Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Standing at the Free Throw Line of Life!

I stopped watching the NBA a few years back. The reason still is what was once an annoyance to me had in fact become a heart wrenching occurrence.

Fouls!  I hate the foul out rule!  You bump into or slap an opponent trying to shoot the ball and you hear the inevitable whirl of the whistle!  Followed by the word: Foul!

It's like you get reported to the principal or your parent because a fellow student or sibling is tattle-tailing on you for doing what you are supposed to do.

Defense in the NBA is virtually non-existent anymore.  And if you are being penalized for playing defense, it is because that is the way the game is designed to be played.  You are forced out of the game for the rest of the game -- because of it.


Anyway, as a former basketball player -- OK that would be a stretch.  I was a hack basketball player.  But, I was always able to stand at the free throw line and make them.  I think I could make 100 out of 100 if I concentrated. But, still I was 85 to 86% accurate.

So, I don't understand professional basketball players who can't (or don't want to) make free throws.  It's 15 feet straight on, and the basket is 10' high. It truly is NOT that difficult.

Anyway, I have stopped watching basketball altogether and have started to watch Hockey.  And, it is NOT a racial thing because two of the best hockey players in the NHL today are Black.  African-Canadian I think they said they were.

So, as in basketball, players play from one end of the rink/court to the other attempting to shoot a puck/ball beyond another player. But, in Hockey, an opposing player can legally goal tend.  I find this sport to be more exciting and less frustrating than sitting and watching some one blow a whistle and then shout: Foul! just because an opposing player is actually "playing basketball."

Hockey does have a penalty phase, but that is normally a player sitting out for 2 minutes while the other team has an a man advantage.

What does this have to do with Commercial Real Estate?  Absolutely nothing.  I'm just venting!
So, please have a wonderful day!

Oh!  I believe the NHL Hockey season started October 7th, 2015!

Go Bruins!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

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