Showing posts with label Hospitality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hospitality. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Climate Change OR Climate Change is a Hoax.

It doesn't matter which side you are on.  No matter where you go, just about everywhere -- especially in urban areas -- you will encounter SMOG!

So, in the US, Smog isn't considered a health hazard (Or, is it?)

Now, if you go to China, for example, their Smog is so bad, you don't truly want to go to China.

But, yesterday, my wife & daughter took a day trip from Las Vegas to Los Angeles to well, just do a day trip.

Now, they did drive using our daughter's Toyota Prius hybrid.

When they had returned late last night, my wife said, (paraphrasing) You could see how bad the Smog was as we drove down the hill (the section of I-15 through the Cajun Pass).

Yet, because they were on a mission (from God?), they continued on.
But, as they continued, the Smog didn't get any better.

I think the problem with Smog comes from the density of Cars with Combustible Engines.  And, even Jay Leno, who is probably the most well known Auto enthusiast, admits that the electric car is the future.

But, since our daughter had driven for a ride sharing company (and made very little money), she has taken saving gas money to heart.  (She also with her hybrid is doing more to save the planet than most of us (me included).

But, not to put the blame squarely on Los Angeles or Southern California, Las Vegas has a growing Smog problem, too.

Lately, I've been considering buying a hybrid, also.  Maybe even a Tesla.

My problem is the same as all baby boomers: we grew up with muscle cars and we think that's the standard of any automobile we drive -- regardless of it's combustible engine size.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Algebra! It's my curse!

The odd thing about this is, my Dad was an electrical engineer; thus, algebra was easy for him.
My wife, also, understands algebra.  She uses it everyday at her commercial interior design firm.

I even have an uncle who has a phd from HAAV-VAARD who I know and understands algebra, too!

But, most of you, are probably just like me.  Algebra is the foreign language -- much like currency exchange -- where you go: Huh?!.

I bring this up because, unlike (most of) you, I work in Commercial Real Estate (CRE).

I like to think, I am (supposedly) good at it.  My job requires me to dig up sellers and buyers; put them together through a real estate contract; and then hopefully, they exchange a property for a cash value!

Every one's happy, right?

What most people don't see -- nor will you understand -- is the amount of time spent just digging.

Most Sellers don't trust real estate agents; and most Buyers don't trust real estate agents, either.

So, getting one or both sides of this equation to trust you requires me to do a lot of algebra!

One day, I will probably understand the how I was able to get to the there! The combining of the elements to complete a transaction.  But, for now, I am not going to just sit around waiting for a Buyer or Seller to just show up at my door.  It's because the answer to all CRE completed transactions is and always will be algebra to me!

Anyway, in my nearly 30 year career, if you are interested in pursuing a Navada CRE property. Whether it is a Las Vegas Resort Casino Hotel opportunity, or a simple everyday Income producing commercial property, all you need to do is realize there's one broker in Nevada who does have a reputation for being (too) honest with clients.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A-Rod Wants To Stop Athletes From Going Broke!

At first, I thought this was A-Rod being pretentious and self-serving.

But, after reading the article, I understand his plan.

With so many young men having no training in handling money, the fact they suddenly have tens of millions, makes them think it is never, ever going away.

The unfortunate scenario of this is it's like being on a diet.
You start a diet and once you stop you find that losing the weight was slow and difficult; but, once you stop, the weight is re-gained faster than ever -- it seems.

Also, as Kobe Bryant said during his interview with Jim Hill, when Hill asked him what was the first lesson he learned when he signed his first million dollar contract?

Kobe's response was, (paraphrasing) when a relative asks for a million dollars and you give it to them, they come back the next year and ask for another million dollars.
Instead of doing that, Kobe said, if they earn $2,000 a month, give them an income of $2,000 a month.

Which leads me to one of the things A-Rod mentions in the article about renting houses.

If you don't have enough monthly income from retirement, etc, the athletes needs to consider acquiring a long term income from a portfolio real estate properties.

That's where my expertise is needed.

There are solid, long term investment properties all around us.  You just have to be aware of what's available and what's good and bad.

Enjoy the article.

ARod wants to stop Athletes from Going Broke!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The End Is Near!

For a few years now, I have been coming across ads where a home Owner, considering selling their property, can do so without the aid of a local real estate professional.

It's a sad, sad day when another career is doomed by the Internet.

Below is just the latest I have come across that makes it sound super easy to sell your house and save big time on that nasty Sales Commission.

The End Of The Real Estate Professional!

But, since most of these sites will only offer you a low ball price, you are risking losing that sales commission in a lower offer and acceptance.

So, is selling your house (supposedly) hassle free worth it?

Real Estate has in the long run become the same as selling your car.

You want the most money you can get for it, but are you getting the most?

These "hassle-free" sales tactics, are just that: tactics.

When you "trade-in" a car at a dealership, the dealership usually only will value your car at about 65% of Low Blue Book value.


Because they want the equity -- if any!

The same applies to these hassle free real estate sites.

Hey, I will give you cash right now for your house!

(But, it's the cash amount I want to pay you, not the cash amount your house is actually worth.)

So, go ahead.  Sell your house to one of these sites.

Sure, you will be saving money you weren't going to receive anyway.

But, it's a deal! -- To the Internet buyer!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, June 28, 2019

When I get ready to Sell, you are my Broker!

On a 33 minute phone call this AM, a Land Owner here in Las Vegas was filling me in on his plans once one of the land parcels he owns sells.

And, during that call, while discussing the situation about the land and the ground leases he has on it, I casually (I thought it was casual) mentioned he should "list" the land with me so I can begin marketing it for him.

I wasn't ready for his reaction.  It wasn't a bad reaction, it's I forgot one of my main rules.

When discussing real estate with a client, pull don't push. (I don't have them numbered like Gibbs of NCIS!)

So, the suggestion didn't land well.  OR, it was taken (slightly) out of context.

He said he wasn't ready. (Which I knew.)
He said he hadn't pre-planned the up swing of selling, yet. (Which I knew.)
And, "He had to get his "shit" off the land so it could be ready to sell." (He thinks that will take a couple of months.)

Vegas Vicky has nothing to do with the post, but I thought it interesting.

Now, he did disclose his up swing (his words) and that shall remain between him and me.

He's a smart man, ran a large company supplying equipment to developers, and made millions through the years.

Anyway, after he (I think it was politely) chewed me out for pushing him, he said you are the best broker I have ever dealt with.

He said, he liked me from the first day we met because I was an honest broker and he has been involved with a lot of brokers who are more concerned about their commission checks than what's best for the client.

I said, Thank You! Adding, I was just thinking out loud about what we could do to market your land.

He then said, "Don't worry.  When I am ready to Sell, you are my Broker!"


Since the middle of last summer, when I first approached him, I was weary about him given he is an old, old Las Vegas (local) resident.

When I first moved to Las Vegas, an existing Broker I interviewed, said, "Don't treat the locals as if they are country bumpkins.  It will come back to bite you later on."

He added, "They know what they are doing and treat them as if they are smarter than you."
I've taken that advice seriously.

With that having transpired, I will wait my turn to help him Sell his M-1 Land.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Low Ball Express of Downtown Las Vegas Motels!

For more than a year, I have had four Downtown Las Vegas properties listed for sale.
They are three motels; and, one is a studio apartment building.

They range in price from $1.5 Million to $3.2 Million.  And all are priced to sell.

The problem is one property has garnered most of the inquiries.  (More than 7,000 inquiries!)
Yet, every investor I've spoken to has claimed they are cash buyers, can close quickly, and they are looking for a deal.

Then, when I offer them a deal, they immediately start demanding a steal.

One investor from Northern California said she'd wouldn't pay $1 Million for the most sought after property.

My reaction?  Okay.  Thank you for wasting my time!

Here are the properties that can be acquired individually or altogether.

Alpine Motel Apartments
213 N 9th Street
Comparable Sales indicate an "As Is" Market Value of $2.9 Million

Casa Blanca Motel
2401 N Las Vegas Blvd
Selling Price: $3.2 Million!
The Economy Motel
1605 Fremont Street
Selling Price: $1.5 Million!
Starlite Motel
1873 N Las Vegas Blvd
Selling Price: $2.5 Million!
AND, all four can be acquired together as a portfolio for $10 Million or at a 10.969% Cap Rate.

For property details, email me!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Stealing an Owner's Equity

It's NOT illegal.

Just wanted to say that at the top.

But, I think it should be given that when an agent buys an Owner's property at way under it's value, there should be some form of punishment for the agent when they do that.

Because, basically, even though its NOT illegal to buy a property way under market value, I think its unethical -- especially if you are a real estate professional.

Essentially, all this is, is you are stealing the Owner's equity.

Now, investors who buy and sell real estate  (also known as flippers) want to do this on every transaction.  They think it's their duty to steal the equity for their own profit.

Alpine Motel Apartments

Currently, I am dealing with an apartment building listing I have in Downtown Las Vegas.  I get at least one inquiry a day on it by Investors who can "take this property off my client's hands."

What these investors don't realize, is the owner is also an investor at the same time he is an operator.
So, he isn't in need of having the property taken off his hands.

And that's the rub.  Since housing is in short supply in this area of Downtown Las Vegas, this property -- even though it's in need of renovation -- is mostly full all of the time.
Yet, they keep trying.  They keep making offers to buy low and flip.

But, since I know it's my fiduciary responsibility to protect my client, I tell ALL of these investors that the only way they get this property at a steal is to buy all four of the properties in a portfolio my client owns.

Interested in netting about $1.1 Million a year?
Email me.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

'I made him an offer he didn't refuse.'

Speaking of successful business persons, I ran into an old Client a while back who met me for coffee at a national chain sit down restaurant on the west side of Las Vegas.

After meeting, as we were leaving, he walked up to a (fairly new) White Rolls Royce Ghost parked just outside the restaurant.

I made a comment about him having completely moved to Las Vegas, otherwise, why else would he bring his Rolls with him.

He replied, 'No, that one was still in LA!'

He added, that another business man we both know had asked him for a short term loan.  My client asked the other business man what he had for collateral?
The other guy said he would put his title to a new Rolls Royce Ghost up.

So, they struck a deal. "I made him an offer he didn't refuse," the Client said.

My client took title to the $300K valued Rolls in exchange for a $200K loan.

I asked, So, the other guy never paid you back?

My client replied, 'Of, course not.  That's why I have a Rolls here in Las Vegas and my other one in LA."

Smart man.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

He's a 'Talker!'

Years ago, when I left Residential Real Estate to work solely in Commercial Real Estate (CRE), I met an Owner of an adult club who in his life time once owned about 40 adult nude/strip clubs across the country.

Now, by the time I met him, he only owned two adult clubs: one in Hollywood and the other here in Las Vegas.

Now, he wanted to keep his Hollywood one because that was an income producing property for him.
But, he was thinking of selling his Las Vegas club and was being very iffy about the sale.

Anyway, he had agreed to pay me if I procured him a buyer.

Well, being the ambitious CRE Broker I am, I set out to find the perfect buyer.

Along comes this one Buyer who had a great story.  This Buyer could rattle off his accomplishments. And he could tell you what he had owned, and where he was headed without hesitation.  He knew business inside and out.

This Buyer was interested in owning an adult club in Las Vegas; and, I knew the property he should acquire.

Well, this Buyer comes to town and the Club Owner agreed to meet us at his club (that was now closed) to go over any potential offer that might be discussed.

As we were listening to the Buyer rattle off his accomplishments and business acumen stories; he suddenly shifted gears.  Instead of Buying the Club, he wanted a management contract to operate the club for the Owner.

The Owner said, 'No.'  That's not what he wanted.

Needless to say, there was no deal struck that day.

After the Buyer and his cronies left, the Owner turned to me and asked me about the Buyer.
Since I didn't know much, I didn't realize that he was going to ask about managing the club.

The Owner said not to worry.  He has run into that type of Buyer many times over the years.
The Owner said the Buyer was a 'Talker."

At first I didn't understand what he was saying, then, it hit me.

The Owner explained that Talkers are all talk.  And, he said he pegged this guy early and knew the routine.  He told me to learn from this and be aware of them in the future.
He also advised me to not waste too much time with them because Talkers never buy.

To this day, this Buyer hasn't bought anything -- well, at least through me.

Through the ensuing years, I've run into several 'Talkers' and true to the Adult Club Owner's word, they have never bought.  Ever.

So, since then, when I run into "Talkers," I politely will listen to them (just as the Owner did); I will help them (a little bit); but, I don't put any faith in them at all.  Talkers have never, ever helped me earn any money.

Lesson learned.

Now, I could call them on the carpet and blast them for wasting my time, but, you see, I don't do that because there is that slim, less than 1% of 1/10th% that they just might buy in the future.

As you all should know, "It's Real Estate."

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Re-Look at Tony Hsieh's Downtown Las Vegas Five Years Forward

Almost five years ago, I wrote a blog about how Tony Hsieh had bought up a lot of the east section of Downtown Las Vegas.

Then, I was critical of his lack of development vision of this section.

True, I helped Tony buy (over pay for) some properties of Owner Clients of mine.  AND, I failed to get Tony to buy other properties.

Tony Hsieh

Yet, at that time, Tony was buying and sitting on properties.  This made me wonder: why'd he buy them in the first place?

Did he run out of money?
Did he NOT have a plan?
Was he being represented by unscrupulous agents/attorneys, etc?

The answers to those, I will never know.

Here is the blog that I had written then.

Where Tony has Failed Blog

Now, Five years forward, it's time for me to admit I was wrong -- five years ago.

Tony has, on his schedule -- not mine, begun the re-development of this area.

Tony has brought in people who seem to now have his back when it comes to acquiring Downtown Las Vegas properties. (In other words, they now low ball like the others were doing years ago and flipping them to Tony!)

And, my clients have moved on to other properties where they are making returns that suit them.

Why do I have a change of attitude toward Tony Hsieh?


Tony developed the Fremont 9 Apartment property.
Tony financed the building of an event hall (with underground parking!).
Tony constructed a dog day care.
Tony holds an annual event called Life is Beautiful which was designed to get foot traffic into the downtown area.
Tony's original development was the Container Park.  (I still think this isn't successful. But what do I know?)
Tony has bought or developed a lot of businesses; from motel properties, tavern properties and even a business that rent out fifth wheel vehicles/trailers to tourists so that they can come to Las Vegas , then get out of Las Vegas to visit/camp-out at one of the nearby National Parks, etc.

So, did my criticism of Tony have anything to do with this?

I now think Tony Hsieh knew exactly what he was doing.  I am convinced Tony had a plan all along and he was smart enough to ignore his critics (like me).
(It's what you need to do to focus on your vision.)

Lesson Learned.
I wish Tony all the best in his future endeavors!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

To all Moms out there.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Lesson Learned! Never accept a Bond as an Earnest Money Deposit!

The motel escrow that I have been in for about a month has gone sideways!

I had a bad feeling about accepting a Bond as an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). So, I contacted Escrow asking if it was okay.

Once they gave it an approval, I gave it a thumbs up for my Seller client, and we submitted the Executed Offer (PSA) to escrow and then waited.

A week later the Buyer's agent showed up with the Bond that was described in the PSA. He made the deposit.

Then, about a week after that, I get a call from the Escrow Holder.  She explained that the Title Company's attorney slapped her on the wrist for allowing a Bond to be accepted as EMD.

She said we needed to change that to a Cash Deposit, or by the end of the Buyer's Due Diligence, the Title Company would be resigning from the Escrow.


What type of mess did I get myself into?

The Escrow Holder said it would be best to cancel the current escrow, open a new escrow, and make a cash deposit.

So, I encouraged the Buyer's Agent to convince the Buyer to cancel; the Seller agreed and for once quickly signed the Cancellation Addendum.

But, the Buyer is now taking her time.

Oh, well.

She might be upset, but it's her own fault for trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

I did write a NEW PSA and included an additional property that was NOT available that she wanted when the first PSA was written.  BUT, now I am thinking she probably didn't have the cash to move forward in the first place.

That is just my gut feeling.

So, we are in limbo until the Buyer signs the Cancellation Addendum; AND, signs the new PSA.

If the Due Diligence date comes before that, the title's escrow will resign.  The Buyer will be in a legal limbo, but the out for the Seller is they never truly made their EMD according the the Title Company's attorney.

Since this hit the fan, I have learned that back in the 1980's Buyers would put up bonds as EMD's.  Then, the Bonds turned out to be worthless; and, it would tie up properties until there was a (legal)  resolution.

So, lesson learned.

All I want to do is help my Seller client sell his property for the most money to a willing, able, and capable buyer.

Nothing new there.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Invalidation doesn't work

Very recently, a so called prominent Las Vegas Real Estate agent and I were working on a large Resort property sale.

My Buyer has already made accepted offers on three of my listings.

We were discussing the potential sale of a Resort property when my Buyer asked me if I would find out if some conditions of a potential offer for the Resort property would be acceptable to the Seller IF he included them in an offer.

Being the customer's always right type of Real Estate Broker, I said I would ask, but I told him that O didn't think they would accept what he was proposing. BUT, he insisted that I ask.  So, I sent an email to the Seller and Seller's Rep with an outline of what the potential Buyer wanted to offer.

The Seller replied quickly with a firm, "No."

Okay!  I passed that response on to the Potential Buyer.

A short time later, the Seller's Rep sends me a reply -- just to me -- with the simple question: "Do you have a Nevada Real Estate license?"

Now, I know who this agent is.  And as far as I am concerned, he's an ASS!  (I capitalized it because he truly is a big ASS!  And, if I mention his name to any other CRE agent or broker in Las Vegas, they will usually sum him up also as an ASS!)

And, I know all of you know someone who is like this.  They are the big boy/girl on campus and if you don't measure up to the way they think you should be, they treat you badly.

Well, I didn't respond to his invalidation because I know all about this ASS!  Just because you think you are better than others, doesn't mean you are.

And, unfortunately, for him, I am the type that if I am bullied, I bully back.  And, even if he turns around and says he was only joking, we don't know each other well enough to be on friendly terms.

Just so you know: Tough love doesn't work.  It's just a form of bullying.

In the weeks.months ahead, we'll see what transpires about this transaction.

But, I plan to stay the course.

In the meantime, if you are interested in any Las Vegas CRE Property -- even a Resort one...

Contact David Howes: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Unlicensed People Can NOT Earn a Commission!

It's been a trying day because two unlicensed persons are trying to earn an equal share of a commission simply because they are referring a buyer for a real estate transaction.

Hey, folks!

If you are NOT licensed in Nevada as a real estate broker or agent, you can NOT earn a commission.

No, it can NOT be a consulting fee, either!

Been trying to convince two people who want to play real estate to back away.  But, they are convinced that because they know a person, that they should share equally in a real estate commission.


Not going to happen.

I will NOT put my Nevada Real Estate Broker's license on the line because they are greedy.

They need to step away from the deal, accept the fact they are legally NOT involved, and be satisfied they are doing this in a legal manner.

If you like a Las Vegas Commercial Real Estate Broker who is honest and fair...

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, April 1, 2019

A Potential Buyer Just Chewed Me Out!

As I cruise through life encroaching on Old Age, I seem to have gotten used to being yelled at!

Not so much a screaming match (since the Buyer is 14 hours ahead of Las Vegas time), but yelled at via a text message.

Now, it wasn't ALL CAPS yelling, but it was a butt chewing all the same.

Okay, a little over dramatic.  She was angry that I had made contact with her partner before she contacted me.

Yet, the contact with the partner resulted in her contacting me.

Now, just because she is a woman, doesn't mean I will treat her with any less respect than a man. (I know better.)

But when she didn't respond to my approach through emails or texting, the person who referred them to me said contact the man.  So, I did.

He responded.  We discussed a few details about buying Las Vegas property.  And, I was under the assumption, we were moving forward.

Then, a week later, she is giving me the business for going around her.


Sorry, didn't mean to yell there.

My point is, if I send you an email and you never reply, I will only assume you have no interest in moving forward with acquiring a Las Vegas Property.

Now, if you are referred to me as a buyer, and you don't reply, when the person who referred you to me calls to get an update, and they ask "Is there a potential deal" going forward, and I have to say that the referred person never replied; and then, that person says, "Why don't you call X," and I call X; don't then contact me in an angry manner chewing me out for contacting X! 

Make sense?

I think she was made because 'X' most likely called her after we spoke and chewed her out.

Okay, Sorry!

But, if you had replied when I first tried to contact you, the situation would have been dramatically different.

Didn't mean to make anyone sad; or mad; I will accept glad, tough.

So, if you are interested in a Las Vegas property...

Contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8
AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes
Have a nice day!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mistakes Millionaires Never Make!

There is a reason that Publisher's Clearing House no longer gives away a large Grand Prize of $10 Million dollars.

You have seen their TV ads.  It's now $5,000 a week for life!

Why did they change this so a poor person would only receive a nice weekly prize rather than a large sum of money.

I know the reason and I don't have to ask anyone.

You see, most people don't know how to manage money.

In an exit interview with CBS Affiliate in Los Angeles, Kobe Bryant was asked: (paraphrasing) What was one of the things you learned after signing your first big contract?

Kobe responded that, you don't give a Million dollars to anyone.

His rational for this was if you give a relative, who asks for a million, the million dollars, they are right back the next year asking for another million dollars again.

He said the best thing to give them is a monthly income.

He's right.

That's why Publisher's Clearing House no longer gives anyone a grand prize.  They finally realized that it was better to give $5,000 a week for life, then to dump a large sum on an untrained money manager.

So, when I saw this article, I thought all of you unsuspecting untrained money managers should know what true billionaires do to help them maintain their wealth

Mistakes Millionaires Never Make!

Please enjoy.

To Contact David Howes with any CRE questions, try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

"You have to get rid of THAT!"

About  week ago, the wife and I went to dinner at a "New" Boyd Gaming Restaurant.
Hey, we are locals and the gaming companies here -- especially the ones that cater to the local populous -- usually will mail you discounts to come to their properties and eat at one of their ever changing restaurants they have.

(In Las Vegas, new concepts usually die fast, so you go and try them while you can.)

Anyway, while we were eating I sensed the ever loving stare upon me and true to my fashion, I had to ask: 'What's up?'

Without hesitation, my wife said, "You have to get rid of that!"

She looked directly at the 'bump' on my forehead that I had had for a few years.  It's not discolored or anything like that.  It's just a bump just over the right eye.

"Sure," I replied.  "I will."

Well, I took her command seriously.  I found a dermatologist, who looked at it, squashed it slightly.
"Does that hurt?" he asked.

I told the doctor the wife had said she wants it removed -- whether it's good or bad.

He said, it's most likely a cyst, and it can be removed easily.

Well, I'm scheduled to have it removed whether insurance covers it or not.

So, what's this got to do with CRE?

Well, nothing....except that restaurants in Las Vegas -- even if located within a casino -- have an 85% chance to fail.

But, I have found that if the food is good and the service is better, you have a better than 50% chance of making it.

Also, if you have any CRE questions, you can contact me...

Hopefully, sans forehead bump.


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy Birthday To Me!

Tomorrow, March 21st, I grow another year older.

And, patting myself on the back for living long and (somewhat) prospering isn't something to celebrate - especially at my age.

Oh, well.  At least, I'm alive and kicking!

Have a wonderful day!


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, March 11, 2019

I am going to die of a heart attack!

Okay, that's being over dramatic.

But, being a Real Estate Broker is a stressful business.

And, even though I've been at this for almost 30 years, I like to think that I learn something new everyday.

Recently, one of my escrows canceled due to the Buyer falling and hitting his head.  (I am told) he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a terminal disease.

Then, last Friday, at or about 5:30 PM, I get a call from the Buyer's agent for my other escrow saying that his buyer's Up Sale property fell out of escrow, too!


You get the picture.

Now, this morning I awoke suddenly by a dream that startled me.
I dreamt I was having a heart attack!


I know. I know.  I am being over dramatic.

Anyway, I got up, took my Meds and began my day.  That was like 4:30 AM.

After sending out about 12 emails to the other various potential Buyers for my listings explaining their "Back On The Market" status, I realized that it was now only 7:30 AM.

This reminds me of what the first broker I ever worked for once said about problems, obstacles and challenges that real estate brings along.

"It's Real Estate!"


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

2019 has started with a Big Bang!

Years ago, when I first started working in real estate, I worked at Sitren Mortgage in Victorville, CA.

Now, the owner of that company was Mike Sitren.

He was a Brooklyn born Jewish man who took me under his wing and taught me just about everything I know about Real Estate.

His passing at the young age of 63 was heartfelt to me.  He left us too soon.

Anyway, I have always tried to maintain the premise that Mike taught.

Be honest to everyone.  He would at times, when 'things' were starting to go sideways say: "It's Real Estate."

And, since the start of the new year, "things" have gone from slow to lightening speed in what seems like a heartbeat.

Almost like when the universe was created with a Big Bang!

I am NOT complaining.

I still have 12 SFR's available that meed to be sold.

If interested in SFR residential real estate rental income...

Contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8
AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes
Have a nice day!