Tuesday, April 9, 2019

RVP's Don't Have The Authority.

Since I found out, about 10 years ago, that a Las Vegas Resort was For Sale -- then, Not For Sale -- I have diligently been working the high end corporate market for a Resort Buyer.

Of, course, me being just a Real Estate Broker, they don't take me seriously.
OK, but, I plowed on.

Now, it seems I have a well qualified buyer who is interested, yet, they don't want to submit an offer until they arrive, walk the property, and have had time to digest the situation.

Again, OK. That's normal.

But, when I get approached by a Buyer (for lack of a better word), who claims they are connected to the Corporate Ownership entity via the Resorts Ownership where they own a casino in another part of the Country, and they say that they don't need me!

Okay, I can live with that.  (They supposedly have connections.)

It happens.

Well, as it turns out this one (supposed) Buyer had made inroads into the corporation and found one Regional Vice President who was willing to disclose Board Meeting secrets as a way of helping this Buyer get into the inside.

Is that dumb?

If not, I would think it is.

Anyway, I discussed this with my retired gaming, Golf Buddy who said I should report the Connection because my retire gaming Golf Buddy said "If it's not unethical or illegal, it shows the lack of loyalty that is needed from personnel in authoritative positions."

So, yesterday, I sent an email to me corporate executive contact.  It usually takes him a few days to reply.  So, I sit and wait for the outcome.

In the meantime...

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, April 1, 2019

A Potential Buyer Just Chewed Me Out!

As I cruise through life encroaching on Old Age, I seem to have gotten used to being yelled at!

Not so much a screaming match (since the Buyer is 14 hours ahead of Las Vegas time), but yelled at via a text message.

Now, it wasn't ALL CAPS yelling, but it was a butt chewing all the same.

Okay, a little over dramatic.  She was angry that I had made contact with her partner before she contacted me.

Yet, the contact with the partner resulted in her contacting me.

Now, just because she is a woman, doesn't mean I will treat her with any less respect than a man. (I know better.)

But when she didn't respond to my approach through emails or texting, the person who referred them to me said contact the man.  So, I did.

He responded.  We discussed a few details about buying Las Vegas property.  And, I was under the assumption, we were moving forward.

Then, a week later, she is giving me the business for going around her.


Sorry, didn't mean to yell there.

My point is, if I send you an email and you never reply, I will only assume you have no interest in moving forward with acquiring a Las Vegas Property.

Now, if you are referred to me as a buyer, and you don't reply, when the person who referred you to me calls to get an update, and they ask "Is there a potential deal" going forward, and I have to say that the referred person never replied; and then, that person says, "Why don't you call X," and I call X; don't then contact me in an angry manner chewing me out for contacting X! 

Make sense?

I think she was made because 'X' most likely called her after we spoke and chewed her out.

Okay, Sorry!

But, if you had replied when I first tried to contact you, the situation would have been dramatically different.

Didn't mean to make anyone sad; or mad; I will accept glad, tough.

So, if you are interested in a Las Vegas property...

Contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8
AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes
Have a nice day!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mistakes Millionaires Never Make!

There is a reason that Publisher's Clearing House no longer gives away a large Grand Prize of $10 Million dollars.

You have seen their TV ads.  It's now $5,000 a week for life!

Why did they change this so a poor person would only receive a nice weekly prize rather than a large sum of money.

I know the reason and I don't have to ask anyone.

You see, most people don't know how to manage money.

In an exit interview with CBS Affiliate in Los Angeles, Kobe Bryant was asked: (paraphrasing) What was one of the things you learned after signing your first big contract?

Kobe responded that, you don't give a Million dollars to anyone.

His rational for this was if you give a relative, who asks for a million, the million dollars, they are right back the next year asking for another million dollars again.

He said the best thing to give them is a monthly income.

He's right.

That's why Publisher's Clearing House no longer gives anyone a grand prize.  They finally realized that it was better to give $5,000 a week for life, then to dump a large sum on an untrained money manager.

So, when I saw this article, I thought all of you unsuspecting untrained money managers should know what true billionaires do to help them maintain their wealth

Mistakes Millionaires Never Make!

Please enjoy.

To Contact David Howes with any CRE questions, try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!