Monday, September 25, 2017

Immigration, Tax Reform and Healthcare help the US Economy

Last week, I was invited by Bank of Nevada to attend an economic presentation they held at the new Las Vegas Golden Knights practice arena.

There Beacon Economics, LLC made a presentation about the Las Vegas economic future.
(It looks very bright!)

There were three things mentioned during this presentation that made me go, "Hmm!"

One was Immigration.  He presented information that when the US has more of an open immigration policy, the economy expands.  Since 1924 when the KKK had Congress pass the Immigration Act of 1924, this place a restriction on "Who" was more invited into the US than others.  Since that time, we have seen several economic cycles come and go. (Due to immigration restrictions? Probably not.)

But, one of the main problems today is that there is a shortage of unskilled workers for the number of unfulfilled unskilled labor jobs.  Yet, the current administration wants to restrict immigrants who through US history, have been the ones to fill those jobs.

Second was a discussion about Tax Cuts.  Us US Citizens have a history of NOT wanting to pay any taxes.  Nobody likes to pay taxes.  But, the information presented showed that giving high income people a tax cut, you actually gut the funding for a lot of necessary government programs.  Thus, you hurt the economy.

Road infrastructure and other assorted government provided services usually end up gutted when there is little to no money coming into the government.

Last was health care.  They touched on the fact that if American families are saddled with high health bills, they have little to no extra spending money and still very little for other than basic necessities such as food, shelter, etc.

By eliminating any extra income the family might have, it prevents them from participating in the overall economy in general.  Thus, when their backs are against the wall, and little income to live on, they eventually file Bankruptcy -- which hurts the overall US economy.

So, as we march forward with an administration fully geared up to run immigrants out of the US; give massive tax cuts to the higher income people; and gut a health care system to appease a few campaign donors, we are actually lining our sights on a turbulent financial future rather than a profitable one.

For more information on this topic:

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