Saturday, September 10, 2016

Poker Pro faces Felony Charges about Casino Debt

Years ago, when I first met the Retired Casino Owner/Manager who I am very good friends with today, he said to me at lunch one day that most Poker Professionals lose money playing poker.

I was astonished because of how they are portrayed on TV.  You win a million dollars, you should be set for a long time.

But, he continued by saying that a poker player needs to win 51% ALL of the time to make any money.  And, he said that like 90% never, ever win anything if they win anything at all.

So, even though this Professional Poker Player had won millions of $$$'s in tournaments through the years, he has lost millions of $$$'s more.

Which means, he loses more than he ever wins, thus his inability to repay the markers.

So, when I saw this article today, I wasn't surprised that this poker player is being charged with writing bad checks.

And, as it states in the article, when a casino issues you credit, under Nevada Law, you are technically writing a check to the casino even though it is referred to as a "Marker."

The casino issues the marker as if you have the amount of the marker in your bank account.  Fortunately, they will give you a set time to repay them -- if you lose.  (If you win, all is forgiven.)

Unfortunately, for this Professional Poker Player, he understood this when he signed the marker,  But, he truly didn't have the money to pay them back.  So, the Wynn Resort -- using the Nevada bad check writing law -- is charging him with writing a bad check.

Everyone understands that the House never loses, correct?

With that in mind, my advise to you who think you have a system to win at any casino: Don't sign for a marker unless you know that you have the ability to wire the money to the casino when you lose.

Oh, I have a better system for beating the house in Nevada: and it is a better way of "winning."
Buy a NNN income property.

Then, the checks issued to you have your name on them as the payee; and the tenant is the one paying you money on a monthly basis.

Now, that's a sure fire way of a Win! Win!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

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