Thursday, January 12, 2017

Trump in over his head in Deep Muddy Waters, Swimming with Sharks and He doesn't know it.

Yesterday, after just reading about the press debacle Trump held at Trump Towers, I made the decision that I was correct about Trump all along.  I don't think he is going to last 4 years as president.

Now, why do I think that?

Well, Trump is a businessman who is used to telling people what to do, when to do it, and if it goes wrong, it's their fault it didn't get done.

He claims to be a great negotiator.  But, I didn't see any of that yesterday -- at all.  If he had properly prepared for the press conference, I think it would have negotiated a smoother result.  He would have negotiated his way around and/or through the tough questions.  But, as they asked questions he didn't want to even hear, he got more, and more bombastic and accusatory.

And, as David Gergen explains here: "But, as he so often does, he started shooting wildly at the wrong targets.  Once again, he attacked the intelligence community -- this time for leaking the memos to the press."

What Trump is doing is trying to blame the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other Intelligence Agency's for something that they didn't do.

He is trying to convince the weak minded Non College Educated person that the reason for all the fake news is the Agency's fault.  Why?  Because as a businessman, he could do that and get away with it.

Unfortunately, for Donald Trump, that doesn't work when you are President.  As Harry Truman once pointed out: 'The Buck Stops Here.'

Now, for years, Trump was instigating the 'Birther Movement."  And, it was recently disclosed that Trump truly didn't believe that Obama wasn't born in the US!  But, because it got so much air time on the media, his false statement received so much traction.  So, he continued with it -- until during the campaign, he finally admitted that Obama was born in the US.

And, all along, President Barack Obama took the insult and racist abuse -- well -- like a President!

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Trump is bombastically claiming he is the victim!

The way I see it, I get the feeling that (maybe, allegedly) Trump himself might be behind all of this.  He is media savvy, as I have seen and heard.  But, the leaking that he is accusing others of doing, could it have been done by him or his aides?  I don't know.  But, I get the feeling something isn't quite right with all of this because I sense Trump protests too much!

Now, only Trump knows for sure whether or not he was in Moscow (as claimed) and being entertained by Russian Prostitutes giving each other "Golden Showers?"  (I am a germ-a-phoebe, too, folks.  So, Golden Showers are never, ever in my sex life, either.)

But, I digress.  So, back to the Government intelligence agencies.

These agencies do have a strong history of never, ever disclosing anything public about any investigation.  It doesn't serve them well if they do.  They wait until court when they are then required to disclose the evidence that they have.

(For example: If you have evidence about a crime being investigated by the FBI, they will listen to you politely.  Most likely they will take good notes or record the session. When you have given to them what you know, they in turn will say,  "We'll take it under advisement."

They never, ever disclose -- as TV shows make them seem like they do -- any evidence they know or have on any case they are working on.  It just doesn't happen.

But, Trump believes that the non College Educated will believe him because he told them to believe him.  And, if they don't, well, it's their fault!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

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