Sunday, November 12, 2017

Climate Change Natural or Man-made?

If NOT into politics, you might want to avoid this blog post.

Since DonTheCon was Electoral College elected president, he has embarked on getting rid of "Unnecessary Government Regulations." I agree in a small part that the government does have some rules,/laws on their books that should be removed/changed.

But, when he appoints an EPA head who is a stanch supporter of the Oil Industry -- and this EPA Chief believes that the Oil Industry should be able to do what ever they want regardless of Cause and/or Effect on others health and well-being -- that's where I begin to have a problem.

Why?  Profit!

I believe the Oil Industry thinks that they do NOT have to clean up after themselves.  To them, cleaning up is too costly.  Besides, oil comes from the ground.  Why can't they just dump oil waste back onto the ground -- where it came from?

Everyone knows that the primary cause of air pollution is the gasoline engine.  Attempts to make electric engines doesn't give the driver the sense of power and surge of adrenaline that a gas engine does.

(Even I have a gas powered car.)

But when any industry is allowed to run rampant and destroy the air, water and earth we live on, I believe there is only so much the earth can take.  Humans are changing the planet and NOT for the better.

Even Stephen Hawkins says that we will destroy Earth because of the above aforementioned demand for Profit.  He even gave a year by which we will be successful in destroying the only planet we are capable of living on in the known universe -- 2600.

But, hey, that Profit is so, so important.  We need to keep the oil industry going.  Because without the oil industry, we just might be able to slow down or even stop climate change; have cleaner air and water; and, definitely have less pollution in general.

But, since profit is so important, we need to keep destroying human lives because - well, there are already too many humans occupying Earth. So, humans will continue to destroy Earth so when there is no Earth left, at least there will still be profit!

Can Earth right itself without humans changing their course?  I don't know.

But as these pictures from New Delhi, India indicate, I don't think so.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

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