Monday, January 1, 2018

Legal Weed - Boom or Bust?

A couple of years ago, I was (trying) helping an international investor who was dead set on acquiring a facility here in Las Vegas where he could grow and sell marijuana. So, he thought.

Since, at the time, I knew very little about the Nevada Laws on this topic, I did research to make myself a little bit knowledgeable.

Anyway, turns out he found out rather quickly that what he wanted to do, he couldn't do because in the federal sense, marijuana -- regardless of it's recreational or medical status -- is still illegal.

Thus, the Nevada Law was at the discretion of the Nevada Gaming Control Board. (Who voted that gaming sites/persons could NOT be involved in that industry.)

So, this investor couldn't open a dispensary inside a resort casino.

This meant he had to abide by their decision to NOT have dispensaries anywhere near their properties.  Oh, well.

Now that California has legalized Marijuana, a fellow Real Estate Broker I've known for years, sold a California Town last year that is near the Nevada - California border to a marijuana company.

He tells me their plan is to make a marijuana resort in the middle of a desert just off I-15 south of Primm, NV.

I thought that, that was great for him and an ideal spot to grow, sell and have marijuana enthusiast come so they could partake in their chosen lifestyle.  With this law now enacted, this should proceed. (We'll see.)

Anyway, after reading this Five Thirty Eight analysis, maybe being in the marijuana industry isn't going to be as financial beneficial as we all thought.

Pot Growers Dilemma

And since the Nevada Law was enacted in 2016, a lot of stores are popping up but will they last.

My wife's company has interior design proposals out to several marijuana businesses, but she is weary. She has been designing commercial sites for years and years and as usual, businesses come and go.

But, is this industry going to last?

Survival of the fittest?

What do I know?  I know that I am just a Commercial Real Estate Broker.  I can help you find a lawful site, but Marijuana is something I smoked as a youth and stay away from now as an older, wiser (I hope) man.

(I refuse to judge anyone.)

BUT -- if you are interested in finding a Nevada Site to open a Marijuana dispensary or grow facility, give me a call.

In the meantime, here is a summary of the Nevada Marijuana law actively in place.

Nevada Pot Law Guide

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

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