Thursday, June 29, 2017

Make America Great Again? It always has been Great!

This past years General Election did wind me up and probably not in a good way.

When one of the candidates was campaigning on a racist platform, I was confident they wouldn't win.

Okay, they won -- the Electoral College.

Oh, well.  Time to move forward.

But, will the mostly poor counties that are stuck in the past be able to move forward?  I'm not sure.
It's like some one who tries to do the same thing over and over and they continue to expect a different result.

Are they insane or just showing signs of being an imbecile?  (See!  I am improving!  Last year I would have said: Crazy or Stupid!)

Anyway, I will leave invalidating other people to the bullies.

Today, I ran across this news story that I (think I) had seen on  But this one was published by the New York Times and Re-printed in the Las Vegas Sun.

Apparently, America is changing.

So, if you have racist tendencies and believe that America would be 'Great Again' with more Caucasian people than 'others,' then you will be greatly disappointed with the projections this story has.

Personally, I never thought that America was "All White" to begin with.  But, that's just me.
Fortunately for me, too, I also live in the city that is probably already where the rest of America is going to end up -- population diversity wise as the story predicts America will be by 2050.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

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