Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The dog days of (potential) economic recession!

On September 15, 2015, when I thought "things" were about to get really, really better (economically speaking), I wrote a blog about the Chinese devaluing their Yuan.

(Here is part of what I wrote:
Algebra!  It is the curse of me.  To this day, I do not understand: x+y=z!  Huh?
The odd thing is, my dad was an electrical engineer; thus, algebra was easy for him.
My wife, also, understands algebra.  She uses it everyday at her commercial interior design firm.

I even have an uncle who has a phD from HAAV-VAARD who I know understands algebra, too!

But, most of you, are probably just like me.  Algebra is a foreign language -- much like currency exchange.

I bring this up because, like you, I read that China devalued it's Yuan.  (Please do not try or even think of attempting to explain this to me.  I am lost just thinking about it.)

So, as of this AM, one Yuan is equal to $0.16 US.

I suppose this is good.  However, since I know very little about currency exchanges, I can only assume that the Chinese government did this to prevent anymore money from leaving China.  With the Yuan devalued, I guess it buys less foreign property and/or goods.  Am I right or wrong?

So, since this investor's money is coming through China, I don't understand the algebra of it.

How does depositing money into China, thus turning it into Yuan, help you acquire a Las Vegas Resort for less while also gaining more in value?

One day, I will probably understand.  But, I am not going to just sit around waiting for the answer to come to me.

So, was I off my much?

I ask because I just received notice from my Co-Broker Partner who lives and works in Australia that the Chinese Government is (essentially) halting any more Chinese firms from investing further in USA Real Estate.

Why?  Your guess is as good as mine.  From what I've read, the Government fears a cash shortage if anymore Yuan's are converted to Dollars and they leave the country.

(This relates to the algebra problem I mention above. =) )

Anyway, as I sit hear wondering just when this crack down on money exiting China (?) will end, I am hoping to between now and then, my survival mode keeps me aloft.)

The only thing I think right now is closing something.

Did I mention I listed a motel casino?  Give me a call if interested in the details.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Mom & Pop Casino For Sale!

When I established my web site many years ago, I truly didn't have faith in it leading to very many clients.

Well, at least the web site hasn't disappointed me.

Anyway, recently, my web site has allowed various real estate property owners to contact me.

To my surprise, one husband & wife team did give me a call to ask about selling their local casino.

Now, for you want to be casino owners, don't get too excited.  Owning a casino is a full time 24/7 job.  So, unless spending your time always "on the clock" isn't for you, then casino ownership may be a thing you'd let others do.

I say this because these mom & pop clients want to sell because of that fact.

Now, this is a local casino in Nevada.  Unfortunately, it is NOT in Las Vegas.  So, the bright lights of the Las Vegas Strip won't be shining in your eyes as you make your way to and from 'work."

But, this property is a fully licensed unlimited gaming casino and it does have 60 motel rooms and suites for your traveling customers comfort.

The property does have a steak house restaurant, a Chinese Restaurant and a lounge.

The property is a combined +/+9,500 SF property on a total of 1.94 acres right smack in the middle of town on 'Main Street.'

(Obviously, NOT the subject property since this is no longer standing.)

Unfortunately, as the husband owner said, they are directly across the street from their biggest competition.

True, there are a variety of small restaurants, bars, taverns, sports bars -- all with gaming -- that are for sale in and around Las Vegas itself.  But, this property is the only actual "casino" with motel rooms (that I know of) for sale in this region of Nevada.

The owner of this property is asking $3 Million.

So, that is all I can disclose at this time.  You will have to email me for the Confidentiality Agreement in order to see the financial and property details.   Any further information requires this signed document.

Now the owner says the price is the price, but I know there is some wiggle room.

Is it making money?
For that answer, the signed CA is required.

I need to know a little more about you as the buyer.
So please be prepared to disclose your acquisition capability. I don't need it up front.  But, your proof of funds will be required with any offer that is to be presented to the owner.

Once you've owned a casino for a while, you'll understand this tactic.


To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Monday, July 10, 2017

CRE Deals Come & Go! Some Fly - Others Die!

It's NOT too often I would be insulted by comments made by a Seller or Buyer.

When you work hard and try to accomplish the impossible, there always seems to be something that goes wrong and sets you back.

I like the analogy: Take two steps forward; one step back.

Hey! It's real estate and you never know what could happen until it does.

For example: my son and his wife recently told us they wanted to acquire a house.  Okay. I asked could I refer you to someone?

He said, they were thinking of buying without an agent.
Now, having been in real estate since 1991, I had to go, "Woo!"

Why would you do that?  (He and she have never purchased a home before, so I can see the obstacles mounting right in front of them.)

Anyway, I got the feeling that some one had hooked their ear about saving money by doing it themselves.  (Sorry, folks! But, that doesn't happen! You just end up getting ripped off!)

Well, with the help of my wife -- our son's mother -- we think we've bridged that gap.  (We'll see.)

Then, about a week later, a developer I know who owns an Off Strip motel wanted to talk to me on a Sunday.  Okay, I understand that real estate might have to be a priority over the weekend.  Well, during the call he proceeded to chew me out because the Chinese buyer I was dealing with wasn't moving fast enough for him.

(This requires some back story: the developer acquired this off "strip motel about 11 years ago to re-develop it.  He has waited, and waited because the economy had gone south in the mean time.  And, since development money had dried up; it has recently reappeared in Las Vegas.  Lately, he started to make noise he was going to re-develop the motel again.  BUT, he was willing to sell, too.  After re-contacting the developer again, he set a couple of unrealistic deadlines to get him an offer.

Anyway, if you ever worked with Chinese buyers before, you know they tend to do things on their schedule -- not yours.

So, in the meantime, there were a few delays with the Chinese getting an offer started -- as is their MO.

Well, the Sunday morning call was to let me know, the developer wanted to deal directly with the Chinese group and I'd be paid anyway.  He said he didn't think I had the experience to handle his transaction.

Okay, I'm insulted.  But, I know this developer and he is an a--h---!

I took the information and proceeded to contact my co-brokering partner over seas.  He speaks fluent Chinese.  Well, he didn't like that idea and thought it fishy.  He said 'let's look for another property.'  Which I am doing.)

After wards, I was thinking about this situation, and came to the realization that the developer never, ever had any intention of selling.  He was just hedging his bet against the economy here in the US until it improved.  Which it has.

So, all those years trying to find a buyer for his property was -- well, it truly wasn't a waste of time.  I was able to find other buyers while using his property as a prop.

No loss I guess.

So, my experience is questionable to this developer. NOT!  It's his excuse to NOT sell his property and further to try and raise additional cash for his development.  Oh, well!

One day we'll cross paths again.  We'll see what has transpires in the meantime.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!