A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog about how 57 counties in the US of A are responsible for 2/3's of the nation's GNP; while 3,182 counties or there about only contribute to 1/3rd of that amount.
This got me thinking about an article I read a long time ago from a Princeton University Professor who said we didn't live in Democrat or Republican Societies; we actually live in Urban and Rural Societies.
I now know this to be more true than ever.
For the most part, Urban societies are about growth, working and living close to each other. This actually requires Urban Society rules of courtesy and accommodation; whereas, Rural Societies are more about individual strength, living on your own, providing for yourself and family what the land gives. They are more encouraged by self governing, and not worrying about whether your neighbor is making too much noise at 2 AM. Rural Society feels that any government regulation is an intrusion upon their lifestyle. So, they are not going to have any part of it.
Once, while talking to an Urban Planner, he remarked that Urban Society rules will work in a Rural Society Setting just as wells as in the city; but, he continued, that, Rural Rules would never work in an Urban Society Setting at all.
And, I think that is the reason Rural Society doesn't like or fit into Urban Society -- especially when Urban Society moves too close to Rural -- think Oil and Water.
Let's take for example, this current news story from the Las Vegas Review Journal. A lot of you will have no idea what or where Blue Diamond is -- except you might think that, that is the name of a Street here in Southern Nevada.
Blue Diamond Development
But, a local developer, who acquired+/- 2,400 acres on a Mesa in the southwest of the Las Vegas Valley, wants to build single family homes on what was once a Gypsum Mine located on this Mesa; and, the good folks of Blue Diamond, being the proud members of a Rural Society, don't want the influx of traffic, the new homes, and especially -- the number of people who would be using this new development as their place of residence.
That's right. The current residents of Blue Diamond don't want Urban Society invading (moving into) their Rural Society.
Which is sad, because, with the influx of the new homes, this Rural Society would see the increase the Blue Diamond's revenue, increase in retail spending, newer commercial development, and the ease of expanding their economic output. Thus, in other words, increasing their profit potential from adding to the County's, State's, and the Countries GNP!
But, because of their 'back off!' attitude; which could easily translate into we don't want your kind, which is mistaken for racial prejudice -- regardless of Who actually moves into the new development, they would forgo the economic improvement to their lives because...well, their Rural Society Lifestyle would have to change -- for the most part.
Now, I am sure that the current residents of Blue Diamond are very, good God fearing, wonderful people. But, unless they understand that the only way to improve themselves and to improve their lives is to embrace progress, their community will eventually die -- just as other counties in other states where they solely only want their old factory job to be returned to them that in reality is never, ever going to happen.
In an Urban Society, from what I can tell, progress is the way for an Society -- whether Urban or Rural -- to continue to look forward to the horizon that is directly in front of you.
If you are just looking at what was, and not at what could be, this has and always will lead every Society to ruin. Just take a look at the numerous ghost towns that failed to see what was coming.
Urban or Rural. Progress keeps a Society active and economically growing.
Just my two cents.
To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!
This got me thinking about an article I read a long time ago from a Princeton University Professor who said we didn't live in Democrat or Republican Societies; we actually live in Urban and Rural Societies.
I now know this to be more true than ever.
For the most part, Urban societies are about growth, working and living close to each other. This actually requires Urban Society rules of courtesy and accommodation; whereas, Rural Societies are more about individual strength, living on your own, providing for yourself and family what the land gives. They are more encouraged by self governing, and not worrying about whether your neighbor is making too much noise at 2 AM. Rural Society feels that any government regulation is an intrusion upon their lifestyle. So, they are not going to have any part of it.
Once, while talking to an Urban Planner, he remarked that Urban Society rules will work in a Rural Society Setting just as wells as in the city; but, he continued, that, Rural Rules would never work in an Urban Society Setting at all.
And, I think that is the reason Rural Society doesn't like or fit into Urban Society -- especially when Urban Society moves too close to Rural -- think Oil and Water.
Let's take for example, this current news story from the Las Vegas Review Journal. A lot of you will have no idea what or where Blue Diamond is -- except you might think that, that is the name of a Street here in Southern Nevada.
Blue Diamond Development
But, a local developer, who acquired
Which is sad, because, with the influx of the new homes, this Rural Society would see the increase the Blue Diamond's revenue, increase in retail spending, newer commercial development, and the ease of expanding their economic output. Thus, in other words, increasing their profit potential from adding to the County's, State's, and the Countries GNP!
But, because of their 'back off!' attitude; which could easily translate into we don't want your kind, which is mistaken for racial prejudice -- regardless of Who actually moves into the new development, they would forgo the economic improvement to their lives because...well, their Rural Society Lifestyle would have to change -- for the most part.
Now, I am sure that the current residents of Blue Diamond are very, good God fearing, wonderful people. But, unless they understand that the only way to improve themselves and to improve their lives is to embrace progress, their community will eventually die -- just as other counties in other states where they solely only want their old factory job to be returned to them that in reality is never, ever going to happen.
In an Urban Society, from what I can tell, progress is the way for an Society -- whether Urban or Rural -- to continue to look forward to the horizon that is directly in front of you.
If you are just looking at what was, and not at what could be, this has and always will lead every Society to ruin. Just take a look at the numerous ghost towns that failed to see what was coming.
Urban or Rural. Progress keeps a Society active and economically growing.
Just my two cents.
To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!