Friday, August 2, 2019

Algebra! It's my curse!

The odd thing about this is, my Dad was an electrical engineer; thus, algebra was easy for him.
My wife, also, understands algebra.  She uses it everyday at her commercial interior design firm.

I even have an uncle who has a phd from HAAV-VAARD who I know and understands algebra, too!

But, most of you, are probably just like me.  Algebra is the foreign language -- much like currency exchange -- where you go: Huh?!.

I bring this up because, unlike (most of) you, I work in Commercial Real Estate (CRE).

I like to think, I am (supposedly) good at it.  My job requires me to dig up sellers and buyers; put them together through a real estate contract; and then hopefully, they exchange a property for a cash value!

Every one's happy, right?

What most people don't see -- nor will you understand -- is the amount of time spent just digging.

Most Sellers don't trust real estate agents; and most Buyers don't trust real estate agents, either.

So, getting one or both sides of this equation to trust you requires me to do a lot of algebra!

One day, I will probably understand the how I was able to get to the there! The combining of the elements to complete a transaction.  But, for now, I am not going to just sit around waiting for a Buyer or Seller to just show up at my door.  It's because the answer to all CRE completed transactions is and always will be algebra to me!

Anyway, in my nearly 30 year career, if you are interested in pursuing a Navada CRE property. Whether it is a Las Vegas Resort Casino Hotel opportunity, or a simple everyday Income producing commercial property, all you need to do is realize there's one broker in Nevada who does have a reputation for being (too) honest with clients.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A-Rod Wants To Stop Athletes From Going Broke!

At first, I thought this was A-Rod being pretentious and self-serving.

But, after reading the article, I understand his plan.

With so many young men having no training in handling money, the fact they suddenly have tens of millions, makes them think it is never, ever going away.

The unfortunate scenario of this is it's like being on a diet.
You start a diet and once you stop you find that losing the weight was slow and difficult; but, once you stop, the weight is re-gained faster than ever -- it seems.

Also, as Kobe Bryant said during his interview with Jim Hill, when Hill asked him what was the first lesson he learned when he signed his first million dollar contract?

Kobe's response was, (paraphrasing) when a relative asks for a million dollars and you give it to them, they come back the next year and ask for another million dollars.
Instead of doing that, Kobe said, if they earn $2,000 a month, give them an income of $2,000 a month.

Which leads me to one of the things A-Rod mentions in the article about renting houses.

If you don't have enough monthly income from retirement, etc, the athletes needs to consider acquiring a long term income from a portfolio real estate properties.

That's where my expertise is needed.

There are solid, long term investment properties all around us.  You just have to be aware of what's available and what's good and bad.

Enjoy the article.

ARod wants to stop Athletes from Going Broke!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The End Is Near!

For a few years now, I have been coming across ads where a home Owner, considering selling their property, can do so without the aid of a local real estate professional.

It's a sad, sad day when another career is doomed by the Internet.

Below is just the latest I have come across that makes it sound super easy to sell your house and save big time on that nasty Sales Commission.

The End Of The Real Estate Professional!

But, since most of these sites will only offer you a low ball price, you are risking losing that sales commission in a lower offer and acceptance.

So, is selling your house (supposedly) hassle free worth it?

Real Estate has in the long run become the same as selling your car.

You want the most money you can get for it, but are you getting the most?

These "hassle-free" sales tactics, are just that: tactics.

When you "trade-in" a car at a dealership, the dealership usually only will value your car at about 65% of Low Blue Book value.


Because they want the equity -- if any!

The same applies to these hassle free real estate sites.

Hey, I will give you cash right now for your house!

(But, it's the cash amount I want to pay you, not the cash amount your house is actually worth.)

So, go ahead.  Sell your house to one of these sites.

Sure, you will be saving money you weren't going to receive anyway.

But, it's a deal! -- To the Internet buyer!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!