Wednesday, November 9, 2016


With the Presidential Election results confirmed, Trump is elected to Office.

Now, I don't -- and never did -- agree with the Americans who voted for him, because I know Trump  is never, ever going to bring back jobs that were shipped to Mexico and overseas; build a wall; or last more than 4 years in office.  I am hopeful that the non-educated white male voter will in short time see through Trump's facade; and, then learn to regret they fell victim to his "bring back jobs" jargon.

Why do I think this?

It is because I truly believe Trump has no intentions of actually serving as US President.  Once sworn into office, I think Trump will then resign, because I never understood the reason for a man who makes +/-$500,000 per month accepting a position that only pays $450,000 per year.  I think he will return to New York to continue his charade as a billionaire businessman. (That's just me thinking out loud.)

As for right now, most of this post-election day after, I will be spending trying to contact and convince my international hotelier client -- who is just about impossible to reach on a regular basis -- to proceed with acquiring the Las Vegas Resort I wrote the offer for.  I hope that I will be able to alter his stance of not moving forward if Trump is elected.

And, yes, I am well versed in Tom Hopkin's "How to Master the Art of Selling" sales closes.  But, so is my client -- which you would expect him to be, right?

(Seems my work is cut out for me, wouldn't you agree?)

All I can say is: I am just going to move forward; strive for a better life for myself, my wife, and my adult children.  And I hope Donald doesn't do or say anything else that will lead to other people's lives being dramatically altered for the worse.

Oh, well.  Moving forward.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Monday, November 7, 2016

"Don't Vote Trump!" says a former Casino Executive.

I wish this had been published earlier.  I would have loved to present this a few weeks or even a month ago.

But a former Casino executive who managed Trump Plaza in Atlantic City while Harrah's was in a partnership with Trump claims that Trump is truly NOT fit to be US President.

I will let you read this for yourself.

And, lastly, if Trump is elected, I will lose Million$ of dollar$ in Comississions because my Middle Eastern Businessman client has repeatedly stated that his investors don't trust Trump at all.

I get the feeling they know Trump better than those supporting/voting for him.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Friday, October 28, 2016

Why am I still worried about a Trump Presidency?

A few days ago, MSNBC ran a segment on this year's potential electoral college vote.  As it stands, Clinton already has enough electoral votes if she wins the General Election.

And, MSNBC said, that if Trump wins all the current 'swing states,' he still comes up short to Clinton by 272 to 266 votes.

This means, they said, that Trump has to "flip" (their word) one of the states that is solid in favor of Clinton in order to win the US Presidency.  (MSNBC doesn't think he would be able to do that.)

Well, if this is true, why am I still worried?

So, I did my own research on this topic; and I found that what MSNBC said is true.

So, even after researching this, and seeing that, that possibility isn't going to happen, why are other news organizations still saying that Trump may have an outside chance. Oh, my!

I even saw Karl Rove on FoxNews say that Trump has already lost the election.

Anyway, the reason I am rooting for Trump to lose is that I have a written a Purchase and Sales Agreement for a Las Vegas Resort Property. This 'offer,' currently in the Buyer's hands, is waiting for the US Presidential Election result before his board will allow him to authorize me to submit it to the Seller.

Yes.  The offer is a very large sale. (In the billions.)  Yes. The commission of said sale is very large. (In the millions.)  And, Yes.  That is the reason I am so worried about Trump winning.

If Clinton wins; I win.  If Trump wins; I lose.  It is as simple as that.

(With apologies, I am headed back to needlessly worrying about this.)

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes