Saturday, May 10, 2014

Downtown Las Vegas Church to acquire Neighboring Property!

After almost a year of going to and fro, a Downtown Church has agreed to acquire it's neighboring property for $1.9 Million.

This church which sits on the NEC of Ogden and 9th will be increasing it's land footprint from .09 acres to .32 acres.  The neighboring property to the south has a +/-3,600 SF store front office building; and, the adjacent parcel to the west has two store front office buildings of about 1,100 SF.

Since most of the sales activity in this area has been completed by the Downtown Redevelopment Project, the church's impact would be minimal.  However, with the acquisition of these properties, the church will be able to service more of the homeless and indigent populous that are an earmark of this east Las Vegas area.  And, this increase in lot and building size will help the church provided better and more food services for the growing food recipients.

Hopefully, we will be able to close the sale by mid summer.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Seller's Downfall from Selling without a Real Estate Broker!

Just recently, a property owner emailed me to say he had SOLD! his commercial Property and he was proving to me he didn't need a Real Estate Broker.

I had in the past tried to get him to list his property with me. But, he knew better than me about what his property entailed. So, I said okay. But I really wanted to see what would happen.

This is always a bad move on an Owner's part. If you are NOT experienced in Real Estate, you will get taken advantaged of.

Even my own younger brother bragged to me a few years ago about: "How easy it was for him to get his real estate license." I then asked my brother, "So, how much money have you made selling real estate since getting your license?"

His answer: "None." And, it is None because he works as a Pharmacist. Unfortunately, he is just like the rest of Sellers: He truly thinks it would be easy to be his own real estate broker.

So, the owner from the above property who said he didn't need me, was bragging in his email about selling on his own property, said: he Sold for: "$800,000."

I asked: "Why did you sell it for so much less than what this very same buyer had already paid for similar properties in his area?"

He replied: "The Buyer had told him they were never going to pay what I had wanted them to pay" which was $200,000 more than what they paid for his property.

I said: "Of course, they are telling you that now. You accepted less! Of course, they are going to say, they wouldn't pay more than what I had gotten these very same Buyers to pay for other properties that were all around him. But, "You decided you didn't need me!"

He reiterated: "I wasn't needed." and "I was making it a bigger deal than it was." Well, it was a $200,000 bigger deal than he realized.

Anyway, I didn't want to pour lemon juice on his wound. IF he truly thinks he did a better job than me, fine. I will move forward knowing he screwed up big time. AND, he eventually will realize this, too.

So, want to sell your CRE property yourself? Go ahead. It's just that I make an honest living with a Real Estate Brokers license and I would never try to do your job just to cut you out of a financial gain for helping me. And, I do it with your best intentions in mind.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

In Order to Purchase Las Vegas Property, You Need to Know This One Secret!

Not everyone is privileged to be able to acquire an income property in Las Vegas. And, most investors will never know the true secret to acquiring a Las Vegas Investment property because they get caught up in the Large Real Estate Firm scenario.

And, unfortunately, they continue to fall victim to this every time because they don't realize that the Large Real Estate Firm is only interested in their own bottom-line.

I know this because I have worked for large real estate firms.

IF you truly want to acquire a Las Vegas Income Property, you need to contact me.  My goal is and will always be for the benefit of my client. (You!)

I have had "others" come to town, then get a hold of me and ask: "Can you show me properties that you don't have listed?"

My answer is an affirmative Yes!

If you come to Las Vegas and hire me to help you with a property purchase, and you see a property you want to acquire.  AND, it is NOT LISTED, I will do everything I can to contact the owner and see IF they will sell.  It's truly NOT that difficult.  It might take some time since most owners who get unsolicited calls, don't return those calls.  But, I will keep trying until I get an answer for you.


Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes