Saturday, May 13, 2017

We need a marketing push!

Very recently, a 'person' (I don't want to give my hand away too early on this topic) that works at a major bank in the US, emailed me asking me if I'd be willing to go to lunch with them.

We set up a time and a place.  I dressed casually because I know this person and thought it appropriate.

At lunch, we 'caught up.'  Their children, my get the drift.

Then, toward the middle of our lunch, this person asked me if it would be okay if they referred me to the bank's area asset manager.

I was a little surprised because I know that this bank uses a national real estate firm to list and sell their bank owned property.

Of course, I agreed by saying, "I Love Referrals!"  Etc. Etc.

Well, as it turns out, the person I was meeting with had invited the bank's area asset manager to lunch with us, but that person had another appointment.  Okay.  That's fine.

Anyway, I was told that the bank 'bosses' are NOT happy with how their bank owned assets are being marketed.  Or, better -- not being marketed.

In case you didn't know, there are bank regulations that prohibit banks from becoming landlords of properties they foreclosed upon.  And, there is a sense of urgency from this person, that I got, that "the bank needs a marketing push" to move property and fast.

Now, that doesn't mean cheaply.  The banks do have to recoup more than enough money from the sale of the properties to save face with banking regulators.

Anyway, I said I was more than happy to meet with whomever they needed me to meet with.  I was willing to travel to where they were to discuss my abilities to market what ever properties they entrusted me with 'marketing.'

They said it might just be a trial run to see if someone NOT affiliated with a national real estate firm would have better success at selling properties.

I told them, 'I'm in.'

So, we'll see what happens in the coming months!

It was a very good lunch.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Small Casino For Sale in Nevada!

I've had my web site for some time now.

But, it wasn't until recently, that my web site, actually provided a lead for a casino for sale!

And, this happened in the last two weeks.

So, now, I can honestly say, I have a 'Small Nevada Casino Motel' For Sale!

This property is small relative to any of the Las Vegas mega resorts.  But, it is a stepping stone in the right direction for an entrepreneur looking to venture into the gaming business.

With the assortment or variety of any number of small restaurants, bars, taverns, sports bars -- all with gaming -- that are for sale, this property will allow an owner-operator to actual 'own' a "Casino."  (It does also have motel rooms.)

(This is NOT the Casino that's For Sale)

The owner of this property tells me he wants to sell because he wants to 'get out of the casino business.'

I'd tell you more about this property, but because a Nevada Casino license takes a certain type of person that needs to be approved by the Nevada Gaming Control Board, I think you should email me  your qualifying information prior to any disclosure of any property particulars.

Yes, it is going to run you in the millions of dollars.

So, if you think you'll qualify for a gaming license...

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Real Estate Broker Conductor Dance


Not a favorite pastime for me.

When I was younger, I danced - well I thought I was dancing.  It might have been a sloppy swaying  or obnoxious gyration of my body.  But, I thought I was dancing.  Even if others didn't see the magic in my artful moves.

Lately, with commercial real estate (CRE) values in Las Vegas returning to their slow progression of increasing in value, I thought that Buyers would suddenly realize that the steals are gone and the Sellers would realize that they are NOT holding gold in their lands.

Oh, well.  I can only hope that the coming of the future tells them the truth -- even if Buyers want to ignore recent sales; and Sellers try to use non-comparable properties to justify an unrealistic value.

But, what hasn't changed in the 20 plus years while working CRE in Las Vegas is the dance.

Yes, the Buyer/Seller dance that starts with either the Seller or the Buyer -- it doesn't matter who starts dancing.  As long as one party or the other finds the property attractive enough that one or the other begins a dialog which might result in a potential sale.  That's what us Real Estate Brokers want to occur.

Usually, the Buyer finds a property of interest to them; then the Seller plays the hard to get game; followed by Buyer changes the viewing/walking the property time; then, the Seller fights back with  'we need to know certain Buyer qualification conditions in order to move forward;' which the Buyer then will flash their qualifications; which the Seller refuses to accept or budge.
You get the picture!

And us frustrated Real Estate Brokers are the ones who end up playing conductor.
We would be in charge of the Buyer/Seller orchestra as it plays.  All we can do is to keep trying our best and to keep up and (pretend maybe) to be fully in charge of this crazy scenario.

Now, you will have to trust me on this.  I am fully capable and experienced in helping anyone acquire a CRE property; or help a Buyer or Seller close a real estate sale -- but it is essential that the Buyer/Seller parties co-operate.

And, that is the key.

As the conductor of this musical chair scenario, it's my job to help the parties find the common ground.  Which is ground we all can stand on with two feet solidly on a firm surface.

But, as this dance is playing out, inside I am thinking: "Holy (insert your favorite word) !!!

My weary feet usually don't find the rest they need until the Escrow is closed and the property officially transfers -- changing ownership via Recording at the County.

So, you ready to dance?

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!