Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Why do Women allow Men to be better at Commercial Real Estate (CRE)?

Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and women seem to dislike each other.  I don't know if it's a full blown cat fight, or just a "thing" where one woman wore a dress better than the other.

But, since I have been working in CRE, women do NOT tend to be the one out searching for the better CRE deal.

And, I don't understand why.  Women tend to be the smarter of the two sexes.  Women tend to be more conservative with money.  Women will be more likely to want a more secured future.  All of these tend to point them to CRE.

BUT! owning a CRE property tends to be men.  And, unfortunately, it doesn't have to be that way.

A Celebrity woman once said (publicly) that she has "Smart People" managing her money.  I imagine that was an effort to deflect the fact that she is "too busy" to think about her long term future. The problem is these very same "Smart People" have demanded half my commission in the past for other wealthy and wise people just to refer them to me for a potential sale!

I always ask: Why would a person who is making money managing other people's money demand part of my money just to recommend a CRE property to their client?

It has to be because, "Smart People" managing money only "Make Money" when they are the ones selling this very same Celebrity Woman various Money Products!  When it comes to them recommending a +/-7% Cap Rate Net Leased CRE Investment Property to their clients, these "Smart People" deflect it as a bad investment because it is (NOT) in the Smart People's financial interest to do so.  And, I have had many discussions with "Smart People" and it truly does come down to my refusing to "compensate" them illegally.

P.S.: If you are NOT aware: It is "ILLEGAL" for me to pay an unlicensed "Smart Person" any amount of my commission.

So, as you can understand, IF you are truly interested in learning about investing in a CRE property, YOU need to call me yourself!  And paying unlicensed people is illegal in California and Nevada!

Are you starting to feel your "Smart people" are misleading you right about now?!  If so, it is because they only make money when they persuade you to buy stock, bonds, and/or mutual funds.  And, historically, these only average a Return on Investment (ROI) of about 2% to 3%.  And, in this ROI range, you're NOT allowing your money to grow faster than inflation.  (Which averages about 3% per year.)

However, IF you acquire a Net Leased Investment that should average a rate of return of +6.5% or even close to 8%, your ROI should be a better investment because you are staying ahead of inflation!!

Hmm -- which do you think has the better value long term?  Of course, it has always been real estate -- especially a Net Leased Investment!  AND, you receive a monthly or quarterly rent check!

I have said this before.  And, I feel like I am repeating myself over and over and over, again and again: Women! CRE is NOT an exclusive Men's Club!  AND, you can NOT rely on your "Smart People" to recommend any Real Estate to you because of their (inherent) greed.

So, get off your derriere and call David Howes yourself!  Stop depending on a "Smart People" to do this for you.  They won't because I will NOT pay them to recommend you to me! OR, a property to you!

I know it's rough to hear the honest truth!  But my clients that do listen to me, end up real estate richer.

So, in order for you to start acquiring CRE property that will be profitable to your future, YOU must contact me directly -- all by yourself!  (Okay.  An Assistant could dial the telephone, BUT, I need to talk to you.)

And when you acquire a CRE property correctly, it should pay you back over the long term.

So, have your "Smart People' manage your money.  But, put ALL CRE decisions in your realm of responsibility.   And, this will ensure you have a diversification of your money/wealth and assets.  And CRE helps to bring about a financially smooth future!

Plus, check me out.  History proves that over time, real estate has always paid better than Wall Street.

So, now that you know...Call Me!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Standing at the Free Throw Line of Life!

I stopped watching the NBA a few years back. The reason still is what was once an annoyance to me had in fact become a heart wrenching occurrence.

Fouls!  I hate the foul out rule!  You bump into or slap an opponent trying to shoot the ball and you hear the inevitable whirl of the whistle!  Followed by the word: Foul!

It's like you get reported to the principal or your parent because a fellow student or sibling is tattle-tailing on you for doing what you are supposed to do.

Defense in the NBA is virtually non-existent anymore.  And if you are being penalized for playing defense, it is because that is the way the game is designed to be played.  You are forced out of the game for the rest of the game -- because of it.


Anyway, as a former basketball player -- OK that would be a stretch.  I was a hack basketball player.  But, I was always able to stand at the free throw line and make them.  I think I could make 100 out of 100 if I concentrated. But, still I was 85 to 86% accurate.

So, I don't understand professional basketball players who can't (or don't want to) make free throws.  It's 15 feet straight on, and the basket is 10' high. It truly is NOT that difficult.

Anyway, I have stopped watching basketball altogether and have started to watch Hockey.  And, it is NOT a racial thing because two of the best hockey players in the NHL today are Black.  African-Canadian I think they said they were.

So, as in basketball, players play from one end of the rink/court to the other attempting to shoot a puck/ball beyond another player. But, in Hockey, an opposing player can legally goal tend.  I find this sport to be more exciting and less frustrating than sitting and watching some one blow a whistle and then shout: Foul! just because an opposing player is actually "playing basketball."

Hockey does have a penalty phase, but that is normally a player sitting out for 2 minutes while the other team has an a man advantage.

What does this have to do with Commercial Real Estate?  Absolutely nothing.  I'm just venting!
So, please have a wonderful day!

Oh!  I believe the NHL Hockey season started October 7th, 2015!

Go Bruins!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, October 19, 2015

National Real Estate Firm only tries to Double End Deals

Since 1991, when I first got licensed in Real Estate, I was taught that doing the right thing for your client was the sure path to future success as a real estate broker.  And, the broker who taught me this was a short stocky former Gold Gloves boxer from Brooklyn, NY -- who happened to move to Southern California in the early 1950's and earned his California broker's license.

And, in the years that followed, I found him to be one of the hardest working real estate brokers I have ever met.  And, I have since worked for a variety of real estate firms since first getting my license.

Anyway, after he past away, and I moved from Southern California to Las Vegas, I interviewed with a several real estate brokers and notably one very large national real estate firm. The managing partner at the time said that since I didn't have enough listings, I was unable to join them.  (It has been revealed to me through the years that he was actually a pompous ass and not going to work for him was the best end result for me.)

So, he rejected me.  I was denied joining this large national real estate firm because I didn't have 'enough listings.  Oh, well.

I subsequently went to work for a former Century 21 franchisee.  That led to working for another regional commercial real estate firm, who in the six years I spent there, I discovered first hand that partners stealing commissions from the Associates was the norm.

Unfortunately, the other partners were not very good business men.  They decided to reward this arrogant nat a 100% contract without a desk cost. (Stupid? Of, course.)

And, since he was the #1 sales person for the firm, he was given all the up calls -- so he could decide whether or not they were worth his time to pursue.  (I eventually was told, that, that also included sign calls.)

I was never so glad to vacate a firm as fast as I did.  I now wish I had seen the rocks in the shallow water ahead that that ship was heading toward. (They have since gone out of business.)

So, after being denied a partner position at that firm, and because the arrogant ass didn't like me, I moved on -- for a short time -- to another national franchised firm, then a "supposed" real estate firm that "specialized in gaming properties;" to finally just hanging my broker's license all by myself.

Yet, for some reason, most -- if not all -- of my clients stayed with me.

So, through all this. one constant has remained and that is that this one particular National Real Estate firm doesn't like co-operating with other brokers.

Why?  Well, I think it is because they work in teams.  And, since there is very little commission left for the team to split after the national firm takes their share, splitting half with another broker, leaves the team less money.

Recently, I had a listing meeting with a local boutique hotel owner who was under the impression that listing with this national real estate firm would enable him to have 6,000+ agents worldwide trying to sell his property.

After several minutes of explaining how this firm truly works, the owner decided to NOT list.
(He did say he would pay me a 2% fee if I brought him a buyer.)

Anyway, the best thing I think that ever happened to me was when a client specifically flew to Las Vegas -- once I had my own company opened -- to have lunch with me.

During lunch, he said: "You are our guy here in Nevada!"
I said, "Thank You. But, what made you think that about me?"
He replied, "Because I think you are the baseball player who when he hits a grounder to short, you hustle your ass off trying to beat the throw to first base."

I know for a fact that this client has never regretted his assessment of me and my work ethic in his interpretation of success.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes