged about this before.)

Anyway, I do try my best to work well with others.  I do try my best to do what is best for my client.   I will, also, kill a deal if I find out that my client's interest is suddenly hampered by a just learned about fact about a property being pursued.  (And, I am proud of the fact that I have only been to one deposition in my 24 year career.  And, that was because the Seller lied to me during the listing presentation.)

Anyway, here's the key to NOT experiencing my wrath: Don't lie to me!  If something is wrong with a property: Tell me!  I can help get a Close IF I know property problems well in advance.

And, if you refuse to take my call; or refuse to reply to my emails; step aside and get out of my way! In this business, delivering bad news is part of the job. So, get used to it.

Everyone hates losing listings, losing sales, and even losing clients.  It comes with the territory.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Why do Women allow Men to be better at Commercial Real Estate (CRE)?

Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and women seem to dislike each other.  I don't know if it's a full blown cat fight, or just a "thing" where one woman wore a dress better than the other.

But, since I have been working in CRE, women do NOT tend to be the one out searching for the better CRE deal.

And, I don't understand why.  Women tend to be the smarter of the two sexes.  Women tend to be more conservative with money.  Women will be more likely to want a more secured future.  All of these tend to point them to CRE.

BUT! owning a CRE property tends to be men.  And, unfortunately, it doesn't have to be that way.

A Celebrity woman once said (publicly) that she has "Smart People" managing her money.  I imagine that was an effort to deflect the fact that she is "too busy" to think about her long term future. The problem is these very same "Smart People" have demanded half my commission in the past for other wealthy and wise people just to refer them to me for a potential sale!

I always ask: Why would a person who is making money managing other people's money demand part of my money just to recommend a CRE property to their client?

It has to be because, "Smart People" managing money only "Make Money" when they are the ones selling this very same Celebrity Woman various Money Products!  When it comes to them recommending a +/-7% Cap Rate Net Leased CRE Investment Property to their clients, these "Smart People" deflect it as a bad investment because it is (NOT) in the Smart People's financial interest to do so.  And, I have had many discussions with "Smart People" and it truly does come down to my refusing to "compensate" them illegally.

P.S.: If you are NOT aware: It is "ILLEGAL" for me to pay an unlicensed "Smart Person" any amount of my commission.

So, as you can understand, IF you are truly interested in learning about investing in a CRE property, YOU need to call me yourself!  And paying unlicensed people is illegal in California and Nevada!

Are you starting to feel your "Smart people" are misleading you right about now?!  If so, it is because they only make money when they persuade you to buy stock, bonds, and/or mutual funds.  And, historically, these only average a Return on Investment (ROI) of about 2% to 3%.  And, in this ROI range, you're NOT allowing your money to grow faster than inflation.  (Which averages about 3% per year.)

However, IF you acquire a Net Leased Investment that should average a rate of return of +6.5% or even close to 8%, your ROI should be a better investment because you are staying ahead of inflation!!

Hmm -- which do you think has the better value long term?  Of course, it has always been real estate -- especially a Net Leased Investment!  AND, you receive a monthly or quarterly rent check!

I have said this before.  And, I feel like I am repeating myself over and over and over, again and again: Women! CRE is NOT an exclusive Men's Club!  AND, you can NOT rely on your "Smart People" to recommend any Real Estate to you because of their (inherent) greed.

So, get off your derriere and call David Howes yourself!  Stop depending on a "Smart People" to do this for you.  They won't because I will NOT pay them to recommend you to me! OR, a property to you!

I know it's rough to hear the honest truth!  But my clients that do listen to me, end up real estate richer.

So, in order for you to start acquiring CRE property that will be profitable to your future, YOU must contact me directly -- all by yourself!  (Okay.  An Assistant could dial the telephone, BUT, I need to talk to you.)

And when you acquire a CRE property correctly, it should pay you back over the long term.

So, have your "Smart People' manage your money.  But, put ALL CRE decisions in your realm of responsibility.   And, this will ensure you have a diversification of your money/wealth and assets.  And CRE helps to bring about a financially smooth future!

Plus, check me out.  History proves that over time, real estate has always paid better than Wall Street.

So, now that you know...Call Me!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Standing at the Free Throw Line of Life!

I stopped watching the NBA a few years back. The reason still is what was once an annoyance to me had in fact become a heart wrenching occurrence.

Fouls!  I hate the foul out rule!  You bump into or slap an opponent trying to shoot the ball and you hear the inevitable whirl of the whistle!  Followed by the word: Foul!

It's like you get reported to the principal or your parent because a fellow student or sibling is tattle-tailing on you for doing what you are supposed to do.

Defense in the NBA is virtually non-existent anymore.  And if you are being penalized for playing defense, it is because that is the way the game is designed to be played.  You are forced out of the game for the rest of the game -- because of it.


Anyway, as a former basketball player -- OK that would be a stretch.  I was a hack basketball player.  But, I was always able to stand at the free throw line and make them.  I think I could make 100 out of 100 if I concentrated. But, still I was 85 to 86% accurate.

So, I don't understand professional basketball players who can't (or don't want to) make free throws.  It's 15 feet straight on, and the basket is 10' high. It truly is NOT that difficult.

Anyway, I have stopped watching basketball altogether and have started to watch Hockey.  And, it is NOT a racial thing because two of the best hockey players in the NHL today are Black.  African-Canadian I think they said they were.

So, as in basketball, players play from one end of the rink/court to the other attempting to shoot a puck/ball beyond another player. But, in Hockey, an opposing player can legally goal tend.  I find this sport to be more exciting and less frustrating than sitting and watching some one blow a whistle and then shout: Foul! just because an opposing player is actually "playing basketball."

Hockey does have a penalty phase, but that is normally a player sitting out for 2 minutes while the other team has an a man advantage.

What does this have to do with Commercial Real Estate?  Absolutely nothing.  I'm just venting!
So, please have a wonderful day!

Oh!  I believe the NHL Hockey season started October 7th, 2015!

Go Bruins!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, October 19, 2015

National Real Estate Firm only tries to Double End Deals

Since 1991, when I first got licensed in Real Estate, I was taught that doing the right thing for your client was the sure path to future success as a real estate broker.  And, the broker who taught me this was a short stocky former Gold Gloves boxer from Brooklyn, NY -- who happened to move to Southern California in the early 1950's and earned his California broker's license.

And, in the years that followed, I found him to be one of the hardest working real estate brokers I have ever met.  And, I have since worked for a variety of real estate firms since first getting my license.

Anyway, after he past away, and I moved from Southern California to Las Vegas, I interviewed with a several real estate brokers and notably one very large national real estate firm. The managing partner at the time said that since I didn't have enough listings, I was unable to join them.  (It has been revealed to me through the years that he was actually a pompous ass and not going to work for him was the best end result for me.)

So, he rejected me.  I was denied joining this large national real estate firm because I didn't have 'enough listings.  Oh, well.

I subsequently went to work for a former Century 21 franchisee.  That led to working for another regional commercial real estate firm, who in the six years I spent there, I discovered first hand that partners stealing commissions from the Associates was the norm.

Unfortunately, the other partners were not very good business men.  They decided to reward this arrogant nat a 100% contract without a desk cost. (Stupid? Of, course.)

And, since he was the #1 sales person for the firm, he was given all the up calls -- so he could decide whether or not they were worth his time to pursue.  (I eventually was told, that, that also included sign calls.)

I was never so glad to vacate a firm as fast as I did.  I now wish I had seen the rocks in the shallow water ahead that that ship was heading toward. (They have since gone out of business.)

So, after being denied a partner position at that firm, and because the arrogant ass didn't like me, I moved on -- for a short time -- to another national franchised firm, then a "supposed" real estate firm that "specialized in gaming properties;" to finally just hanging my broker's license all by myself.

Yet, for some reason, most -- if not all -- of my clients stayed with me.

So, through all this. one constant has remained and that is that this one particular National Real Estate firm doesn't like co-operating with other brokers.

Why?  Well, I think it is because they work in teams.  And, since there is very little commission left for the team to split after the national firm takes their share, splitting half with another broker, leaves the team less money.

Recently, I had a listing meeting with a local boutique hotel owner who was under the impression that listing with this national real estate firm would enable him to have 6,000+ agents worldwide trying to sell his property.

After several minutes of explaining how this firm truly works, the owner decided to NOT list.
(He did say he would pay me a 2% fee if I brought him a buyer.)

Anyway, the best thing I think that ever happened to me was when a client specifically flew to Las Vegas -- once I had my own company opened -- to have lunch with me.

During lunch, he said: "You are our guy here in Nevada!"
I said, "Thank You. But, what made you think that about me?"
He replied, "Because I think you are the baseball player who when he hits a grounder to short, you hustle your ass off trying to beat the throw to first base."

I know for a fact that this client has never regretted his assessment of me and my work ethic in his interpretation of success.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, October 16, 2015

Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casinos For Sale!

Attention, companies that are interested and who are qualified to acquire a Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Property!

I have information on several Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Properties that will be coming on the market in the next month or so -- according to a well place gaming executive source.

So, IF your company is interested in pursuing a Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Property Opportunity, please click on the Las Vegas Casino Information Button in the right column (to the lower right of this page).

You must have your company's signatory (President/CEO) fill out and sign this Non Circumvent, Confidentiality and Commission Agreement in order to obtain any property information for any of the subject properties that will be coming available.

(Please be mindful that no property details will be offered to anyone unless I have received this form, completely filled out, and signed!  Please print the attached form, fill out, scan and then email it back to me for my signature.)

The values of these Hotel Resort Casino Properties will run from -- well, it will be +/-Hundreds of Millions and up!  So, be mindful and not waste my time.

I appreciate your patience in this and I am hopeful to be able to help you acquire a Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Property in the next few months.

For more Information about Las Vegas Commercial Investment Real Estate Property, contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet; OR, 702-501-9388!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Mike Sitren was Correct!

RIP Mike!  It's been 22 years since I worked & learned from the best broker I ever knew.  Mike passed away in 1993 -- the year I went from salesman to broker in California.

He imparted wisdom on me that -- at the time -- I thought he was being too insistent about.  However, I realize now, that back then, he was ever so patient with me.

He once said: "Don't do any real estate transactions with family."

I asked: "Why?"

He replied: "Because if something goes wrong, you will be the one they blame!  And, they will make sure everyone knows you screwed them over."

I found out the hard way that this is so true when I tried to help my younger brother buy a house.  To this day, he still thinks he knows more about real estate then I do.  I would tell him the truth; he would insist I was lying.  (So sad.  I refuse to this day to even talk to him.  He is such an A**!)

He works as a computer programmer.  So, since he works on computers all day, he has learned all the ins and outs of real estate better than my 25 years actually working -- making a living -- at real estate.

So, please learn from my mistake.  Trying to help family will lead to them knowing more than you.  Don't fall into that trap!


Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Thursday, October 8, 2015

There are still some Good Deals in Las Vegas CRE right now!

However, I am dealing with several "Buyers" who tell me they want a deal on a property, yet, when I recommend one of these properties -- that already passed my litmus test -- Yes, if I had the money, I would have already bought this property -- the Buyers are like, ugh!

I would recommend a good price; they would change it to a weak price, thus killing any chance at a counter – or even a chance to open escrow!

I'm sorry: but, the Steals are long gone!  That window closed a couple of years back.
However, there are some good deals that could make money in the short AND long term.  You just have to have faith in the future of Las Vegas -- which is still growing!

For example: A fast food location on a high traffic street that is only one parcel away from a very successful McDonald's.

Here's another: a +/-1.8 acre of land zoned M-1 near Nellis AFB.  It also has a long term tenant on it.

So, if you are a serious Real Estate Investor -- looking for a Good Deal -- take the time to please give me a call.

OR, you could just give me the money, and I will buy it for me!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Saturday, October 3, 2015

"You are too honest for your own good!"

A few days ago, an attorney friend of mine and I had lunch.  We're both getting up there in age and for the first time we are both dieting. (Okay, we're just watching what we eat. Our metabolisms aren't what they used to be.)

Anyway, my friend, asked me about moving his office.  I asked about his remaining lease time, etc. He told me and I gave him some suggestions on what he could do.

Fast forward to the end of the lunch.  He then tells me. "David, you are too honest for your own good!"

I playfully asked if he was trying to insult me?  I told him it didn't work.

He replied he wasn't.  He continued to say he wished more real estate brokers where as plain spoken and truthful as I have always been with him.

And, that is when he said, "...that is why you lose deals to other brokers."

I wasn't shocked by this at all, because I know first hand that other brokers have slick tongues and are able to convince property owners and buyers that they desperately need them when dealing with a commercial real estate transaction.

Now, I do know the "closes" according to Tom Hopkin's Book, "How to Master the Art of the Sale."

But, most of the time, I don't use them because I feel as if it makes me "look and sound" desperate.  You do understand what I am saying, right?

So, instead of focusing on "the close," I try to be helpful and show them that my being honest with them, answering their objections directly, allows them to be relaxed and confident with me.

So far, it has worked.

Do I lose the occasional client?  Of course!  But, in some of those cases, I think they were being dishonest and they were trying to be a bigger shot than they truly were.  I'm sure, most of you have run into clients like that, right?

So, if you are looking for a Las Vegas Property?  Why not give me a call or email to see what I can do to help you.  Would that be okay?

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Just in case you didn't know: When Acquiring a Las Vegas Resort Hotel Casino, The Buyer Pays the Real Estate Fee!

Recently, and by that I mean just yesterday, a Buyer gave me a hard time about the real estate fee that I want to charge to help him acquire a Las Vegas Resort Hotel Casino Property.

At the last minute, he doesn't want to pay and said that it is customary for the Seller to pay.

Okay, true!

In normal real estate, the Seller would, as part of the listing agreement, pay the Listing Broker a fee to market the property; and, the Listing Broker in turn would normally split that fee with a Procuring Broker.

I am good with that, because, that is what normally happens in Las Vegas, too!

However, it has been a long standing understanding, that when it comes to a Resort Hotel Casino Property sale, the Seller will NOT pay any real estate commission fees.  This, the Buyer must be willing to pay, (and I will get that agreement up front before disclosing any available properties that are for sale).

End of discussion.

And, I know there are companies (people) who think that they are better off going around a Broker. (There are several Sellers right here in Las Vegas who feel they know real estate better than a Broker.)  And I will live with that, too!

So, if you want to acquire a NON-GAMING property, I can find a property where the Seller pays my fee.

If you want to acquire a Las Vegas Resort Property, the BUYER has to pay my fee.

And, I only ask for 1%!  When Clark County bought the Riviera, they paid Morgan Stanley 3.5%

So, who rips Buyers off more?  You decide.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"It ain't over, til it's over," Yogi Berra RIP

As a youth growing up in the 60's and 70's, I was a huge baseball fan.

Then, the owners and players got greedy and each didn't want to give.  It made me sad that MLB finally decided that a strike was the only recourse.  (I don't like strikes.  It slows down progress.)

Anyway, as a Red Sox fan, I hated the Yankees because they seemed to always have the Red Sox's number.  And, they were never going to be denied.

However, one Yankee was always my favorite Yankee: Yogi Berra.  I don't know why.  Maybe it was because as a kid who only got to look from the outside looking in, that Yogi loved baseball.  He was going to play, rain or shine.

I decided to look up some of Yogi's quips.  I knew he had a lot, but I didn't know they all made a lot of sense...


"Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical."
"All pitchers are liars or crybabies."
"He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious."
"You can't think and hit at the same time."
"So, I'm ugly. I never saw anyone hit with his face."
"It's déjà vu all over again."
"Even Napoleon had his Watergate."
"You can observe a lot just by watching."
"I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did."
"Why buy good luggage? You only use it when you travel."
"The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase."
"Cut my pie into four pieces. I don't think I could eat eight."
"Never answer an anonymous letter."
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else."
"Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."
"If you can't imitate him, don't copy him."
"The future ain't what it used to be."
"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."
"I never said most of the things I said."
"It ain't over 'til it's over."
"Always go to other people's funerals. Otherwise, they won't come to yours."

RIP, Yogi.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, September 11, 2015

Las Vegas Multi-Tenant Retail For Sale at +/-7% Cap Rate!

Now, here is a steal!

Just when I think that the Las Vegas (steals) deals are gone, the agent for this owner sends me a property that the owner wants to sell their well located Multi-Tenant Retail Center!!

There is a great opportunity for you to acquire this well located property on a very, very busy street in Las Vegas!

However, you must act rapidly!  This will be in the SOLD! very quickly!  (Send me an email and I will forward the property details!!)

This means that you can acquired a multi-tenant property with NNN leases on a busy west Las Vegas street!  A Property like this doesn't last very long on the market; and, your neighbors will be Starbucks, Jersey Mike's and WeinerSchnitzel!

I have been blogging about NET LEASED INVESTMENTS!  That is where the Tenant pays the building Real Estate Taxes, Insurance and (most) of the maintenance on top of their annual rent!

AND, the Anchor Tenant is a Regional Credit Tenant owned by a Regional Gaming Corporation!
And, an offer at or about a 7.5% Cap Rate, might get you into escrow, this means you re-coup your initial investment in +/-14 Years!

This property is listed at just less than $5 Million.

The leases and tenant financials are available only to those who call or email me.  I suggest you do so as soon as you finish reading this so you do NOT swing and miss on this too good of an opportunity!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, September 4, 2015

Looking for an 8% Cap Rate In Las Vegas? Don't! What's left are crappy properties!

This is NOT to alarm you!  But, if you are seeking an 8% Cap Rate or higher for commercial real estate in Las Vegas, "I laugh in your general direction!"

I was approached by a New York Buyer who had contacted many, many Las Vegas Real Estate Brokers because he thought that contacting more than one was going to get him an inside tract to a property where a Seller was dumb enough to sell a property at his purchase price.

I could not stop laughing. (Okay, I was smiling.  But he couldn't see because we were speaking on the telephone.)

Anyway, he told me that he had found a property where the owner was willing to sell at a price that was more than an 8% Cap Rate.

I told him that, that property was hard to lease because finding a tenant to lease the property up was very, very difficult.  I know this because the owner had owned the property for several years and struggled to lease the property because the area is NOT conductive to retail.  Sure there are a few retail tenants in the area, but for the most part, a convenience store and a tattoo parlor are usually hard to find locations.  So, they usually take any location they can find.

Anyway, since the property had vacancy, the New York Buyer said that the seller was willing to pay 1 year's worth of rent for the vacancy -- or until the New York Buyer was able to lease the space.

Okay, I had to be careful since the agent the New York Buyer was working with had told him that this was a good deal -- because the Seller would cover the rent for up to one year.

I told him that just because he was getting the property at an 8% Cap Rate, other bottom feeder clients I have passed on this property because they know that the space is impossible to lease.

But, he is from New York and he knows better than me.  I only live and work in Las Vegas and I had, had the lease listing on this property more than ten years ago.  (And, back then, I was not able to lease the property up 100% because the area the property is in is not conductive to retail.)

Lesson learned.  Any questions?

Generally, right now in Las Vegas, most 8% Cap Rates are properties I would NOT recommend.
The problem is that the leases (usually) have less then 5 years remaining; or they are a church tenant; or they are basing the 8% on whether or not the new owner can lease the remaining vacancy up in a short time period (Not Likely).

But, since this one particular property had a price reduction to slightly higher than 7.5% Cap Rate, it amazed me the vulnerability that puts know it all New York Buyers in.

So, if you are a serious buyer with intent to acquire a long term solid investment; and are willing to pay slightly more for the solid investment, give me a call.

There are solid CRE investments in Las Vegas.  Unfortunately, they are just not going to be sold at an 8% Cap Rate.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Want to Buy a Las Vegas Resort? Call Me! I Know the Ones Actually For Sale!

Having lived and worked here in Las Vegas since 1994, I know a thing or two about how 'business' gets done in Las Vegas!

One thing: Las Vegas commercial real estate (CRE) requires that you build client base of Owners. So, in the 21 plus years working and living here, I have developed relationships with 'key' people who can help me help you.

Two, this gives me an advantage that you need IF you are interested in acquiring a Las Vegas Resort Casino. Knowing who the 'key' person is requires an important decision on your part: Go it alone and see what happens; OR sign me up to help you get to those people.

Now, most Resorts in general do NOT like Real Estate Brokers at all. They think we are unnecessary and most do get in their way of closing on a Resort Property. However, I understand their plight. I have seen, first hand, Real Estate Brokers  -- some from half way around the world -- way over-charge Buyer clients simply because they think the information they have is valuable and for sale.

And, because those "Brokers" think they are special, because of that third or fourth hand information, they think that is the key to a successful purchase attempt.

Now, since I do know which Resort Casino properties are truly being considered for sale, you should only sign up with me!

And, "Yes!" I know the 'key' people to contact at those Resort properties.

Unfortunately, just as the other Brokers, the key element involved requires you -- as the Buyer -- to compensate me.  BUT, that is where the difference between me and them lie.  I only ask for a 1% fee. But, just as everything else in life, I am flexible.

Recently, a CA Broker told me that he had a Buyer from the Pacific rim who wants to acquire a Las Vegas Resort Casino AND his Buyer was willing to pay him a ridiculously fee of 3%!

I'm sorry. But, I do NOT know of any Buyer who is that ready, willing and able to pay a 3% fee on a $1 Billion dollar property. How much is that? $30 Million?!

Given that Resort Casino prices are mostly in the hundreds of millions, my charging 1% fee can seem too much, too.  But, I am willing to negotiate and be compensated on a flat fee.

Now, please be aware of Broker Chains. This is where two or more Brokers want a piece of the commission pie simply because they learned that a Buyer - such as yourself - has made it known that you want to Buy.

These Brokers feel that they are due a larger piece simply for only referring you to me -- which is usually too high.  So, ask yourself: Is it truly worth their demand for more money just because they passed along a Buyer client's name or telephone number?

IF you did a little more research, you would have stumbled upon me.  Thus giving you access to a Seller directly.

I truly do NOT want to be a apart of these broker chains.

However, IF you are truly interested in acquiring a Las Vegas Resort Casino property, please forgo the Broker chain, and sign with me directly as your Broker.  And, "Yes!" that requires an officer of your corporation duly authorized to sign a Non Circumvent Commission Agreement (which is located in the right hand column about midway down the blog under Las Vegas Casino Information) that you will compensate me directly from Escrow upon the Close of Escrow or the Sale of the subject Resort Casino Property!

But, remember, I do know which Resort property(s) are actually for sale. Signing up with me to represent you doesn't mean a deal will get down. That could take time and effort on your part. And, of course, there could be attorneys involved. But you will actually get closer to submitting an LOI or Offer to the correct person; which gets you closer to Las Vegas Resort Casino Ownership; which with my help -- and you compensating me a fee to represent you -- is a small price to pay for a Resort Casino Property Ownership.

Lastly, ALL interested parties will have to disclose their financial capabilities to me. That way, I know upfront that you are able to complete a purchase prior to making an offer. And getting that LOI or Offer with the appropriate financial qualifying paperwork to the 'key' person, protects my reputation as a Real Estate Broker and will allow them to know that YOU are qualified to Buy.

I appreciate your patience and tolerance in the matter.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, August 17, 2015

Las Vegas Resort CEO is a Big, Fat Liar!

Now, I was taught, while growing up, that if you can't say something nice about someone, say nothing at all.

However, I recently had the displeasure of talking to a CEO of a gaming company, who in an email and on the telephone told me the biggest lie of the year.

He said that a certain casino property was NOT FOR SALE!  And, because he was so bold in his pronunciation about it, I took him at his word.

Well, about three months pass.  And, in the local news was the headline that a certain casino had sold.


Why would a CEO change his mind?  What enticed him to make the Sell decision?

I am at a loss because my Buyer just wanted at least an opportunity to make an offer to acquire the property.

Well, the CEO's explanation was that the buyer had inquired about the property constantly for about five years.

I had inquired, too.  But, since I was only a broker, the CEO decided to invalidated me as not being a true representation of a qualified buyer!

I had explained to the CEO that my client was already Nevada Gaming Approved, already owned six Nevada casinos, and owned two other casinos out of state.

So, this leads me to believe there was something more to this transaction that doesn't seem -- kosher(?).

I get the feeling that there is a little more than his brief explanation that something is going on behind the scenes. Is it something shady?  I don't know.

But, my question still is: Why not allow for a sales competition to go on in an effort to get the highest and best offer for the property?

Unfortunately, the CEO will never say what the true reason is for just allowing one person/company to bid and then close at a price I feel is below the market price for this property.

My Buyer client said he didn't want to get into a "pissing" war since the deal is done.

So, I am hoping that his company's board is done with this CEO.  Only an idiot would quietly sell a casino property so that only one company was able to make an offer.

In my opinion, he did NOT do what was best for the ownership entity at all!

Just my two cents!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

ICYMI: Kickbacks are Illegal in Real Estate!

Now, I know this happens.  However, since I don't pay kickbacks, I don't know how agents get away with it; OR, why an agent would even do this in the first place!

But, in the past, I have worked at companies where (a few) agents, for whatever stupid reason, would agreed to pay a Buyer or Seller a kickback for using that agent to sell or acquire a property.

It is stupid.  It is unnecessary.  And, it is only because of the client's greed that they would do this.

In real estate, you are usually splitting the commission with the broker, and sometimes with a partner. So, why would you give any amount of money to either client whether they are the Buyer or Seller?

The Buyer, usually, is getting the benefit of acquiring the property -- in monthly rents.  So, they are making money anyway.
The Seller, usually, is getting the profit for owning the property.  So, they are making money anyway, too!

I just don't understand it.

I work hard for my commission fee.  I deserve to keep as much of it as possible.
And if a Buyer agrees or a Seller agrees to compensate me for helping them navigate a commercial real estate transaction, then I have earned that fee upon the close of escrow or the close of the sale.

And, I will not be held accountable for an action a few deem appropriate when in truth, it is inappropriate and most importantly, illegal!

Just my two cents!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Wrote another Purchase Offer for a Las Vegas Resort Casino!

For those who are interested and qualified, I wrote another offer for another Las Vegas Resort Casino Property last week.

Now, I do know that several others will be coming online in the next week to a month or so.  And, in order to receive any information about these properties, your company signatory (CEO or better) must fill out and sign the Non Circumvent, Confidentiality and Commission Agreement (you can find this located in the right column below this post) and email it back to me in order to receive any details on any property.

Also, since the current owner of these resort casinos will be requiring Proof of Funds, you might as well send that to me, too.

The owners have told me, that any offer to purchase MUST include that you as the Buyer must have the financial capability and provide Proof of Funds to close an escrow/sale of the property.

And, the offers must be from people/companies that are either currently licensed - or who are capable of being licensed by the Nevada Gaming Control Board. And, this is ALL prior to release of any property information.

The First is a larger property and it will run you +/-$1.5 Billion.  (That's all I am going to say about this property at this time.)

The Second is another large Resort gaming property that will run you around +/-$500 Million.

The Third is a smaller property that will run you around $110 Million.

AGAIN, if you want any information on any Las Vegas Resort property, click on the Las Vegas Casino Information button just below to the right, print the form, fill it out, have your company signatory sign it, and email it back to me.  Once received, I will provide you with the property details that fit your qualifying capacity.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND you can Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Las Vegas Resort Buyers! Beware of the International Casino Brokers!

A client who is trying to finance a hotel purchase here in Las Vegas, called me yesterday to say that he found several resort casino properties available for sale that I had not told him about.

Confused, since I am more than willing to disclose everything I know about a resort casino that is for sale, I asked, "What properties did you find out about that are "For Sale" properties?"

He told me about a web site -- which is based over seas -- that has what I consider "a hidden agenda" about trying to make money off of suckers interested in acquiring a Las Vegas NV Resort Casino Property.  I know and believe this web site is misleading potential buyers.

The site states that they "just listed" several properties and gives an estimated EBITDA that to me "looks" fake.

Now, according to the web site, in order to get these numbers, you must sign a Non Circumvent and Commission Agreement -- which is normal; EXCEPT that the following circumstances apply.

1.) Resort Property owners -- especially those in Las Vegas -- don't list properties with overseas brokers.  Not ever, never.  Local Brokers even have a hard time getting these properties exclusively listed to sell.

2.) They definitely never, ever reveal any financial information to anyone!  So, having an EBITDA to disclose tells me this is extremely false.  And an estimate EBITDA with numbers that are laughable, is funny in itself.

3.) I live and work in Las Vegas.  Most of what he claims that he has listed is honest and truly NOT FOR SALE!  Now, in the years I have lived and worked in Las Vegas, I developed direct access to the owners' decision makers.  And, none of these people will ever, ever say their property is for sale; and absolutely none will ever give me access to their financial information.  It's NOT going to happen!

Besides, some of the Land that this overseas broker claims to have listed is actually NOT LISTED. And, by the description, I know which property these are because, like I said above, I live and work in Las Vegas, NV.  (By the way, the land he claims to have listed, he claims to have approved high rise plans.  The problem with the land's location is: a high rise building can NOT go there. You will have to contact me as to why.)

So, IF you happen to find this ridiculous web site and see a Las Vegas property that interests you "listed" for sale, please give me a call.

I guarantee, I will tell you the truth because I do NOT make any money by lying to potential clients.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Las Vegas Resorts, Casinos and Hotels For Sale!!

For those who are Interested and Qualified, there will be several Las Vegas Resort Casino Hotel Properties coming on the market in the next few weeks to a month -- according to the Seller.

So, if you are truly interested (and most importantly Qualified) in pursuing a Las Vegas Resort Casino Hotel Property, please click on the Las Vegas Casino Information Button in the right column (to the lower right of this page).

Your company signatory must sign this Non Circumvent, Confidentiality and Commission Agreement in order to obtain any property information.  (Property details will NOT be offered or released unless you have printed, filled out and signed by your company's signatory.  Then, you must  scan the form back into your computer and emailed it to me for my signature.)

The values of these Resort Hotel Casino Properties will run from +/-$250 Million and up!

And there are smaller 'Casino' less expensive gaming properties available. too!

For example, there is a +/-5,000 SF small local 'casino' restaurant property and that will run you +/-$5 Million.  This is being offered at this higher than normal price because this property still has the "Unrestricted Gaming" designation which is "Grandfathered" from the newer gaming rules and regulations.  However, you will still need to provide qualifying information to move forward with this because of the Nevada Gaming Approval element.

To receive information on any of these properties, just email me for details!

I appreciate you patience in this and hope to be able to bring you other Resort Properties in the next few months.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND you can Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nevada Hotel Properties Marketed As Casinos Could Be NOT!

Working in commercial real estate usually entitles me to emails which when I "look" at them, I realize that the "Listing Agent/Broker" is trying to sell something that "Smells Fishy."

Recently, my Inbox has received emails about certain hotel properties inside of Nevada claiming that they are "Casino" properties.

Now, because I talk a lot -- mostly to people who own/work/manage casino properties in Las Vegas and the rest of Nevada, I do have a sense of what is or could be For Sale.

So, when I get property information via a National Real Estate web site, where I know for a fact that the owner is willing to sell, BUT he will NOT list it -- even though this particular agent/broker claims it is listed with him.  It isn't.

And, this agent/broker is claiming this property is a casino.  It isn't a casino, either.

Now, the reason why this particular hotel is NOT a casino is that the previous owner and the current owner agreed to a Non-Gaming Deed Restriction on the Property because between the two of them, they own ALL the Gaming properties in this part of Nevada and they decided that restricting this property against gaming would help the other casinos in this area.

Anyway, when I called the current owner, asking about the potential sale of his hotel property, he did tell me to bring him an offer within a certain price range, and he'd consider it base on the offer's merits.

When I told him that another agent/broker claims to have it listed, he assured me that it is NOT listed ("I don't need to list the property because I can sell it myself." was essentially his answer.  He owns a lot of property here and in California.)

So, when you see a Nevada "casino" property being solicited from any national web site or company, why don't you give me a call to find out the truth.

My reason for this is: Wouldn't you prefer dealing with some one who is being honest from the get go; rather than some one who is falsifying their status about a casino property?

Thought so...


Contacting David Howes about any Nevada casino property is easy -- I can be reached by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND you can Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Las Vegas Resorts For Sale! Yes! I Know Which Ones Are Truly Available!

Having lived and worked in Las Vegas since 1995, you learn a thing or two about how 'business' gets done in this particular southwestern town called Las Vegas!

For one thing: Las Vegas commercial real estate (CRE) requires that you build a client base of Owners who trust you.  So, in the 18 plus years of working & living in this desert, I have developed relationships with 'key' people who can help me help you acquire a resort property.

Thus, this gives me an advantage that you absolutely need if you want to be successful in acquiring a Las Vegas Resort Casino.  And, that is: I know who the 'key' people are that you need to know to even approach at a Resort, to get to the owner (its board members) who will be making the Yes decision about whether they will sell or not.  And, you will agree, that, that is the most important requirement there is.

So, if you want you can go it alone and see what happens; OR sign me up to help you get to those people.

Now, most Resorts in general do NOT like Real Estate Brokers.  They think only attorneys are capable or necessary.  I understand their plight.  I have seen, first hand, other Real Estate Brokers  -- some from half way around the world -- way over-charge Buyer clients simply because the Broker thinks the information about what is for sale, or even who to present offers to, is worth more than gold.

And, because those Brokers think they are special, that is the key to my success.

Yes. I know which Resort Casino properties are truly being considered for sale!

And, "Yes!" I know the 'key' people to contact at those properties.

And, unfortunately, just as the other Brokers, the key element involved requires you -- as the Buyer -- to compensate me.  BUT, that is where the difference lies between me and them. I ask for a 1% commission fee.  But, just as everything else in life, I am flexible.

Recently, a CA Broker told me that he has a Buyer from the South Pacific rim who wants to acquire a Las Vegas Resort Casino AND he is willing to pay that broker a ridiculously high fee demand of 3%!

I'm sorry. But, I do NOT know of any Buyer who is that ready, willing and able to pay a 3% fee on a $1 Billion dollar property. How much is that?  $30 Million?!

Given that Resort Casino prices are mostly in the hundreds of millions, my charging a 1% fee seems reasonable.

Now, please be aware of Broker Chains. This is where two or more Brokers want a piece of the commission pie simply because they learned that a buyer - such as yourself - has made it known that you want to Buy a Resort Casino property.  These Brokers feel that they are due a larger piece simply for referring you to someone such as me.

So, ask yourself: Is it truly worth their demand for more money just because they passed along a Buyer client's name or telephone number to me.

IF you did a little more research, you would have stumbled upon me.  Thus giving you access to the seller directly through me.

I truly do NOT want to be a apart of these broker chains.

However, IF you are truly interested in acquiring a Las Vegas Resort Casino property, please forgo the Broker chain, and sign with me directly as your Broker.

And, "Yes!" that requires an officer of your corporation duly authorized to sign a Non Circumvent Commission Agreement that you will compensate me directly from Escrow upon the Close of Escrow or the Sale of the subject Resort Casino Property!  ((The form can be found in the right hand column under Las Vegas Casino information -- just over to the right!))

But, remember, I actually do know which Resort property(s) are currently for sale. And, by signing up with me to represent you doesn't mean a deal will get down. That could take time and effort on your part.

And, of course, there will attorneys involved. But you will actually get closer to submitting an LOI or Offer to the correct person; which gets you closer to Resort Casino Ownership; which with my help -- and you compensating me a fee to represent you -- is a small price to pay for a Resort Casino property Ownership.

Lastly, ALL interested parties will have to disclose their financial capabilities.  That way, I know upfront which property you are truly capable of completing a purchase on prior to making an offer.

And getting that LOI or Offer with the appropriate financial qualifying paperwork to the 'key' person, protects my reputation as a Real Estate Broker and will allow them to know that YOU are qualified to Buy.

I appreciate your patience and tolerance in the matter.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, June 29, 2015

Yesterday, while talking to a Seller...

As most of you know, I am a very experienced Nevada Licensed Real Estate Broker.  I have 23 and more than one half years of experience helping Sellers and Buyers work their way through the CRE acquisition process.  So, none have ever ask me my experience in a particular price range.  (I thought this odd.)

Anyway, the Seller (of a Las Vegas hotel property) asked me WHAT? was the highest price real estate transaction I have ever closed.  I wasn't sure, so I said I didn't really know because I have done a lot of transactions through the years but the exact sales price escapes me.  Well, he said it was important to him that I have experience in a certain price range in order to gain his confidence in my ability to Sell his property.

He said that without that experience he didn't want to be the first to train me in that price range. (What??)

He went on to suggest that if I was with an international firm, I would have the experience to sell his property.

(Okay, I had to stop him right at this point.  First, I told him, I did work for two international firms and that since the international firm he was leaning toward, didn't like splitting commissions with anyone else, they were NOT going to respond to my telephone calls or emails.  I explained the problems I had, had with this particular firm over the years; AND, I told him that the firms I had worked for in the past did the same thing. He was shocked to hear this.)

Fortunately, I did have one experience in the price range he was asking about; the problem was it was a build to suit for lease (Total Lease Value +/-$16 Million).  You see, just because a bully of a real estate firm comes along doesn't mean they are truly capable of the job -- especially when they refused to call other brokers back or even pass along a counter offer they have received from their own listed client.  (Yes! This very firm did just that on a smaller building sale where I represented the Buyer and they represented the Seller.)

However, this particular Seller didn't believe me.  He thought it foolish for a company to attempt to only double end the commissions, thus voiding any potential sale.  I had to remind him that when you deal with an international real estate firm that promotes that they have a team working on Selling your property, there is very little commission to be split unless you can control both sides of the transaction.  Still, I got the feeling he was thinking I had sour grapes for this firm.

Anyway, one of the listing competition to his property was listed with this very same firm; and, they failed to sell it.  Thus, the "new" broker for the property.

So, I had to explain to this Seller that the selling price -- though important -- was NOT the most important part of the selling process.  I unfortunately, had to explain to this Seller what truly happens when a large real estate firm comes along and tells a Seller that they have +/-6,000 agents worldwide searching for a buyer for his property.  (Not True!)

In truth, ONE agent will be doing a whole lot of cold calling.  They will call every hotel owner they can think of and ask if they are interested in a Las Vegas hotel.  I can already tell you, the cold called person is going to say yes.  (All hoteliers world wide are interested in a Las Vegas Hotel.  The problem has always been the price.  Las Vegas hotel properties prices are too high for most hoteliers.)

Anyway, since I don't think I convinced him, I left the meeting thinking I just wasted my time.  Since I already have offers on other Resort Properties in the $50 to $500 Million range, I thought it best to go back to working on those transactions to make sure they close.

It also reminded me of when my Real Estate Broker's license was hung with the large international firms: I did learn a lot about CRE during this period. BUT, that the fact that I would receive only about 35% of the earned commission fee when I was doing 90% of the work still sits unsettling to me.

Now, there's no need for me to bash the international real estate companies, so I will let the following experiences I have had be your guide to your own judgement of me.

While at this international firm, I was once called by a secretary there, "The hardest working broker she ever saw that earned so little money."

That sounds really bad, doesn't it?

But it was true. I grew up knowing that IF you went the extra mile for a client, your effort was always noticed by the right people.

So, as an example, a large national apartment company executive once said to me just off the cuff while discussing Las Vegas apartment locations, "David, you are the baseball player that runs out the ground ball to second!" Really? Me? I don't even like baseball. (I know I am a sick puppy of a man.)

Another example, is a local Las Vegas convenience store owner who said to me, "I picked you to sell my under performing stores because you are the only real estate broker who didn't lie to me."

(At first, I thought he was joking?) Then, I remembered that during the listing appointment, I wondered why he was asking me questions that I thought he should have known the answers to.)

Then, there is the largest real estate deal I have ever been involved in: Konami Gaming (The +/-$16 Million Build to Suit For Lease.)

I received a call from the HR VP of the local office. She asked that I come over to discuss Konami's plan to move to a larger location. After an initial meeting with the local office President, my next meeting -- to my surprise -- was with the Konami Gaming CEO.

We started out to look at buildings in only one area in particular just south of McCarran International Airport. And as we drove, we "looked" at various buildings. I soon got the impression he had already seen these before -- at least from the outside.

I did end up -- the last building on my list which he had NOT seen -- showing him my only listing in the area.  And, while on the way to the building, I asked him IF Feng Shui was going to be in integral part of his decision making process.

He looked at me incredulously. I felt doomed. (I thought I had just blown the deal because he was Japanese and Feng Shui is Chinese.) To my relief, he said yes. And asked me IF I had knowledge of Feng Shui? I told him I only had a limited knowledge of it and I told him the little that I could remember.

As we toured my listed building, he took note of the items about the building that were NOT Feng Shui.

Later, after our viewings were complete, and I was driving him back to his Las Vegas office, empty handed, the Konami CEO said that out of the six brokers he drove with to look at property, I was the only RE Broker to ask him the Feng Shui question. I now knew he was impressed with me.

And since I felt like I didn't find an appropriate building for him, I parked on a vacant parcel that fronted Sunset Road and Bermuda. This parcel has an unobstructed view of McCarran International Airport; and was large enough for a +/-115,000 SF building.  This is when I asked the CEO IF building his own building to his specifications would be a more economic alternative for him. Looking at the view, he replied he'd talk to his board.

It only seems now like it was a few days afterwards when the HR VP called me and said the CEO was impressed with me, my knowledge and my suggestion to him. She was calling to arrange our next meet when he returned to Las Vegas from Tokyo so we could start the paperwork for a Build to Suit For Lease.

Long story short (Too Late?), that's what they did.  (Recently, they enacted the Purchase Clause in the lease and they now own the property.

So, IF you don't know me, I may seem aggressive. IF you do know me, I may seem bossy. AND, I really do NOT like baseball. (Boring.)

But, as the previous secretary said, I try way too hard for my clients for them to NOT work with me.  And IF you don't work with me, you will never know just how hard I really do work for my client's business.

And if you do decide to let me work for you, you will find out why I don't want to be just one of many when I stand out so well on my own. (Sorry to pause to pat myself on the back.)

AND, I do NOT need the (artificial) backing of an international real estate firm to be successful in selling your property.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, June 5, 2015

Information on Las Vegas Resort Properties For Sale!

Attention, companies that are interested and who are qualified to acquire a Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Property!

I have information on several Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Properties that will be coming on the market in the next month or so -- according to a well place gaming executive source.

So, IF your company is interested in pursuing a Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Property Opportunity, please click on the Las Vegas Casino Information Button in the right column (to the lower right of this page).

You must have your company's signatory (President/CEO) fill out and sign this Non Circumvent, Confidentiality and Commission Agreement in order to obtain any property information for any of the subject properties that will be coming available.

(Please be mindful that no property details will be offered to anyone unless I have received this form, completely filled out, and signed!  Please print the attached form, fill out, scan and then email it back to me for my signature.)

The values of these Hotel Resort Casino Properties will run from -- well, it will be +/-Hundreds of Millions and up!  So, be mindful and not waste my time.

I appreciate your patience in this and I am hopeful to be able to help you acquire a Las Vegas Hotel Resort Casino Property in the next few months.

For more Information about Las Vegas Commercial Investment Real Estate Property, contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet; OR, 702-501-9388!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Women! Commercial Real Estate (CRE) is NOT an exclusive Men's Club!

Many times I have seen news stories outlining where women are paid less then men! OR, how women want -- no demand -- equality!

Well, in the 24 years I have been a Real Estate Broker, I have Sold only a few properties to women.

Is that my fault?  I have said this before, and I feel I am repeating myself over and over and over, again and again.

Women! Commercial Real Estate (CRE) is NOT an exclusive Men's Club!

But do these women listen to me?  Hell, No.  And, through the years, I have noticed that numerous women will complain about Men Not Listening to them.

Well, whether you are a man or a woman, from my perspective: Woman need to show men that they can invest and work in the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) field just like a man.

Do you women want Men to treat you as an equal?  Then, women must start playing in the same arenas as men and one of the most lucrative arenas in the world is CRE.

So, instead of complaining you are NOT being paid the same as men, start being a CRE mogul and see IF that changes men's perception of you.

And when you do start acquiring CRE property, please be kind and contact me first.  I will be more than happy to show you how CRE pays you back over the long term.  You may have: "smart people' managing your money.  But, part of money management is diversification.  And CRE does just that!

For more Information about How? a Woman can get started in acquiring CRE property, contact David Howes at: david AT davidhowes DOT net or 702-501-9388