Saturday, November 26, 2016

An example of how Trump would be as an International Diplomat!

With Trump's (supposed) win of this year's US Presidential Election, I stand to lose more than $5 Million in CRE commissions that I would have earned if Tump lost.  (Well, he lost the popular vote but is still considered the winner because of the upcoming electoral college vote.)

With that said, I have no love for Donald J Trump ascending to the US Presidency at all.  (He's already cost me money and he isn't even sworn in yet.)

Just after the election, I was approached by a relative who said that I should at least give Trump a chance.  OK.  Chance is over.

Then, this morning, I see this article in the Las Vegas Sun about Trump's Scotland Golf Course Resort development.  When Trump being the pushy bully he is caused him to run afoul of some land owners who refused to be bullied into selling their land to Trump, Trump took his bullying to the next step of invalidating them and bullying them even further.  (Nice negotiating practice.)

Now, I don't know about you, but I truly don't think that, that is/was the way to handle this situation.  (Because I am not privy to any details of this; and I am only going by what is reported here, I will assume Trump sucks as a negotiator.)

And, what this article demonstrates to me is: Trump isn't qualified to be US President -- if this is how he "negotiates" deals.

Throughout most of the free world, bullies are viewed as very, very weak people.  Trump has always demonstrated to me that if he doesn't get his way, he will bully you until he does.

(I feel sorry for the Midwestern voters who have fallen victim to Trump's rhetoric. AND, I felt more sorry for the Hillary voters who helped Hillary win the popular election by 2 million plus votes, but (may lose) the elector college vote this coming December 19th.

(I am hoping beyond hope that the electoral college voters will see through Trump's (phony) rhetoric and vote Hillary anyway -- since they are only required by the constitution to vote for one of the top 3 candidates who received popular votes.  For some reason, I keep thinking that (maybe) the sane electoral voters will vote Hillary since she only needs 270 votes to win the presidency.)

Anyway, here's the article about Trump's Scotland Golf Course Resort (debacle) where he treated the opposition to his course -- well, like the bully he truly is.

(Copy and paste in your browser if needed.)

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


As a Pilgrim descendant, I hope all of you have a peaceful and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day!
Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: ATDavidAHowes

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What IF the Electoral College does hold Trump's Indiscretions against him and Voted Hillary?

Somewhere, I can't find it now -- but someone, maybe a politician, proposed an idea to have the Electoral College NOT vote for Trump.  By Constitutional requirement, the Electoral College Voters are only required to vote for one of the top three vote getting candidates.)

Anyway, this politician said that the Electoral College is only obligated to vote the way the state voted by the state they are in.  There is no Federal Regulation that indicates the Electoral Voter MUST vote that way.

Anyway, I keep thinking that this could be a possibility!

Wait, oh that's right.  Then, Trump's claim the election results are rigged would make him correct and NOT a liar about this subject!  So, then, he'd be telling the truth.

Oh, well.  Rig away Electoral Voters! Please?!

*For anyone voting, here is a short list of Trump’s major indiscretions. Please take the time to read it. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that we don’t forget everything that this man has said, done and been caught for in the last few days before election:  Lock Trump Up! Lock Trump Up!

- Suggested that all Muslims should be registered. 
- Suggested all Muslims should be banned.
- Caught in a lie regarding September 11th, in which he stated a false story about seeing Muslims celebrate in order to garner support for his agenda to ban or register Muslims. 
- Suggested Mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers. 
- Spent 5 years riding the extremely racist “Birther” wave in which he tried to prove Obama was not American, even after he had the proof that he was.
- Was caught in a tape bragging about molesting women because he can get away with it. 
- Applauded, invoked and defended physical violence against protesters at his rallies and specifically stated he missed the good old days when you could take black men out back and beat them.
- Has been accused by several women of sexual misconduct.
- Caught for not paying taxes.
- Caught for outsourcing his business to other countries after stating that businesses should only be doing business in America.
- Stated that women who have abortions should be punished. (Just so you know: the only way to change a women's right to an abortion is via a Constitutional amendment -- like changing the electoral college process.)
- Has stated that gay rights will be “drawn back." (Since has stated that this issue was settled.)
- Stated that climate change is a hoax.
- Attacked a fallen soldier’s family for a week because they are Muslim.
- Called John McCain a loser for being captured.
- Has repeatedly shown that he is in cahoots with Putin, and now has evidence suggesting that he has been linked to the email hacks. 
- Lied and said Mexico is going to pay for a wall.
- Has been called out by several small businesses for malpractice.
- Is currently being investigated for sexual misconduct and in court for several law suits.
- Made several aggressively misogynistic attacking remarks at several different female reporters and opposers.
- Has stated that he does not respect women.
- Has bragged that his wife does whatever he tells her to.
- Shown utter ignorance in regards to nuclear weapons.
- Stated the second amendment supporters could “do something” about Hillary.
- Has stated he may not accept the outcome of the election.
- Has stated he wants to bring back stop and frisk.
-Caused me to lose millions in CRE commissions by being elected. (Most important one.)

*I found this on the Internet under: List of Donald Trump's indiscretions,

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes