Wednesday, November 20, 2013

RE Expert Suggests Buy and Hold Strategy is the Best Way Real Estate Investors Can Make Money!!

Surprised?  I'm not.

Just in case this was NOT news for everyone in the good ole US of A!

Buying real estate and holding it long term has always been the best way to get the best return on your real estate investment.

Now, this may NOT work as well for single family homes and condos.  BUT, in the CRE world, the best return has always been over the long haul.  Buy now; and Sell years from now when the investment has run its course.

When 2/3's of the billionaires in the US can attribute their wealth to real estate, it should NOT make anyone say: Golly, gee wiz!

If you start small and work your way up, one house at a time, or one small real estate investment at a time, over time, the return on the real estate will eventually pay off.

And, for you who are new to my blog, buying Las Vegas real estate does have a long term value increase preset before the 2008 economic disaster.

Most people who had acquired their Las Vegas properties a long time ago, did NOT lose their property because they had so much invested in keeping the property up to date and they did NOT over-encumbered it by a high LTV loan.  Never pay off credit card bills with your real estate equity.  I think it is dumb.

For more Information about any Las Vegas Commercial Investment Real Estate Property, contact David Howes at: OR call 702-501-9388

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Las Vegas Value Added Retail Center Just Listed For Sale!

Attention! Investors!

A long time client of mine asked me IF I would sell his Neighborhood Retail Center that he owns in Henderson. I have introduced him to an attorney friend of mine to help him with a SHORT SALE! He wants to sell to be able to get out from under this debt property.

Now, this retail center is in a neighborhood where the City of Henderson has set aside about $1 Billion to help upstart and/or new businesses who will lease in this area.

The upside for the risk taking real estate investor, will be that once this is fully leased up, the Cap Rate could be as high as 13%.

The property has +/-12,700 SF in two two buildings on one 1.53 acre parcel of land. It is currently +/-60% Occupied! With Total Rent being collected at +/-$8,500 that puts the average PSF monthly rent at +/-$0.70's!

This rent number should be higher -- more like $1.00 PSF per month! And, there is room to improve on that with the way the economy in Las Vegas seems to be slowly improving. The other thing is, with the existing leases in their 2nd or 3rd years, rent renewals are going to improve the bottom line as this property rolls along into the future.

The main tenant is the Coin Operated Laundry and a local Mini Mart that competes with the 7-Eleven on the corner.

The Retail Center was built in 2007 and still looks (almost) brand new! The selling price could be as low as $1.2 Million.

There is money to be made but that is the future leasing capacity from the vacant +/-3,000 SF.

For more Information about any Las Vegas Commercial Investment Real Estate Property, contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call 70 25 01 93 88

Monday, October 28, 2013

Downtown Las Vegas is Transforming! Get Involved Now or Miss out!

This past weekend was the "Life Is Beautiful" event that had Downtown Las Vegas full of young dreamers and believers!

Here is the Las Vegas Suns' Katz Report describing the event, the change and its destined forward direction of this area.

And, here is a Las Vegas Review Journal article about the Then and Now of Downtown Las Vegas!

Please enjoy!  Then, get together with your investor friends and call me about acquiring property in this area to redevelop along side Tony!

For more Information about any Las Vegas Commercial Investment Real Estate Property, contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call 70 25 01 93 88