Friday, October 25, 2019

Attention, Lowball, Bottom Feeders! Don't Bother!

Last week, while back in "Boston" where I grew up, the extended family gathered together to celebrate the passing of our mother.

She was a 90 year old spit fire.  (Okay, you get the picture.)

Anyway, after the wake and before the funeral, we went to her favorite spot and we each had our favorite drink in a toast to honor of her.

While there, my youngest brother, who is a Colonel in the US ARMY, and I were discussing local real estate events. (My Apologies.  I can't help myself.)

He had been a real estate agent for a short time years ago but could never make a go of it.  (Maybe because he was fully into being an Army Officer?)

Anyway, while discussing the multiple low-ball offers I get for my listings in Downtown Las Vegas, I was complaining that too many of these bottom feeders feel entitled to steal the Seller's equity value of a property listing.

During our discussion of this, he said, (paraphrasing) if you treat the low-balling Buyer seriously, maybe you could work a deal.

I knew then that he didn't understand how real estate works. 

I replied: Since I am the listing Broker, my fiduciary duty is to the Seller.  If a Buyer makes an offer too low, I am going to tell the Seller to reject the offer.

Now, several of these rejected low-ball buyers do return and try, and try again and again.
(It's as if they are masochist and want the punishment.)

Yet, the market value (per Comparable Sales) keeps going up, but their offers stay the same.

What did Einstein say: If you keep doing the same thing over and over, and expect a different result, you must be crazy or stupid?

For a fair, Las Vegas market value deal, you can...

Contact David Howes: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

No one else will offer $250,000 non refundable!

This Buyer is Correct!

The only type of Buyer who would ever offer a Non-Refundable Earnest Money Deposit -- non-refundable and released to the Seller upon the Opening of Escrow -- is a sleazy Buyer!

They are the type of Buyer who think they are smarter than the Seller; Think they are smarter than the average real estate agent, (okay, maybe they are correct about that); and, they try as hard as they can to steal the Seller's hard Earned Equity.

I have a vast amount of experience dealing with these types of Buyers.  No, I don't like dealing with them because they drain my battery.

They are a waste of time.  They keep pushing the scenario of just how little the subject property is worth; yet, if they owned it, they'd be pushing just how much the subject property is worth.

So, if a property is listed for sale with me, I do my best to maximize the selling price.  Do I lose a lot of Buyers because of it?  YES!

But rest assured, they are the Buyers you, as an owner of a Commercial Real Estate property, don't want to be dealing with.

However, as the Seller of any Nevada Commercial Real Estate Property, you can hire me to list the property at a fair market value, and I will 'Damn the trenches' to find you a qualified Buyer.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

You ever get used to being lied to about Las Vegas Resorts?

About a year ago, I wrote a $900 Million 'Offer' for the Rio All-suites Hotel and Casino.  That investor needed more time to put together the acquisition money than Caesars was willing to wait.  So, it went no where.

Now, the reason the Offer I wrote was so high in price was because the land value of the 88.53 Acres which the Rio sits on his worth about $11 Million an acre.  Thus, the $900 Million offer.

After that offer fell apart, Eldorado Resorts came along with their attempt to acquire ALL of Caesars in their stock deal.  At this time, I was told by my contact at Caesars that the sale of the Rio was being put on hold until Eldorado completed their acquisition.

Ok, makes sense.  Let's wait.  (I should never have waited.)

Then, a few months later, I was shocked to read that Caesars Sold the Rio at about half of the land value for the whole property!

Even to today, I am flummoxed as to the reason they moved forward on such a low ball offer.

Now, the Rio buildings and such were the victim of the lack of Preventive Maintenance.  Before and during Caesar's Bankruptcy, they did little if anything to cure items that could have easily been fix, replaced and of in general taken care of.

Thus, the dire state of the existing structure. (As one retired casino executive said to me one time, "Duct tape on the carpet is NOT a repair."

So, all I can do now, is hope that the current buyer, who is in escrow, doesn't close and I find an equally qualified buyer to close on the property.

Are there other resorts available?  Yes. 
Are they expensive?  Yes.
Are there hotels/motels available without gaming?  Yes.

To find out more....

Contact David Howes at: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!