Saturday, December 3, 2016

Trump definitely needs to Thank the 'Looney Tunes' American Worker!

After visiting my doctor yesterday, she said something that I knew: but I hadn't truly focused on: She said that Trump got elected by telling the non-college educated people what they wanted to hear - not what they needed to hear.

Then, this made me think about a Mark Twain quote: 'It's easier to fool someone than it is to un-fool them."

And, fool them Trump did into voting for him because he made promises logical people know that he won't be able to keep.

Hey, even Sarah Palin is now saying his Carrier deal can't be done to keep every company from moving jobs overseas.

You see, most cities, counties or states can't afford to provide the millions in tax incentives which the state of Indiana agreed to, to keep jobs!

And, what's sad is that those very same non-college educated workers will have to accept tax increases on themselves to pay for those incentives.

Plus, the true way to keep their jobs is to accept the same rate of pay as the foreign country workers are willing to work for.  Do you think that is going to happen?

So, after hearing and thinking about this, this made me think about just how "Looney Tunes" these middle American non college educated workers are.

If you view Trump as Bugs Bunny, then it makes sense. "What's up, Doc?"

Also, the jobs lost to automation are never, ever going to be returned because machines can do a much better job of welding, riveting, assembling, packing, etc. better than any human for much, much less per hour.

Now, are these very same non-college educated workers going to work for what in our society is basically a slave wage?

No, they are not.

So, non college educated working Americans, if you truly want your old job, you can have it back. But you must be willing to work for less then $3 per hour.

Are you ready to get back to work?

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

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