Sunday, July 7, 2019

It Escapes Me Why Investors Pass on This Steal of an Opportunity!

It's a 10.969% Ca Rate!

There is plenty of room within this investment to see a very good Return On Investment (ROI).

So, why are investors so determined to low ball and steal equity from an Owner?

It boggles my mind!

The Owner has already given in to losing some of his earned Equity; but he is mindful to keep some.

The Three Motels can be acquired at a 12.9% Cap Rate!

Starlite Motel
The Economy Motel
The Casa Blanca Motel
Yet, the Studio Apartment property is the one property ALL of the Investors want; but they keep low-balling even when presented Comparable Evidence their offers are way, way too low.
Alpine Motel Apartments
I'm flummoxed.

So, I will keep trying to obtain a Market Value Offer and Close on these properties anyway I can.
It's a Steal either way it is bought; and a loss to the Owner, still.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Friday, June 28, 2019

When I get ready to Sell, you are my Broker!

On a 33 minute phone call this AM, a Land Owner here in Las Vegas was filling me in on his plans once one of the land parcels he owns sells.

And, during that call, while discussing the situation about the land and the ground leases he has on it, I casually (I thought it was casual) mentioned he should "list" the land with me so I can begin marketing it for him.

I wasn't ready for his reaction.  It wasn't a bad reaction, it's I forgot one of my main rules.

When discussing real estate with a client, pull don't push. (I don't have them numbered like Gibbs of NCIS!)

So, the suggestion didn't land well.  OR, it was taken (slightly) out of context.

He said he wasn't ready. (Which I knew.)
He said he hadn't pre-planned the up swing of selling, yet. (Which I knew.)
And, "He had to get his "shit" off the land so it could be ready to sell." (He thinks that will take a couple of months.)

Vegas Vicky has nothing to do with the post, but I thought it interesting.

Now, he did disclose his up swing (his words) and that shall remain between him and me.

He's a smart man, ran a large company supplying equipment to developers, and made millions through the years.

Anyway, after he (I think it was politely) chewed me out for pushing him, he said you are the best broker I have ever dealt with.

He said, he liked me from the first day we met because I was an honest broker and he has been involved with a lot of brokers who are more concerned about their commission checks than what's best for the client.

I said, Thank You! Adding, I was just thinking out loud about what we could do to market your land.

He then said, "Don't worry.  When I am ready to Sell, you are my Broker!"


Since the middle of last summer, when I first approached him, I was weary about him given he is an old, old Las Vegas (local) resident.

When I first moved to Las Vegas, an existing Broker I interviewed, said, "Don't treat the locals as if they are country bumpkins.  It will come back to bite you later on."

He added, "They know what they are doing and treat them as if they are smarter than you."
I've taken that advice seriously.

With that having transpired, I will wait my turn to help him Sell his M-1 Land.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Low Ball Express of Downtown Las Vegas Motels!

For more than a year, I have had four Downtown Las Vegas properties listed for sale.
They are three motels; and, one is a studio apartment building.

They range in price from $1.5 Million to $3.2 Million.  And all are priced to sell.

The problem is one property has garnered most of the inquiries.  (More than 7,000 inquiries!)
Yet, every investor I've spoken to has claimed they are cash buyers, can close quickly, and they are looking for a deal.

Then, when I offer them a deal, they immediately start demanding a steal.

One investor from Northern California said she'd wouldn't pay $1 Million for the most sought after property.

My reaction?  Okay.  Thank you for wasting my time!

Here are the properties that can be acquired individually or altogether.

Alpine Motel Apartments
213 N 9th Street
Comparable Sales indicate an "As Is" Market Value of $2.9 Million

Casa Blanca Motel
2401 N Las Vegas Blvd
Selling Price: $3.2 Million!
The Economy Motel
1605 Fremont Street
Selling Price: $1.5 Million!
Starlite Motel
1873 N Las Vegas Blvd
Selling Price: $2.5 Million!
AND, all four can be acquired together as a portfolio for $10 Million or at a 10.969% Cap Rate.

For property details, email me!

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!