Thursday, May 25, 2017

ICSC Las Vegas has come & gone!

For about 10 years, I was a card carrying member of International Convention of Shopping Center (ICSC).  And, every year that I was a member, I'd spend the $300 to $400 per convention to attend the full convention.  Well, since I live & work in Las Vegas, I thought, Why not?

And, every year, I'd attend the seminars, work the booth & roam the halls meeting & greeting various other potential clients at their booths in a search for the elusive tenant, developer or buyer who'd be interested in investing in a Las Vegas property; develop some Las Vegas land; or buy a Las Vegas Shopping Center.

Most of the people I'd meet were cheerful & friendly; a lot "already had their plans" in place; or/and "weren't interested in Las Vegas."

And, I remember one developer telling me they would never develop in Las Vegas because of it's gambling. (What? "I'm Shocked!  Shocked to find gambling in this city!")

Now, that concerned me because my immediate thought was: 'if you are NOT interested in buying or developing in Las Vegas, why are you attending the Las Vegas convention?'

Anyway, after about 10 years of attending, I decided to NOT attend anymore.

Now, there were various parties being thrown by various attendees that I did get to go to.  But, even there, the attendees seemed more interested in the allure of Las Vegas Gambling and Partying that striking up a meaningful conversation with them was at best difficult.

Since I live and work in Las Vegas, this party all night or into forever attitude was never something I was attracted to.

I just wanted to help some one acquire a Las Vegas property as a tenant, developer or investment.

That never happened.

Now, I do realize that a lot of deals are done way, way before clients ever step off the plane and onto the tarmac.

But, even in following up, these attendees I believe most likely couldn't remember their time here.

So, after having skipped the last 10

ICSC conventions, I have found that I am truly better off NOT having attended.

During my time when I did attend, I still have contact with only one potential client who still tells me they are interested in Las Vegas -- but not at this time.

Sound familiar?

So, instead of attending ICSC, I will continue to work my telephone, email clients, and reach out to whoever contacts me from around the globe.  I believe sooner than later, my efforts will bear more fruit than if I had been attending every ICSC convention in the last 10 years.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Qatar quietly becomes one of New York's Largest CRE Owners

Even before 9-11, I never thought that anyone who was a Muslim; or some one who was Islamic was a bad person.

And, back then, before that awful day, I used to frequent a sandwich shop that was owned by a Muslim man who was a very, nice and pleasant person.  He seemed to always be glad to see me.

When I'd enter his business, he was friendly and accommodating -- well as any businessman is supposed to be.  And, during the time we met at his lunch counter to order my "usual,' we'd have 'small talk' about life in the big city of Las Vegas.

Toward the end of our 'lunch meet,' he would complain about his immigration status, and how his visa was soon to expire and how he had exhausted all attempts to extend it, etc.  As he was going through this, I sensed his frustration with America and his resentment toward 'having to leave.'

IMAO: US Immigration laws need to be updated/changed to allow longer stays/allow visa holders to apply for citizenship easier.

Anyway, I saw this article and started wondering about 'Al.'  It's been close to twenty years now and wondered what has happened to him.

He was a young guy and smart and polite and to this day, I still don't fully understand the Islamic or Muslim religion.  But, I don't think of it as bad.  I think of it as something I need to explore -- maybe even familiarize myself with in order to fully comprehend it.

That aside, when i saw this news story, I also thought about: Why do foreign companies buy American Commercial Real Estate? I am fully aware real estate will have an intrinsic value increase as it floats through time.  But, foreign buyers they are buying because -- for the most part -- our tax system is very, very favorable when compared to the rest of the world.

Which makes me think: If the US taxes are so high, and so unfair, why are foreign companies pursuing US Real Estate so much?

Here is the story I read that made me think this.

Qatar One of New York City's largest CRE Owner

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

We need a marketing push!

Very recently, a 'person' (I don't want to give my hand away too early on this topic) that works at a major bank in the US, emailed me asking me if I'd be willing to go to lunch with them.

We set up a time and a place.  I dressed casually because I know this person and thought it appropriate.

At lunch, we 'caught up.'  Their children, my get the drift.

Then, toward the middle of our lunch, this person asked me if it would be okay if they referred me to the bank's area asset manager.

I was a little surprised because I know that this bank uses a national real estate firm to list and sell their bank owned property.

Of course, I agreed by saying, "I Love Referrals!"  Etc. Etc.

Well, as it turns out, the person I was meeting with had invited the bank's area asset manager to lunch with us, but that person had another appointment.  Okay.  That's fine.

Anyway, I was told that the bank 'bosses' are NOT happy with how their bank owned assets are being marketed.  Or, better -- not being marketed.

In case you didn't know, there are bank regulations that prohibit banks from becoming landlords of properties they foreclosed upon.  And, there is a sense of urgency from this person, that I got, that "the bank needs a marketing push" to move property and fast.

Now, that doesn't mean cheaply.  The banks do have to recoup more than enough money from the sale of the properties to save face with banking regulators.

Anyway, I said I was more than happy to meet with whomever they needed me to meet with.  I was willing to travel to where they were to discuss my abilities to market what ever properties they entrusted me with 'marketing.'

They said it might just be a trial run to see if someone NOT affiliated with a national real estate firm would have better success at selling properties.

I told them, 'I'm in.'

So, we'll see what happens in the coming months!

It was a very good lunch.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!