Friday, July 24, 2020

Dealing with an Inexperienced 'Know-It-All' Real Estate Agent

First: I will survive a 30 day All Cash Real Estate Escrow.  (That's a fact!)

Second: I am NOT sure I will ever recover from this "New" Agent's idiocy!

He works for a local real estate company that has had a nice success rate.  I'm sure there are agents there that are competent and worthy for anyone to work with.

But, on this particular transaction, this agent has tried his best -- in my opinion -- to get my client/friend to remove me so he can be the only agent in the deal.


I don't know -- 3rd Base!

Yes!  That's how confusing this has become, and we are still NOT in an Open Escrow, yet!

Here's the background:
On Sunday just past, I receive a call from a Buyer.  He saw my plex properties on a listing service.
And, it turns out, he wants to buy two of them!  Okay.

After discussing the price points, the Buyer wanted to think about it.

A day or so later, my client/friend says he is thinking of listing the two most horrible looking, lack of curb appeal, cost ridden plex properties with someone on the Multiple Listing Service. (I am NOT a Realtor and I have found as a CRE Broker, the Multiple Listing Service is great for homes -- lousy for commercial buildings)
To me that's okay because the Seller's price is retail, and the Buyer's prices have all been wholesale. (He won't accept wholesale and I thought I would just cut my losses.)

Anyway, the buyer then disappears for a few days, then I get a Realtor form offer from this agent for that particular Buyer.  A sleazy move on the Buyer;s part, but okay.

The one offer is for two properties (which the seller owns under two different entities); and, they are low ball prices.

Turns out, the buyer called me, got first hand information on the properties, then went back to the agent to write the offer.

At First I am offended, but Hey, "It's Real Estate," said Mike Sitren.

Anyway, turns out this agent does have a lot of listings, yet I have had other Buyers who worked with him in the past tell me he tried to do things they were uncomfortable with. (That's another story for later.)

Anyway, as I try to help him understand that there needs to be two offers, and I Counter his one offer for 2 properties with 2 offers for one property each, he starts to insult me, my forms, and boldface lies about regulations. (I doubled checked with the state on a few of his pronouncements that he was sure were illegal.  They are not, according to the NVRED.)

Now, I am wondering: Is my client/friend going to sign the 'new' offers (one for each property) that the agent (reluctantly) finally agreed to write? Time will tell.

After we (I am hopeful) close this transaction, I know I will be moving on to other deals already in process!

PS: In my near 29 year experience, sleazy agents will crash and burn sooner than later.
This agent needs to go sooner.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

14 down, 7 to Go!

Sounds like a Football or Basketball score, doesn't it?

Out of the 21 properties I have had listed, I have been able to sell 14 of them!

Yes, I need to replace the Sold listings with other listings, but all in due course.

I listed a portfolio of 12 Single Family Homes (SFRs) including a townhouse and a condo.

I listed three motels.

I listed a portfolio of 6 Multifamily apartments.

I still have those remaining because they are extreme value added and the Seller wants his price.
(Still working an offer that might work, though.)

In the meantime, if interested in acquiring a Las Vegas property...

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!