Friday, February 15, 2019

But I don't sell SFRs!

A little while ago, an Owner/Seller ("Client") asked me to help him sell his rented houses.

Well, I am NOT a Realtor and I am NOT a member of the local MLS.

But, that didn't deter him from insisting I try to get him +$2.1 Million for his 12 rented homes.

Well, if it's a portfolio, I will give it a try.

Here are the 11 SFRs and 1 Condo For Sale.  They are all 100% Occupied!

1189 BALZAR                        $160,000
1392 HART                             $165,000
1913 WILD JAN                     $195,000
2060 LA SALLE                     $139,000
2160 CLANCY                       $167,000
4019 ASANTE COVE            $205,000
4420 SHALIMAR                   $145,000
4562 BABY BIRD                  $220,000
4604 VAN BUREN                 $207,000
4608 VAN BUREN                 $216,000
5151 PARADISE VALLEY    $188,000
7078 BURCOT                       $125,000

Anyway, that's the list of properties.
To buy them all at once, it is: $2,132,000.

If interested:

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Truth from another Point of View!

Recently, an agent tried to get me to sign an agreement to pay his firm 2.5% of a sale purchase agreement.

Okay, normally, when you purchase a property, the Seller pays a "marketing fee" and that fee is usually split between the procuring broker and the listing broker.

In this transaction, I am the listing broker.

It has to do with five multi-family properties I have listed.

The agent sent me a form to sign that would have held me and my company liable for commission even though there was no buyer mentioned in the form.

Now, having the experience I have in my near 28 year real estate career, I have only run across this scenario once before.

It's a backhanded way of stealing commission from a broker.

You see, if I signed this form, this agent could in turn claim a commission if I sold the property to a buyer NOT affiliated with the agent -- even without this agent involved -- the form states that I would owe them part of the commission.

Not going to happen.

I work too hard for the little money I earn.

Anyway, the agent called me.  I politely took the call.  And, he began to invalidate and bully me because of my steadfast refusal to believe his truth from another point of view!

His bullying included insults for not seeing this his way of trying to earn a procuring commission by stealing.

I told him that this call was over and I hung up.  I even blocked his number.

Anyway, who needs this attitude.

This guy is an idiot!  Fortunately, I am smarter than the average bear to NOT be stupid in signing  away a commission to an agent who comes across as sleazy.

I proceeded to persuade another buyer to make an offer.

We'll see what happens.


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, February 4, 2019

He has $60 Billion in the bank!

So, I wished this to be true!

Unfortunately, as a skeptic of agents (or Buyers) or even investment advisers who attempt to persuade me that they, or their clients, are wealthy, I do what I can do to verify -- or, dispel -- such claims.

Recently, I asked this contact at a resort casino/hotel whether or not, they would sell one of their large Resort properties, which is rumored to be for sale -- was true or not.

It is true.

Great! Because, I was working with a middle eastern businessman/hotelier who had an interest in acquiring a Las Vegas resort.

But, Don's racist presidency killed any chance of them moving forward to invest at that time.

Oh, well, I will find someone else.

Anyway, another investment company I have worked with in the past referred me to a third investment company who claimed they had a buyer for a Las Vegas Resort Property.

Ok.  Prove it to me.

After assembling the Buyer pays me paperwork, a get a confirmation letter and a bank statement from this investment company which they claim is the buyer's true net worth.
Well, I give it to my retired gaming business partner friend.  He says, it looks good, but why don't you call the bank to see if it is real?

Oh!  Good idea!

I proceed to email the two forms to the bank, hoping beyond hope that what I was given is real.
Two days later, I get the bank's reply.

Thank you for your e-mail of 2 February regarding the Bank Confirmation Letter and Statement. After checking with our department concerned, I would like to confirm you that the letters you attached on the e-mails are not genuine or issued by our bank.

Son of a B**h!

I hope you know how I felt.

There are too many persons in the world who want to be involved in a fraud.  I am so glad to have done what I did to prevent me from damaging my reputation by a want to be criminal trying to pose as a high wealth individual.

All I can say is good riddance to this agent/investment adviser. Never again.

Lastly, I don't need anyone to waste my time, I am perfectly capable of doing that on my own.

At this point, I can honestly say, Lesson was learned and I am glad to have followed the advice to check the information myself.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!