Showing posts with label Investments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Investments. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year with Good Riddance to 2020!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Frozen Foreclosures are happenning!

Even though I do NOT list or sell Single family homes as a Commercial Real Estate Broker, I do follow and occasionally buy homes for my own sake.

And with the economy headed into the toilet, again. (Thank You Donald Trump!)
I have heard that there are thousands of homes in pre-foreclosure. This means the home owner hasn't made any mortgage payments for months. Thus, here is one explanation:

The temporary freeze on foreclosures applies to Fannie- or Freddie-backed, single-family mortgages only. The pause on evictions applies only to tenants who live in properties that have been acquired by Freddie or Fannie through foreclosure. It does not apply to tenants in homes that have not been foreclosed on.Aug. 27, 2020

So, with homes about to be foreclosed upon; and the amount of homes already foreclosed but still being occupied by the owner or tenant, we are going to see, probably at the beginning of the new year, another tsunami of homes for sale via foreclosure or portfolio sales just as we saw in 2009.

So, if you are a home investor, kind of like me, you are going to see another opportunity like in 2009, to acquire rental properties on the cheap.

Since I was looking to buy another rental property this summer, the wife and I decided to hold off to see just where prices were headed.

I think down.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Nothing like Heading Full Throttle Right into an Economic Depression

I am predicting economic disaster coming our way full throttle in the coming New Year of 2021.

To me, what Donald Trump and the Republicans have done with their Tax Cuts, is going to leave us hanging and will result in a large economic collapse than we had in late 2008 and early 2009.

Am I being pessimistic?

Will many people be losing their homes again?

Was Donald Trump the wrong person to be President?

And, his lack of leadership during this pandemic, has only fueled the fire.

I am guessing it will take more than a year to recover from such a devastating result of his incompetence!


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Unlicensed Real Estate Broker-Agents

Every so often, I will get a call from a "Broker-Agent" who has a client who is looking for some form of real estate product.

After discussing the situation with them about their client, I've gotten into the habit of asking these "Broker-Agents" their licensing status.

And, most will claim an affiliation with some brokerage or an attachment with someone who is licensed
(which is illegal) and they will be the "Broker-Agent" representing the Buyer in the deal.
Still Illegal!

Since these "Broker-Agents" usually are slick, and they attempt to oversell a property to a meaningful potential Buyer, the deal usually doesn't go through.

And, recently, I've run into this scenario but this time the well qualified Buyer didn't show up, but the "Broker-Agent" did with his licensed Agents in tow,

To me, I have never been that desperate to close a transaction that I would need to be involved as a licensed Broker in something like this to earn a commission.

Through my 29 years working in real estate, I would from time to time run into a Buyer who would want the Procuring Fee (or part of the Procuring Fee).  Also Illegal!

But, I'd rather lose that transaction than be beholden to them because once you do it, you then are on their hook!  I don't think it is worth it just to make money.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Are there 8% Cap Rates in Las Vegas?


I have one listed where the Owner is willing to sell his Downtown Las Vegas Studio Apartment building for an 8.2% Cap Rate.

This is a steal in today's market given that development along the north 'Strip' is picking up.

Alpine Motel Apartments

Now, the average net income for this property runs about $245,460 (Your numbers could be different.)

So, at a $3 Million Sales price, that puts the Cap Rate at....You guessed it! 8.2%.

If you have an interest in acquiring a value added multi-family apartment building in an area prime for re-development, this is it!

I am having a lot of up calls on this property, so I know it is NOT going to last.

Email me for property marketing details.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, July 10, 2017

CRE Deals Come & Go! Some Fly - Others Die!

It's NOT too often I would be insulted by comments made by a Seller or Buyer.

When you work hard and try to accomplish the impossible, there always seems to be something that goes wrong and sets you back.

I like the analogy: Take two steps forward; one step back.

Hey! It's real estate and you never know what could happen until it does.

For example: my son and his wife recently told us they wanted to acquire a house.  Okay. I asked could I refer you to someone?

He said, they were thinking of buying without an agent.
Now, having been in real estate since 1991, I had to go, "Woo!"

Why would you do that?  (He and she have never purchased a home before, so I can see the obstacles mounting right in front of them.)

Anyway, I got the feeling that some one had hooked their ear about saving money by doing it themselves.  (Sorry, folks! But, that doesn't happen! You just end up getting ripped off!)

Well, with the help of my wife -- our son's mother -- we think we've bridged that gap.  (We'll see.)

Then, about a week later, a developer I know who owns an Off Strip motel wanted to talk to me on a Sunday.  Okay, I understand that real estate might have to be a priority over the weekend.  Well, during the call he proceeded to chew me out because the Chinese buyer I was dealing with wasn't moving fast enough for him.

(This requires some back story: the developer acquired this off "strip motel about 11 years ago to re-develop it.  He has waited, and waited because the economy had gone south in the mean time.  And, since development money had dried up; it has recently reappeared in Las Vegas.  Lately, he started to make noise he was going to re-develop the motel again.  BUT, he was willing to sell, too.  After re-contacting the developer again, he set a couple of unrealistic deadlines to get him an offer.

Anyway, if you ever worked with Chinese buyers before, you know they tend to do things on their schedule -- not yours.

So, in the meantime, there were a few delays with the Chinese getting an offer started -- as is their MO.

Well, the Sunday morning call was to let me know, the developer wanted to deal directly with the Chinese group and I'd be paid anyway.  He said he didn't think I had the experience to handle his transaction.

Okay, I'm insulted.  But, I know this developer and he is an a--h---!

I took the information and proceeded to contact my co-brokering partner over seas.  He speaks fluent Chinese.  Well, he didn't like that idea and thought it fishy.  He said 'let's look for another property.'  Which I am doing.)

After wards, I was thinking about this situation, and came to the realization that the developer never, ever had any intention of selling.  He was just hedging his bet against the economy here in the US until it improved.  Which it has.

So, all those years trying to find a buyer for his property was -- well, it truly wasn't a waste of time.  I was able to find other buyers while using his property as a prop.

No loss I guess.

So, my experience is questionable to this developer. NOT!  It's his excuse to NOT sell his property and further to try and raise additional cash for his development.  Oh, well!

One day we'll cross paths again.  We'll see what has transpires in the meantime.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Whoever Coined the Phrase: 'Patience is a Virtue' never worked Las Vegas Commercial Real Estate!

Sure, waiting for something good to happen will leave you on the edge of your seat.
And, the opposite is true, too!

But, since I have been patient; and, I know I need to stay patient; something 'good' should (I mean) will happen!

But, I am tired of waiting.
I've run out of patience.
I was never a 'good' student when I 'had to wait.'

As a child growing up, I was the one student who wasn't diagnosed with one of those fidgety, anxious syndromes that caused teachers to look down on me as 'an unruly student.'

(Those diagnoses came along AFTER my time in elementary school.)

Anyway, back to the point...

There are properties available in Las Vegas right now that could be acquired for a good price.  The problem with this is: I continue to run into buyers who are still looking for a 'steal.'  (Unfortunately, those days have passed.)

But, for those who are interested, there are Las Vegas Casino Properties available for sale.  But, you must download the 'Non Circumvent and Commission Agreement' attached to the lower right under Las Vegas Casino Information Button, fill out, sign, scan, and email it back to me (This is required in order to receive any details on those properties.)

Now, the Owner(s) require all potential buyers to provide them with their financial capability! For example: Proof of Funds!
AND, yes, they are looking for companies that are able to qualify for a Nevada Gaming License. Unfortunately, this is ALL prior to the release of any property information. So, get assembling your financial statements!

Also, for those who are interested, there are Las Vegas Commercial Properties available for sale.

Whether you are a beginner or small investor; or if you are capable of closing large Commercial Real Estate transactions, there is a property available for you.  Just send me an email with your acquisition criteria and I will get to work.

AND, lastly, there are still properties that are "develop-able" OR "re-develop-able."

All you need to do is...

Contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Urban vs Rural; OR, Blue vs Red

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog about how 57 counties in the US of A are responsible for 2/3's of the nation's GNP; while 3,182 counties or there about only contribute to 1/3rd of that amount.

This got me thinking about an article I read a long time ago from a Princeton University Professor who said we didn't live in Democrat or Republican Societies; we actually live in Urban and Rural Societies.

I now know this to be more true than ever.

For the most part, Urban societies are about growth, working and living close to each other.  This actually requires Urban Society rules of courtesy and accommodation; whereas, Rural Societies are more about individual strength, living on your own, providing for yourself and family what the land gives.  They are more encouraged by self governing, and not worrying about whether your neighbor is making too much noise at 2 AM.  Rural Society feels that any government regulation is an intrusion upon their lifestyle.  So, they are not going to have any part of it.

Once, while talking to an Urban Planner, he remarked that Urban Society rules will work in a Rural Society Setting just as wells as in the city;  but, he continued, that, Rural Rules would never work in an Urban Society Setting at all.

And, I think that is the reason Rural Society doesn't like or fit into Urban Society -- especially when Urban Society moves too close to Rural -- think Oil and Water.

Let's take for example, this current news story from the Las Vegas Review Journal.  A lot of you will have no idea what or where Blue Diamond is -- except you might think that, that is the name of a Street here in Southern Nevada.

Blue Diamond Development

But, a local developer, who acquired +/-2,400 acres on a Mesa in the southwest of the Las Vegas Valley, wants to build single family homes on what was once a Gypsum Mine located on this Mesa; and, the good folks of Blue Diamond, being the proud members of a Rural Society, don't want the influx of traffic, the new homes, and especially -- the number of people who would be using this new development as their place of residence.

That's right.  The current residents of Blue Diamond don't want Urban Society invading (moving into) their Rural Society.

Which is sad, because, with the influx of the new homes, this Rural Society would see the increase the Blue Diamond's revenue, increase in retail spending, newer commercial development, and the ease of expanding their economic output.  Thus, in other words, increasing their profit potential from adding to the County's, State's, and the Countries GNP!

But, because of their 'back off!' attitude; which could easily translate into we don't want your kind, which is mistaken for racial prejudice -- regardless of Who actually moves into the new development, they would forgo the economic improvement to their lives because...well, their Rural Society Lifestyle would have to change -- for the most part.

Now, I am sure that the current residents of Blue Diamond are very, good God fearing, wonderful people.  But, unless they understand that the only way to improve themselves and to improve their lives is to embrace progress, their community will eventually die -- just as other counties in other states where they solely only want their old factory job to be returned to them that in reality is never, ever going to happen.

In an Urban Society, from what I can tell, progress is the way for an Society -- whether Urban or Rural -- to continue to look forward to the  horizon that is directly in front of you.

If you are just looking at what was, and not at what could be, this has and always will lead every Society to ruin.  Just take a look at the numerous ghost towns that failed to see what was coming.

Urban or Rural.  Progress keeps a Society active and economically growing.

Just my two cents.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump: Flimflam man?

A few months ago, I did an Internet search for businessmen who became presidents.  Some were senators and congressmen before becoming president.

But, these supposed businessmen who were elected president had one thing in common: They were all in the lower half when ranking them as successful presidents.  (I think the highest was 26.)
Anyway, on the opposite end were the successful Presidents.  These men all had one thing in common: they were failed businessmen.

And, by far the most successful president ever was even considered a failed lawyer.
Go figure. (Or, Google this yourself to verify.)

Now, as for Trump's "Successful" Las Vegas Tower.  People may look at it and wonder how this became so successful.

Well, it was headed into foreclosure in 2010-11.  How do I know this?  Well at that time, a Los Angeles real estate investor client, called me to ask if I could do him a favor and get him quality comps for the Las Vegas Strip condos.

I asked, 'Why?"  (The reason I asked is because I don't sell residential real estate -- at least not individual properties.)

Anyway, he told me that the bank holding the note had contacted him to see if he'd be interested in acquiring the loan.

(Now, this is not unheard of since lenders do this all the time. (It's one of the factors that led Wall Street into their collapse in 2008.))

Anyway, I got the condo comps and sent it to him.

He decided to NOT purchase the loan because, upon receiving the comps, he knew the bank was asking way too much per unit for him.

Later, when talking to this very same investor about another property, I asked what had happen to that loan.

He said that he was told by the bank that Phil Ruffin had paid it off.

(Apparently, Phil still owned the land separate from the tower and wasn't going to chance losing his investment in the land to the bank foreclosing on the tower when the condos didn't sell.)

So, if Phil didn't mention this as a Trump success at the Republican Convention, I guess Phil would know first hand.

Lastly, I doubled checked the ownership on this property recently and most of the units are currently owned by Hilton Vacation Timeshares.  Phil sold the remaining unsold condos to them after he had started to use this building as a timeshare component of his TI Resort Property.

So, if Trump is heard talking about how successful his Las Vegas Tower has been, remember, here is another building with the Trump name on it where he only owns the condos on the 33rd floor.

I guess getting your name on a building you no longer own is something to brag about.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, July 25, 2016

Las Vegas CRE with +/-8% Cap Rates are NOT selling! Why?

You know, I believe that anything is possible.  I think it's the optimist in me.  So, when the economy turns and I see deals starting to come along, and they turn to steals, this is when I believe that I can help any investor buy any Las Vegas investment property.

However, the problem I am having today is kind of complicated.

You see, there is an election going on in the US and both candidates are either well liked; or hated.

The sad thing about this is -- since I am subscribed to several property listing services -- I am being barraged with other CRE company's emails claiming that they have SOLD property in surrounding states at such a high price (or low Cap Rate) that right here in Las Vegas, Sellers are struggling to even attract investor's attention at +8% Cap Rates!

I am, after all, more than willing to help a Seller get as much money for their property as long as the Buyer is willing to accept the Seller's price as a great deal (maybe a steal) from acquiring a real estate property.

What confuses me more than anything else is that our +8% Cap Rates are a steal!

Especially when a McDonald's in Southern California sells for a 3.54% Cap Rate!!  OR, a Walgreen's in Arizona Sells for a 5.33% Cap Rate!

I find this not only confusing, BUT unbelievable!  Why would an investor buy such a property at such a high price -- just because it is located in another state?

IF you are NOT one of these investors, or you are and are now just realizing your mistake, please send me an email and I will gladly send you the latest on the better than average CRE properties that are currently available.

I appreciate your support.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Real Estate Mortgage Payoff!


I am going to get a little too personal in this blog.  I try to NOT talk about myself here.  (There are so many other "things" that are way more interesting then me.)

It's not going to be TMI.  Since, I am not a celebrity or even a 'want-to-be,' there will be no naked pictures.  (My 60 year old body would break the camera.)

Anyway, I have a bone to pick with a mortgage servicing company.

My wife and I took out an Equity Line of Credit ten years ago just in case there were any exceedingly expensive expenses we may encounter during our home ownership stay.

Now that the initial ten years has passed, and our loan is now a 15/15 loan, we have decided to just pay it off.

But, since I deal with lots and lots of real estate investors -- some that I have talked to offered to buy my loan and then I could pay them off!

Sounds good, right?

Anyway, I know the trick to mortgages and since I did help one client to do just this, they have "owed" me ever since.

You see, I know that the mortgage servicing company that "took over my loan" actually "acquired"  my loan from Goldman Sachs "at a very steep discount."

Now, they are trying to convince me to make monthly payments to them for the full loan amount that we currently owe.

So, I said to myself: Self! Since this mortgage servicing company didn't pay full price when they acquired my loan, why don't I just offer them a reduced payoff?.  Then, they would just re-convey the loan to me!  Since they paid less than half of what I owe to buy my loan, I think it is more than fair that I pay them slightly more than what they paid and we can call it even.

Logical, right?!

The mortgage telephone lady said, "I couldn't do that" because "I owe almost $40,000.00."
I told her to have someone from their company who had the authority to say yes, call me.  Once agreed, I would set up a wire transfer between my bank and their bank and we could call it a day.

Hopefully, this works.

I will have to keep you posted.  No calls yet...

In the meantime, for more detailed information about Commercial Real Estate...

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, June 20, 2016

Las Vegas: Profitable Nevada Ski Resort For Sale!

Within the past month, I have mentioned that I was trying to list a Nevada Ski Resort.
Well, the attorney for the owner wants to handle the sale, so I will let him.

This Ski Resort is NOT in the Las Vegas area!  However, it is within the state boundaries of Nevada and is one of the state's oldest and well run Ski Resorts!

I won't tell you much about it here but if you are interested and qualified, send me an email and I will reply with an Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) -- so that no one will go around me on this.

The attorney handling this has set up a Data Room where all the property details are located.  To access the Data Room, you need to email the signed NDA back to me.

If you want to see the Ski Resorts' financials, you will have to prove to me and the attorney you are capable of closing a sale in the $65 Million range.  So, please include your financial capacity with your company signatory signed NDA to proceed.

Want further information?  That will take you sending me an email.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Sunday, June 5, 2016

"That's a lie! Realtor X said....!"

Talk about disrespect.

Why is it that some people who are supposed to be the closet to you; will treat you with utter disrespect?  You know who I am talking about: Family.

Is it Jealousy?
Are they really that envious of you because you are viewed as being more successful than they are??

Through the years, I have discovered that when certain family members ask me a real estate related question, the hair on the back of my neck feels funny.  So, I usually inquire to myself: Am I being set up?

And, the answer is sure to be: Yes!  Why, yes?  Because most of the time, that's what happens.

They will ask a question, like it's a simple I need to know some of your real estate knowledge type question; I will give an honest answer (why not, it's real estate and most of the time you can search it on the internet); and then, these ungrateful siblings will look at me with that stupid quizzical look in their eyes that say: you're lying!

And, I mean, they will come right out and say to me that I am 'Lying' to them!

What?  Why would I lie to you? I usually ask.
How do you know I am lying? is usually what I have to ask back.

Then, they reveal that they spoke with Mr/Mrs X (for a better nondescript person) and Mr X said -- and they will repeat the lie and announce that they believe it to be true.

I am left dumbfounded.  I usually ask myself just afterward, why?
And the answer is always: Because, there is no reason for me to lie to them.
Why would I?  I am NOT getting any monetary value from it.

It's so frustrating.  I need to learn and stay away from family completely.

This all falls back to my early days in real estate under the tutorial-age of Mike Sitren.

He was correct: One of his rules is and always will be: Don't help family with any real estate related problem; you will regret it.
He emphasized to me one time that: If the transaction goes well, they will assume the credit; if it goes bad, you will get the blame. It's a no-win situation, he said.

And, God Bless the long deceased man.  He is still correct 23 years beyond his departure from this earth.

So, if you are NOT related to me, please remember...

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Saturday, May 28, 2016

History shows businessmen make bad U.S. Presidents

Every once in a while, some one, somewhere comes up with the idea that the President of the United States should be a businessman.  Well, it's not anything new.

There have been several Presidents that have been businessmen; and as this article outlines, they have turned out to be some of the worst Presidents in the history of the US.

Now, when a businessmen runs for President of the United States, they usually stand on the platform of their business accomplishments.  They pontificate how they -- as a successful businessman -- can get "things" done.

What they forget is that in order to get anything done in Washington, D.C. or even passed by Congress is: you need tact and tenacity.

However, most businessmen have tenacity.  It's essential to their job.  But, the lack of tact is what usually dooms them as President.

A lot of my fellow real estate broker colleagues criticize Obama.  They think he has been the worst president ever.

But what I see is a man who has a tremendous amount of tact and tenacity.  Even if you disagree with Obama's politics, Obama did get things done -- even though he was slowed by a do nothing Congress.

And, that in itself was a helpful element to Obama's success.  The reason is, when Congress does nothing, the business environment is supposed to improve.  Obama did take over the office at one of the worst possible times.

The World economy was in a deep recession -- maybe even a depression. (I will let the economic scholars decide.)

But, even while being criticized heavily from both sides of every issue, Obama maintained his tact and tenacity.  He was able to accomplish more than I thought he would.

While searching the internet for businessmen that were elected US President, I found this article.   Here a retired military officer/physician did some research and points out that every businessman who was elected US President, turned out to be a bad President.

So, to see what I am talking about, please read this article.

(You may have to copy and paste the links in your browser to review.)

Read and enjoy.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Chinese Investors Pour Money Into U.S. Property

This is nothing new.  For several years now, I have heard this tune and it doesn't seem to be letting up.

And with Chinese Companies like Anbang and FoSun acquiring US commercial -- and specifically Manhattan properties -- I don't think the trend is going to end.

The latest is: "China Life Insurance team with US developer to purchase Manhattan office tower that houses UBS."

Now, since commercial property sales have slowed in the U.S. so far this year, it appears that Chinese investors are able and brave enough to continue to plow money into this market.

So far in 2016, Chinese companies have purchased or will closed escrow on 47 U.S. properties worth $9.3 billion -- according to deal tracker Real Capital Analytics.

See the article linked here:

I just hope that these companies will turn their CRE acquisition attention to Las Vegas, NV as a place to invest.

With Las Vegas recovering from the 2008 economic collapse and affected property values dramatically lower, I believe the time is right for Las Vegas CRE to launch into another value increase.

Which means YOU should be taking advantage of these lower priced Las Vegas CRE properties.

So, IF you have any questions about investing in Las Vegas commercial real estate, contact me with your questions and I will reply as quickly as possible.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, May 16, 2016

8% Cap Rates have returned to Las Vegas!

This is to alarm you!  I am trying to wake you up!  Las Vegas CRE property prices have gone down, enough, to start telling everyone that there are now 8% Cap Rates available!

Generally, in Las Vegas, NV, most properties that would be listed at or near an 8% Cap Rate are properties I would NOT recommend to you.  These properties will have lots of hair on them and trying to trim the excess follicles will be daunting.

And, most of the problems could be that the tenant leases have less than 3 years remaining -- with no more tenant options; or they are a weak non-denominational church (type) tenant; or they are basing the 8% on whether or not the new owner will be able to re-lease the remaining vacancy up in a short time period post escrow (Not Likely).

However, because of the state of the economy, I have complied a list of CRE proeprties that you could acquire at an 8% Cap Rate or Higher.

So, if you have been considering acquiring a Las Vegas CRE property, I am now telling you, you can acquire that property for an 8% Cap Rate right here in Las Vegas, NV!

Where not even a year ago, these very same properties might be offered at a 6.5% Cap Rate range, you are now seeing them at 8% or Higher.

Now is you chance to acquire a property with better tenants or longer leases in the existing property.

For a complete list, please email me and i will reply with the list. Prices run from $600,000 to $10 Million.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Has Resort World Hit a Glitch?

I do know that Boyd Gaming wishes they had never tore down their Cash Cow Stardust property.  It was old and out dated, yet it was paid for.

Resort World, came to town and quickly snapped up the mostly vacant lot for an exceptional price.  $350 Million for +/-88 acres OR just under $4 Million an acre.

But, now I think, Genting Gaming finally realizes they bought on the wrong end of Las Vegas Blvd.

"The Strip" as it is known worldwide, runs from +/-Russell Road at the "Welcome to Las Vegas Sign" up to and including the Venetian and Palazzo Resort.  Anything north of the Spring Mt and Las Vegas Blvd intersection is truly NOT on "The Strip."

Now, Steve Wynn will say he's on "The Strip."  Ok, I'll go along with that simply because he's right at the NEC of this very intersection (Spring Mt turns into Twain from Las Vegas Blvd east).  And the Fashion Mall is on the NWC, so I'll allow them to say they are on "The Strip" too.

But, since the north part of this intersection has never truly ever been financially successful, it truly isn't "The Strip."  You see, the Strip is the section of Las Vegas Blvd where there are +/-100,000 people walking to and fro from one casino to another.  It is essentially the Entertainment Corridor that made Las Vegas famous for being the fun, party city it is.

And, if you ask most people what Las Vegas Blvd intersection they know the best or think of when they think of Las Vegas, they will say Tropicana and Las Vegas Blvd.

Now, as for the North end of Las Vegas Blvd, the Fontainebleau at maybe 50% completed sits unfinished because it is way, way overpriced.  I wrote an offer for it a few years ago at $450 Million, yet that was turned down as being too little.

The Alon, which sits almost directly across the street from the Wynn, is (apparently) struggling to raise the additional $300 Million needed to begin construction.

And, Wynn is proposing to build a +/-40 acre lake that will draw hotel guest away from the casino and out into the bright hot sun.  A Retired Gaming executive once told me you don't want your guest just sitting around lounging by the pool.  You want them inside the casino -- gambling.

Anyway, I always felt that Steve Wynn knew what he was doing.

Anyway, here is an article from Motley Fool you should read.  I feel it explains a lot about the North end of Las Vegas Blvd and the lack of construction in this area.  And, since there is very little foot traffic in this area, it is NOT the section of "The Strip" or more accurately Las Vegas Blvd that will be successful.

(You may have to copy and paste into your browser.)

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, April 15, 2016

Looking For a CRE Steal in Las Vegas? What about a Great Deal @ +/-9% Cap!

In the past I have written about Las Vegas CRE Cap Rates.

But, most investors I deal with on a regular basis truly don't understand how Cap Rates work.

Now, I don't mean to insult anyone, but I do need to explain that as long as long term interest rates are set at a number so low, the cause/effect of those low rates will keep CRE selling prices high -- which means low Cap Rates!

You see, if you get a loan at 3 or 4 percent, Cap Rates will remain at 5 to 6 percent.  It's just fundamentals. (Please contact an economist for further explanation.)

Anyway, back to my theme...

A local property owner contacted me last week to ask me if I could help him find a buyer for a property he acquired out of foreclosure a few months ago.  You see, he re-leased the property to the existing tenant on new five year lease; and now wants to sell where he would make a small profit. (I always consider $100,000 a small profit.)

Anyway, I took the property information, sent it out to six or seven experienced property owners I had grown to know through the years and waited for their response.

One, called me right away and said: "That property is Crap! Find me a Good Deal!"

Not insulted, because I do understand this investor's thinking.  He was actually the one who wanted me to find him a Walgreen's at an 8% Cap Rate. (They currently don't exist anywhere in the US.)

Anyway, I had to explain to him that the tenant's lease was a new ink not dried five year lease, with a five year option.  I told him he would actually be buying this property at a 9.5+/-% Cap Rate.  In essence, this is a steal!

So, the tenant isn't a national credit corporation; the tenant only has this single location; and he had been very, very busy operating his auto repair/tire business here for many, many years.

Is the property old?  Of course.  The building was built in 1970.
Was the lot large enough for his use? Yes, it is!  It is on a .51 acre parcel right on a corner. (And, it is fenced!)
Is the street traffic busy enough? Yes!  It is addressed on a heavily traffic street that runs east west across the Las Vegas Valley.
Plus, there is a Lowe's and a Walgreen's in what I term: "Within Throwing Distance." (Now, I know for a fact that I can't throw that far, but you get the idea.)

Still, the price, the newness of the lease, the fact that the tenant had been there for a long, long time and is paying a good monthly rent of $5,200 NNN per month, you would think that this might be flip-able in the near future(?).

Well, if you buy at a 9.5% Cap Rate -- when long term interest rates are at 3-4%, all of you should be picking up your cellular phones and calling me ASAP!

Asking price? $750,000!  Selling price? $650,000.

What are you waiting for? Call me!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Thursday, March 24, 2016

You Don't Have to be Rich to Invest in Las Vegas CRE!

A few people through the years have poked fun at me because I am so enthusiastic about people getting involved in Las Vegas Commercial Real Estate (CRE).

Some have even joked that if they win the Power Ball or Mega Bucks lottery, I would be the first person they called. (Not to share it with me, but to help them buy a Las Vegas CRE property.)

I immediately tell them: "But you don't have to be rich to buy a CRE property.  You should start with something small and affordable."

Case in point: I know of a small office (1,900 SF) that is for sale at $299,000!
Yes, it is located on a major traffic road that used to be homes.  But, since the traffic on the street is so high, the City has allowed these home owners to convert their houses into small offices.

Now, the asking rents in this area run about $1.00 PSF ($12 PSF Annually) -- which is not bad considering that this location is a very good spot for first time tenants to get their growing businesses going.

And the investment of $299,000 is about an 8% Cap Rate on the outside looking in.

And of course if you don't have the total sales price amount, you could get an 80/20 Loan-To-Value (LTV) Loan. (Please consult a reputable loan company in your area for guidance on this issue.)

Anyway, if you are willing, this is a very good place to start your CRE portfolio.

So, if you live in one of the higher priced metro residential markets, you know that this is probably less than you spent buying your personal residence.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Chinese are NOT fearful of Trump. (I think they know he lacks presidential leadership qualities!)

Over the past few months -- especially the last few weeks -- many of the overseas investors I have been working with have stated to me how fearful they are of a Trump presidency.

One client from Europe said that the European Union doesn't want to invest in the US because they think Trump has a chance of winning the Presidency. (He actual said Trump thinks he is running for dictator of the US.)

My Middle Eastern client said that one of his investors is a Sheikh and the Sheikh said he will NOT invest in the US because of Trump's supposed ban on Muslims entering the US.

However, Anbang has continued to make offers on US companies and buy up US properties regardless of Trump's Chinese bashing.  This made me think two things:

1.) The Chinese know that what Trump is proposing is as doable as any of Bernie Sanders proposals.  They will never get done; and,

2.) The Chinese understand that old white men are the ones supporting Trump through the primary process.  They know that Trump doesn't have a chance at being elected president at all.

Recent general election polls that I have seen on the Internet show that even Bernie Sanders would be able to beat Trump in the general election.  And even though there is a lot of hate being spewed by the far right about Hillary Clinton, she would beat Trump easily.

So, with this in mind, I hope to quell any foreign investor fears that Trump will ever reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC -- I just don't foresee this ever happening.

And, as far as I am concerned, Trump invalidates, bullies, and pontificates a hatred that only  (ignorant) old white men are willing to embrace.

When my ancestors were the first to come to America -- along with the other foreign people who followed along after them (not a legal issue at the time), they were the ones who made the country it is.  And, then, other people from around the world came -- all searching for a better life, and a better way of living. (The Statue of Liberty emphasizes this point.)

And the Chinese know that the type of leader Trump is demonstrating he is and would be, will not win enough votes to win the general election of the freest, most democratic country in the world.

So, please overseas investors, relax.  Trump will not be elected President.  If the Chinese know he  truly is not qualified to lead the free world; he isn't.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes