Friday, July 24, 2020

Dealing with an Inexperienced 'Know-It-All' Real Estate Agent

First: I will survive a 30 day All Cash Real Estate Escrow.  (That's a fact!)

Second: I am NOT sure I will ever recover from this "New" Agent's idiocy!

He works for a local real estate company that has had a nice success rate.  I'm sure there are agents there that are competent and worthy for anyone to work with.

But, on this particular transaction, this agent has tried his best -- in my opinion -- to get my client/friend to remove me so he can be the only agent in the deal.


I don't know -- 3rd Base!

Yes!  That's how confusing this has become, and we are still NOT in an Open Escrow, yet!

Here's the background:
On Sunday just past, I receive a call from a Buyer.  He saw my plex properties on a listing service.
And, it turns out, he wants to buy two of them!  Okay.

After discussing the price points, the Buyer wanted to think about it.

A day or so later, my client/friend says he is thinking of listing the two most horrible looking, lack of curb appeal, cost ridden plex properties with someone on the Multiple Listing Service. (I am NOT a Realtor and I have found as a CRE Broker, the Multiple Listing Service is great for homes -- lousy for commercial buildings)
To me that's okay because the Seller's price is retail, and the Buyer's prices have all been wholesale. (He won't accept wholesale and I thought I would just cut my losses.)

Anyway, the buyer then disappears for a few days, then I get a Realtor form offer from this agent for that particular Buyer.  A sleazy move on the Buyer;s part, but okay.

The one offer is for two properties (which the seller owns under two different entities); and, they are low ball prices.

Turns out, the buyer called me, got first hand information on the properties, then went back to the agent to write the offer.

At First I am offended, but Hey, "It's Real Estate," said Mike Sitren.

Anyway, turns out this agent does have a lot of listings, yet I have had other Buyers who worked with him in the past tell me he tried to do things they were uncomfortable with. (That's another story for later.)

Anyway, as I try to help him understand that there needs to be two offers, and I Counter his one offer for 2 properties with 2 offers for one property each, he starts to insult me, my forms, and boldface lies about regulations. (I doubled checked with the state on a few of his pronouncements that he was sure were illegal.  They are not, according to the NVRED.)

Now, I am wondering: Is my client/friend going to sign the 'new' offers (one for each property) that the agent (reluctantly) finally agreed to write? Time will tell.

After we (I am hopeful) close this transaction, I know I will be moving on to other deals already in process!

PS: In my near 29 year experience, sleazy agents will crash and burn sooner than later.
This agent needs to go sooner.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

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