Las Vegas!
Everyone knows your name!
Translated, it means Fun! (Not really.)
But, when some one, anywhere in the world says: "Let's go to Vegas!"
Everyone, no matter where you are in the world, knows what they mean.
And Fun means: Lots of Free Alcohol (if you are gambling), Gambling (if you are drinking free alcohol), and Partying all night long (a result from gambling and free alcohol).
So, when the NFL took up the topic of: "Should the Oakland Raiders be allowed to become the Las Vegas Raiders? For some reason, they voted 31-1: Yes!
And as the insert article from Casino Industry Gaming News states: It was money!
Gambling Finally Becomes Non Issue With NFL Owners
That's because "Money Talks and Bull S@&t Walks!" Is the old saying, isn't it?
And, they Voted, Yes despite the facts that Las Vegas doesn't rank very high media wise, But, according to their vote result: Las Vegas still ranks! (No pun intended.)
Las Vegas City Rankings (Just for Fun!)
And, lastly, and this is my personal assessment, as a place to live, work, and raise a family (having lived and worked in other markets) Las Vegas is Number 1!
I think the best thing is: Nevada doesn't have a State Income tax.
Lots and Lots of money pours into Nevada via the Mining Industry, just as well as the tourism industry.
Las Vegas roads are wider than any other city in the world -- even wider than the city (supposedly) built for cars -- Los Angeles.
And on the outside looking in, Clark County and City Planners are more up to speed as to what is necessary to make traffic flow easier around the valley.
When people I'm with complain about the "Orange Traffic Cones" lining the streets, I remind them that, that signals progress and growth! We may NOT see the results of that growth immediately, but we will as traffic volume increases, the roads are already wide enough to handle that traffic.
And repairing roads, building much needed On and Off-ramps, wider Freeways and Streets, is all part of a growing economy. A Valley destine to grow even larger.
Years ago, a developer told me: "If you don't have orange cones in your roads, you have a dwindling economy."
I think Mark Davis knew this and wanted to be apart of it.
To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!
Everyone knows your name!
Translated, it means Fun! (Not really.)
But, when some one, anywhere in the world says: "Let's go to Vegas!"
Everyone, no matter where you are in the world, knows what they mean.
And Fun means: Lots of Free Alcohol (if you are gambling), Gambling (if you are drinking free alcohol), and Partying all night long (a result from gambling and free alcohol).
So, when the NFL took up the topic of: "Should the Oakland Raiders be allowed to become the Las Vegas Raiders? For some reason, they voted 31-1: Yes!
And as the insert article from Casino Industry Gaming News states: It was money!
Gambling Finally Becomes Non Issue With NFL Owners
That's because "Money Talks and Bull S@&t Walks!" Is the old saying, isn't it?
And, they Voted, Yes despite the facts that Las Vegas doesn't rank very high media wise, But, according to their vote result: Las Vegas still ranks! (No pun intended.)
Las Vegas City Rankings (Just for Fun!)
And, lastly, and this is my personal assessment, as a place to live, work, and raise a family (having lived and worked in other markets) Las Vegas is Number 1!
I think the best thing is: Nevada doesn't have a State Income tax.
Lots and Lots of money pours into Nevada via the Mining Industry, just as well as the tourism industry.
Las Vegas roads are wider than any other city in the world -- even wider than the city (supposedly) built for cars -- Los Angeles.
And on the outside looking in, Clark County and City Planners are more up to speed as to what is necessary to make traffic flow easier around the valley.
When people I'm with complain about the "Orange Traffic Cones" lining the streets, I remind them that, that signals progress and growth! We may NOT see the results of that growth immediately, but we will as traffic volume increases, the roads are already wide enough to handle that traffic.
And repairing roads, building much needed On and Off-ramps, wider Freeways and Streets, is all part of a growing economy. A Valley destine to grow even larger.
Years ago, a developer told me: "If you don't have orange cones in your roads, you have a dwindling economy."
I think Mark Davis knew this and wanted to be apart of it.
To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!
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