Monday, April 1, 2019

A Potential Buyer Just Chewed Me Out!

As I cruise through life encroaching on Old Age, I seem to have gotten used to being yelled at!

Not so much a screaming match (since the Buyer is 14 hours ahead of Las Vegas time), but yelled at via a text message.

Now, it wasn't ALL CAPS yelling, but it was a butt chewing all the same.

Okay, a little over dramatic.  She was angry that I had made contact with her partner before she contacted me.

Yet, the contact with the partner resulted in her contacting me.

Now, just because she is a woman, doesn't mean I will treat her with any less respect than a man. (I know better.)

But when she didn't respond to my approach through emails or texting, the person who referred them to me said contact the man.  So, I did.

He responded.  We discussed a few details about buying Las Vegas property.  And, I was under the assumption, we were moving forward.

Then, a week later, she is giving me the business for going around her.


Sorry, didn't mean to yell there.

My point is, if I send you an email and you never reply, I will only assume you have no interest in moving forward with acquiring a Las Vegas Property.

Now, if you are referred to me as a buyer, and you don't reply, when the person who referred you to me calls to get an update, and they ask "Is there a potential deal" going forward, and I have to say that the referred person never replied; and then, that person says, "Why don't you call X," and I call X; don't then contact me in an angry manner chewing me out for contacting X! 

Make sense?

I think she was made because 'X' most likely called her after we spoke and chewed her out.

Okay, Sorry!

But, if you had replied when I first tried to contact you, the situation would have been dramatically different.

Didn't mean to make anyone sad; or mad; I will accept glad, tough.

So, if you are interested in a Las Vegas property...

Contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8
AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes
Have a nice day!

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