Monday, March 14, 2016

Super Bloom! A Real Estate Tour through Death Valley!

This has nothing to do with Commercial Real Estate, however, it does cover real estate in general.

My wife and I, plus brother-in-law, daughter and her boyfriend, all went to Death Valley on Sunday to see the once in every 10 year bloom of flowers -- that is currently happening.

We went to rest, relax and just enjoy the scenery.

Lots of pretty yellow flowers with an occasional purple flower plant here and there.

And if you are ever feeling low, like so low you feel as if you are below sea level, there is an actual spot where you can go to actually be below sea level.

Like 282' below sea level -- without being under water!
(It does say Sea Level on a sign about half way up the rock face.)


Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, March 7, 2016


First of all, if you are an experienced hotelier, you need to download, fill out, scan, and email back to me the form under the Las Vegas Casino Information button in the right hand column.

Once I have that filled out formed -- and signed by your company signatory -- I will forward the appropriate property detail for your review.

But, to wet your appetite, there are two up and running resort properties that could be acquired.

The First is a large Las Vegas Resort Casino Property.  Then, again, the Non Circumvent and Commission Agreement is required in order to receive any details on either property.

The Second is a smaller property and costs... Then, again, the form...

But, I will disclose that these will cost you in the hundreds of millions -- each.

If interested (and you are qualified to apply and receive a Nevada Unrestricted gaming license, you must provide the Seller with your financial capability and Proof of Funds to close!

And, this is needed prior to the release of any property information.

The Sellers are looking for people/companies that are either licensed already - or are people/companies that have the capability of being licensed with the Nevada Gaming Control Unrestricted Nevada Gaming License.

NOW, lastly, there is still property that is "develop-able." But, please still adhere to my Las Vegas Casino Information button to receive that property information as well.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Sunday, February 21, 2016

What other people think (of me), is none of my business!

About 20 years ago, I learned about this quote.

When I first heard it, it was attributed to A.L Williams. (Yes, the Prime America guy.)

And, every now and then, especially when I start feeling as if "others" around me (business and personal relationships) are invalidating me, I have to force myself to NOT reply or respond to anything they are saying.  I do my best to just let them vent and then, I try to ignore them as much as possible.

You see: when "others" are being critical (invalidating) of you, they are disrespecting you.  In my case, as a real estate broker for 25 years, I am the most knowledgeable about real estate within my family and small circle of friends.

But, since my sibling family members like to refer to me as being "Bossy," this form of criticism always comes across as disrespectful -- even though they think it is being helpful.  And, I believe the reason for their disrespect is that I do have a better working knowledge about real estate than they have.  However, I believe this makes them jealous.  And that jealousy is what leads them to being so disrespectful of me.

Fortunately, my 'clients' refer to me as "Knowledgeable,"  So, I will take this criticism gratefully.

For example: one of my younger brothers thought he should get into real estate to buy and rent out houses.  He was going to grow his real estate portfolio and become rich.

So, once he owned a few properties, loan rates went down, so he decided, back in 2005 or 2006, to refinance the three residential properties he owned.  Back then, I warned him to NOT refinance ALL of his properties at once with the same lender, because I knew his lender of choice would cross-collateralize his properties.

But, he said that wasn't going to happen, because he said the Loan Officer said that, that would NOT happen.

Then, last year, he tried to sell one of the houses.  Once in escrow, the lender send a payoff  amount for all three loans at the same time.  He decided to sue.  He lost his lawsuit.

So, now, I am NOT being boastful about this.  I am only emphasizing that I know more about real estate than a wanna be house owner landlord.

Am I sorry for his dilemma?  No.  I just wish he had listened to me (and I wish he had viewed my advice as being the truth based on my years of experience in real estate).  But, since to him, I was being "Bossy," he listen to "others" who were in fact, lying to him just so they could earn the loan origination fee.

Unfortunately, since he viewed me as being "Bossy," he is now in a situation where he has to sell all three houses at once to get out of the loan(s).

I can only be reminded what Mike Sitren told me years ago: Don't help family with real estate.  They will never appreciate your efforts.

So, if you are going to call me Bossy, because I suggest you do/do not do something in real estate, best of luck to you.  I don't need your invalidation and...

...what you think (of me) is none of my business.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes