Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam! CRE Spam is making a comeback!

I like to think that I am one of those Real Estate Brokers who will keep you informed -- via email -- about a variety of Las Vegas CRE Properties that are For Sale.
And, even though these properties may NOT necessarily be within your acquisition criteria, I feel that notifying you about potential deals was way more important than just saying, "The heck with it. They don't want to know."

Well, my apologies upfront if I over stepped my bounds.

Now, as I blog this theme, there was a time -- like about 7 years ago -- that I blogged that I wasn't receiving anywhere near the amount of email Spam I had been receiving recently.  And, between, September, 2008 to even say July, 2010, I don't recall receiving any spam at all.

BUT, now I have noticed that my junk mail folder does receive quite a few more emails than I would like.  But, since it is Real Estate Spam from vendors, etc, the amount I am receiving is making a come back.

Some of you may be saying: But, David -- "You have been spamming me forever!"  And of course, I probably do still send you real estate alerts about a variety of Las Vegas CRE properties than you'd liked.  But, this is what my business requires me to do.  Which is why I am being up front with you so that the properties that I run across gain a wider audience of potential buyers.

So, instead of viewing the emails as Spam, why not view them as Alerts!  (Hey! Google has Alerts! Why can't I?)

And since these alerts are there just to make you aware of a potential CRE Deal, taking a few seconds to review an email just might be worth that time and effort.  Especially, AFTER you conclude that this property will fit your income needs, your long term investing needs, and it will help you support your family without having to open a wallet every time a family member asks for a hand out. (Was that mean?)

I get the sense that most -- if not all -- of you are genuinely okay with these emails because it gives you the inside tract as to what is available.

And, since there are fewer brokers and agents and fewer marketable properties, I need to stay as one of those Real Estate Brokers you come to count on for those alerts!

Anyway, I know you aren't a Buyer at this time.  However, since I do NOT know when an acquisition inspiration will strike you as being an important aspect of your life, I know that by providing you with a periodic email about a variety of properties can be important to you in the future.

Any questions about this?  Seriously, please just ask.  If you are interested in acquiring a Las Vegas CRE property, I will do my best to find it for you.  I can find that worthwhile CRE investment without breaking your bank.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Sunday, June 5, 2016

"That's a lie! Realtor X said....!"

Talk about disrespect.

Why is it that some people who are supposed to be the closet to you; will treat you with utter disrespect?  You know who I am talking about: Family.

Is it Jealousy?
Are they really that envious of you because you are viewed as being more successful than they are??

Through the years, I have discovered that when certain family members ask me a real estate related question, the hair on the back of my neck feels funny.  So, I usually inquire to myself: Am I being set up?

And, the answer is sure to be: Yes!  Why, yes?  Because most of the time, that's what happens.

They will ask a question, like it's a simple I need to know some of your real estate knowledge type question; I will give an honest answer (why not, it's real estate and most of the time you can search it on the internet); and then, these ungrateful siblings will look at me with that stupid quizzical look in their eyes that say: you're lying!

And, I mean, they will come right out and say to me that I am 'Lying' to them!

What?  Why would I lie to you? I usually ask.
How do you know I am lying? is usually what I have to ask back.

Then, they reveal that they spoke with Mr/Mrs X (for a better nondescript person) and Mr X said -- and they will repeat the lie and announce that they believe it to be true.

I am left dumbfounded.  I usually ask myself just afterward, why?
And the answer is always: Because, there is no reason for me to lie to them.
Why would I?  I am NOT getting any monetary value from it.

It's so frustrating.  I need to learn and stay away from family completely.

This all falls back to my early days in real estate under the tutorial-age of Mike Sitren.

He was correct: One of his rules is and always will be: Don't help family with any real estate related problem; you will regret it.
He emphasized to me one time that: If the transaction goes well, they will assume the credit; if it goes bad, you will get the blame. It's a no-win situation, he said.

And, God Bless the long deceased man.  He is still correct 23 years beyond his departure from this earth.

So, if you are NOT related to me, please remember...

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Saturday, May 28, 2016

History shows businessmen make bad U.S. Presidents

Every once in a while, some one, somewhere comes up with the idea that the President of the United States should be a businessman.  Well, it's not anything new.

There have been several Presidents that have been businessmen; and as this article outlines, they have turned out to be some of the worst Presidents in the history of the US.


Now, when a businessmen runs for President of the United States, they usually stand on the platform of their business accomplishments.  They pontificate how they -- as a successful businessman -- can get "things" done.

What they forget is that in order to get anything done in Washington, D.C. or even passed by Congress is: you need tact and tenacity.

However, most businessmen have tenacity.  It's essential to their job.  But, the lack of tact is what usually dooms them as President.

A lot of my fellow real estate broker colleagues criticize Obama.  They think he has been the worst president ever.

But what I see is a man who has a tremendous amount of tact and tenacity.  Even if you disagree with Obama's politics, Obama did get things done -- even though he was slowed by a do nothing Congress.

And, that in itself was a helpful element to Obama's success.  The reason is, when Congress does nothing, the business environment is supposed to improve.  Obama did take over the office at one of the worst possible times.

The World economy was in a deep recession -- maybe even a depression. (I will let the economic scholars decide.)

But, even while being criticized heavily from both sides of every issue, Obama maintained his tact and tenacity.  He was able to accomplish more than I thought he would.

While searching the internet for businessmen that were elected US President, I found this article.   Here a retired military officer/physician did some research and points out that every businessman who was elected US President, turned out to be a bad President.

So, to see what I am talking about, please read this article.


(You may have to copy and paste the links in your browser to review.)

Read and enjoy.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes