Saturday, October 20, 2018

Underwriting says the property won't pencil out!

The headline of today's post is a lie!

It's what California investors have been telling me about one of my Downtown Las Vegas listings that's for sale at $2.8 Million. That's the Owner's selling price.  And, I agreed he shouldn't sell it for any less.

But, a lot of the California Investors that have approached me on this studio apartment building just want to steal.

They are retreating from California because the prices are way, way too high there.  So, they are crawling into Las Vegas trying their best to steal a property.

Now, some have been doing this for years and years.

Others, are new to this market.

But, when I tell them about the benefits to buying at a 9.9% Cap Rate and that area rents are slowly increasing, they take the information under advisement and then -- a few days later -- they give me the phony excuse.

The Alpine Motel Apartments Downtown Las Vegas, NV
(And the parking lot is part of this parcel.)

Yes, the property needs remodeling.  Paint and carpet has a cost but NOT a $1 Million dollars worth of cost.  Besides, the already renovated 27 unit apartment property one parcel north SOLD for +/-$87,000 per unit six months ago!

These investors seem to like wasting my time.

If I had $2.8 Million, I would have acquired the property already.  But, I'm short in that area.

And, no I'm NOT going to play the lottery even if it's more than $1 Billion.

Too many dumb people play just to make one dumb person rich.

So, I will continue on with my marketing.
There is a buyer out their looking for a fixer upper who doesn't mind earning +/-$21,000 per month!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Operating Brothel For Sale!

This morning, I received this via email.

I've never sold a brothel even though they are legal in Nevada.

I just had to blog this so you understand that when it comes to real estate, a business can be included in the sale -- which this business sale includes the real estate!
Operating Brothel - Owner will finance
Located in Northern, NV 
Asking Price:       $2,000,000
Cash Flow:           $245,772
Gross Revenue:             $469,444
EBITDA:                       $245,772
Real Estate:                  $440,000
Business Description
Rare opportunity to purchase a Licensed Brothel. Seller Financing.
One of the last truly cash businesses available. Legal, operating, turn-key Brothel. Management in place and Seller will provide training. Limited competition located at the intersection of 2 major highways. Seller financing to a qualified buyer. Real estate included. Rare opportunity – these licenses rarely transfer to new owners!

Detailed Information
Inventory:                 Included in asking price
Real Estate:             Owned Included in asking price
Building SF:             6,590
Employees:              4
Facilities:                  6590 square feet, new roof. Real estate assessed at $436,229
Competition:            Very difficult to get into this business. Licenses are limited and none      are available in this area at this time.
Financing:                with $450 K Down
Support & Training:          Seller will train new buyer. Management is also in place

Reason for Selling:            Retiring

If interested in owning/operating a brothel...

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Unemployment is DOWN! Under employment is UP!

Unemployment is at such a low, low number.
This is great news!

But, as my PhD in Economics uncle once said while bragging, 'The economy is doing great! More people are back to work and off unemployment lines.'

To which my Mom replied to her brother, 'That is great news! Now, if only they had found equal work to what they were doing before they were laid off!'

Such is the case today.

Unemployment is down.  Workers have run the fixed time that they can collect unemployment. (Which is six months.)
But, have those people truly found work?

OR, did their unemployment time just run out on them.  And, since they are no longer collecting unemployment checks, have they truly found a job?

You see, historically once your unemployment runs it's course, the government considers you have have been re-employed -- whether you truly are or not.

But, in truth, most probably did find a new job.  They probably did become re-employed.
But, that new job most probably came with a drastic pay cut.

To go from earning $40,000 per year to earning $16,000 may be considered re-employment, but that doesn't cover the bills.

If these former unemployment collecting workers did find work, it was that they had to settle for a job that pays much, much less then what they were earning.

That's IF they actually did find work!

So, until I see a more comprehensive study on this matter, I'll keep my excitement for the re-employed to myself -- for now.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!