Saturday, May 26, 2018

ICSC Las Vegas -- More like Deal or No Deal!

It has been more than 10 years since I last attended the weekend long Council of Shopping Center's (ICSC) Las Vegas.

Back then, I did my best to attract Buyers, Sellers, Landlords and Tenants in my attempt to establish a career for myself as a Commercial Real Estate Broker (CRE).

Back then, the cost for the entire weekend was +$600 for full access.

Yes, they had good seminars, panels, and key note speakers.

I learned a lot about what I already knew.

I tried very hard to meet and begin relationships with national credit tenants, landlords and investors.

To this day, all that work added up to $0 in earned commissions.

So, when I see an article like this: Six Take Aways from ICSC Las Vegas, I wonder why I ever went in the first place.

The Meet & Greets (that I was invited to) were nice.  Since I live and work in Las Vegas, going to a casino wasn't or didn't have the same thrill to it as for those who wandered here to represent their companies - and then find themselves lost in the shuffle of the gaming floor.

I'm sure going to ICSC is beneficial for the representatives of the various companies who regularly attend.  But, when you are a CRE Broker, it's a hard time to even get them to even press flesh (get a hand shake); get some one on one face time (exchange business cards); and/or even interested in doing business with you (because they do their own real estate deals; OR, they already have their real estate being handled by a national real estate firm).

So, I take articles like his with a huge grain of salt.
I don't even go anywhere near the Las Vegas Convention Center this time of year.
(My brother in law works there as a fire inspector. He says it's a mad house.)
But, I keep pressing on phone calls, emails and even try to re-kindle long term (former) clients to see if their last deal we did was still working for them.

I'm moving on without the cost or effort it takes to attend ICSC.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Great Britain -- Yes, we finally made it

For more than a week now, I've debated -- with myself mostly -- as to whether or not to share some other (more personal) photos of our the trip that sailed around the island known as Great Britain.

Since I have never liked any photos of myself -- nor does my spouse like any photos of herself -- I decided to at least show us as a group having a pleasant time.

I can say this because it was the day of our disembarkation. We were traveling from London to Southampton to board the Norwegian Jade later that day. Stonehenge just happened to be on the way.

The traveling crew at Stonehenge

Since the people in charge of keeping Stonehenge nice and tidy, they don't allow anyone to go anywhere near the Stonehenge Monument any longer.  (I think it's for safety reasons.)
Anyway, this was as close as we could get.

It's okay.  Massive stones that were brought to this site thousands of years ago is as amassing as the recently erected gift shop that helps keep the place operating.

At every stop, there were multiple places for us tourist to drop a few pounds along our way.

I came home 5 pounds heavier than I left.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

London - A nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there!


That was the initial thought I had as we climbed into the taxi from Victoria Station to go to the hotel.

Even on our last day there, as we loaded up the taxi for our trip to Heathrow Airport, I mistakenly walked to the right side passenger door to get in the passenger seat.  When I realized my mistake, the Taxi Driver humorously offered me the keys asking if I wanted to drive!

Embarrassed, I beg my apologies and scooted around to he the left side.
Oh, well.

London was great!
Great Britain was better!

 Big Ben Being Repaired!

 The Queen was NOT Home this day!

 Carol & the Tower of London!

No Golfing on Sunday at St Andrews!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I'm leaving on a Jet Plane...

Wish Us Luck!

The wife and I are heading off to London (for +/-48 hours); then on to a two week European Cruise.

At the last minute, yesterday, I received an offer for one of my motel listings. 
Told the Buyer's agent no response until May 17, 2018.

Fortunately, he replied, "Have a Great Trip!"

So, I'll see you all back here on May 17.

Can't wait?

Email me & if I have Wi-Fi access, I'll reply!

(Don't count on it!)


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!