Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Inexpensive Commercial Properties For Sale in Las Vegas!

Recently, my email Inbox is receiving inquiries about Las Vegas Commercial Properties.  And, being the Full Service Real Estate Broker I think I am, I try my best to respond as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I even have had a few telephone calls asking the same.

Anyway, just to give 'other' blog followers updated information; It is true: there are a variety of small commercial properties in Las Vegas that are under $500,000 that are For Sale!  They consist of Multi-Family (in the 3-4 unit range), Retail, Offices and Industrial locations that are For Sale in the Las Vegas metro area.

Now, most are Listed For Sale in the $200,000 to $300,000 range; Most are smaller than you'd think (less than 5,000 SF); and all are pretty well located on or near very busy, high traffic streets.

So, if you have been hesitant about contacting me in the past because you feel you may not qualify; or feel that buying in Las Vegas is so far away, please rest assured that most can be managed by a local property management company by a broker I know very, very well. (She's very, very good.)

And, the listing price is just that: a Listing Price.  It does NOT mean that it is Non Negotiable!  There is some wiggle room to get to a selling price.

If you need to qualify for a loan, I can help you there, too.  A lender will need to see your financials. In order to qualify for a loan, financials are required to verify your ability to buy/finance a purchase.

So, you may ask: WHY? would I give David Howes a call to buy in Las Vegas, NV?
My answer: I can get you an income property that can provide you with a monthly income.  It may NOT be thousands of dollars a month in rent; but it will be a start of building a real estate portfolio.

And, earning a few grand a month, does help with monthly bills and helps you build equity for the future.


Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Smart People Will Listen to You!

Yesterday, my younger brother, Tom, called to say 'Hello!'

I found out that Tom had to have surgery on the shoulder that he thought he dislocated back in February this year when he slipped and fell on some ice.

As it turned out, he actually tore his rota-tor cup and the doctor finally ordered surgery. (I hate insurance companies.)

Anyway, being out of work for awhile, he was bored and thought he'd give me a call.

I updated him on how bad sales of CRE properties are going in Las Vegas; and how many, many potential buyers are ignoring my advice.  They are still waiting for the market to turn as far as I can tell.

Then, he said something that surprised me!

He said, "Don't worry.  The smart people will listen to you, forget about the rest."

Huh?!  I immediately thought: Have I been dealing with dumb people who I thought were smart?! -- You know the ones who won't take my advice and buy the 8% Cap Rate properties that are available here in Las Vegas? But, will buy a 5% Cap Rate property in another state?

I just thought that they knew something more about Las Vegas than I did.

Anyway, he went on to say, that "the buyers will eventually come around.  They most likely want a steal and they only view Las Vegas as deals."  Okay, good point, Tom.

The problem with that theory is that a 5% Cap Rate is a high purchase price that is more in favor of the Seller.  Anyway...

We then got into how he has been using his down time to fix up his rental property -- surgically repaired shoulder and all -- Blah, blah, blah.  The usual stuff you go through when you are a landlord, too.

But, if you are smart.  And, truly are interested in a Las Vegas CRE Property, my contact information is...

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Bullies have been and will always be Weak People

We know the cliche.

The high school quarterback picks on the nerdy student because the nerdy student is "weak" according to the High School Quarterback.

Hey, "nerdy student" do my homework or I will beat you up!

So, sad.

And as a society that is trying to re-educate our children that being a bully is wrong, How, why then do we allow a bully to take the political pulpit and decry the American system of government as "Corrupt" or "Rigged" when 'things' don't go the way they want them to go?

Bullies invalidate people for one reason only: They are weak people.

Men who abuse their wives or significant other are weak; Most people who end up in prison are -- for the most part -- weak.

I even find that gang members are weak.  (They think they are strong when in a collective, but they are just a collective of weak minded individuals.)

(Did I hit a raw never, there?)

Anyway, weak people fear-monger; weak people are prejudice; and weak people bully others when they are in the wrong -- know they are wrong -- and they insult and invalidate others when backed into a corner trapped in their small mindedness.

I saw this article today;

and, it did for a while give me hope that the one person stopping a foreign buyer client of mine from buying -- and preventing me from making millions -- will (hopefully) lose the general election.

If this one person does win, the US is in for a world of hurt. (My opinion.) 

I have had this discussion with several people who are Trump supporters.  The underlining theme from these people for their support is that Trump will lead us in the right direction. (I know he won't.)

The reason Trump would fail as president is that he still thinks of himself as the high school quarterback who knows how to kick the nerdy kids butt.

What people have forgotten is that the nerdy kid from high school is now, today, the former bullies boss.

And, Trump's problem in this election is....

Oh, wait.  I don't want to say.  It might get back to him.  He would change his course, and win -- which I don't want because it will cost me millions.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


By definition insolence means rude and disrespectful behavior.

In the current political US Presidential election climate, the word Trump also is defined as rude and disrespectful behavior.

What I don't understand is: Why is this behavior so popular among-st non-college educated white middle aged male adults?

And as the college educated politicians and business people abandon Trump left or right for Clinton because of Trump being Insolent, I don't understand why Trump supporters ("guys" for the lack of a better word) continue to goose-step along with their racial hatred.

Yes, I believe the Clinton Campaign set Trump up with having Mr Khan talk at the DNC.  I believe the Trump Campaign set Clinton up at the RNC.  But, now that both of those shows have run their course, it appears that Clinton has won the convention battle.

I believe that Trump's, disrespecting Mr Khan and his wife will be Trump's Achilles' heel this November 8th.

What Trump -- and most bullies don't understand -- is that when you bully someone, even the bystanders who are doing nothing while witnessing the bully's actions, will eventually turn against the bully.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump: Flimflam man?

A few months ago, I did an Internet search for businessmen who became presidents.  Some were senators and congressmen before becoming president.

But, these supposed businessmen who were elected president had one thing in common: They were all in the lower half when ranking them as successful presidents.  (I think the highest was 26.)
Anyway, on the opposite end were the successful Presidents.  These men all had one thing in common: they were failed businessmen.

And, by far the most successful president ever was even considered a failed lawyer.
Go figure. (Or, Google this yourself to verify.)

Now, as for Trump's "Successful" Las Vegas Tower.  People may look at it and wonder how this became so successful.

Well, it was headed into foreclosure in 2010-11.  How do I know this?  Well at that time, a Los Angeles real estate investor client, called me to ask if I could do him a favor and get him quality comps for the Las Vegas Strip condos.

I asked, 'Why?"  (The reason I asked is because I don't sell residential real estate -- at least not individual properties.)

Anyway, he told me that the bank holding the note had contacted him to see if he'd be interested in acquiring the loan.

(Now, this is not unheard of since lenders do this all the time. (It's one of the factors that led Wall Street into their collapse in 2008.))

Anyway, I got the condo comps and sent it to him.

He decided to NOT purchase the loan because, upon receiving the comps, he knew the bank was asking way too much per unit for him.

Later, when talking to this very same investor about another property, I asked what had happen to that loan.

He said that he was told by the bank that Phil Ruffin had paid it off.

(Apparently, Phil still owned the land separate from the tower and wasn't going to chance losing his investment in the land to the bank foreclosing on the tower when the condos didn't sell.)

So, if Phil didn't mention this as a Trump success at the Republican Convention, I guess Phil would know first hand.

Lastly, I doubled checked the ownership on this property recently and most of the units are currently owned by Hilton Vacation Timeshares.  Phil sold the remaining unsold condos to them after he had started to use this building as a timeshare component of his TI Resort Property.

So, if Trump is heard talking about how successful his Las Vegas Tower has been, remember, here is another building with the Trump name on it where he only owns the condos on the 33rd floor.

I guess getting your name on a building you no longer own is something to brag about.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes