Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Real Estate Mortgage Payoff!


I am going to get a little too personal in this blog.  I try to NOT talk about myself here.  (There are so many other "things" that are way more interesting then me.)

It's not going to be TMI.  Since, I am not a celebrity or even a 'want-to-be,' there will be no naked pictures.  (My 60 year old body would break the camera.)

Anyway, I have a bone to pick with a mortgage servicing company.

My wife and I took out an Equity Line of Credit ten years ago just in case there were any exceedingly expensive expenses we may encounter during our home ownership stay.

Now that the initial ten years has passed, and our loan is now a 15/15 loan, we have decided to just pay it off.

But, since I deal with lots and lots of real estate investors -- some that I have talked to offered to buy my loan and then I could pay them off!

Sounds good, right?

Anyway, I know the trick to mortgages and since I did help one client to do just this, they have "owed" me ever since.

You see, I know that the mortgage servicing company that "took over my loan" actually "acquired"  my loan from Goldman Sachs "at a very steep discount."

Now, they are trying to convince me to make monthly payments to them for the full loan amount that we currently owe.

So, I said to myself: Self! Since this mortgage servicing company didn't pay full price when they acquired my loan, why don't I just offer them a reduced payoff?.  Then, they would just re-convey the loan to me!  Since they paid less than half of what I owe to buy my loan, I think it is more than fair that I pay them slightly more than what they paid and we can call it even.

Logical, right?!

The mortgage telephone lady said, "I couldn't do that" because "I owe almost $40,000.00."
I told her to have someone from their company who had the authority to say yes, call me.  Once agreed, I would set up a wire transfer between my bank and their bank and we could call it a day.

Hopefully, this works.

I will have to keep you posted.  No calls yet...

In the meantime, for more detailed information about Commercial Real Estate...

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Is the Las Vegas CRE Market Going South?!

Had lunch with the retired gaming executive that I have come to know by living and working here in Las Vegas, NV.

At lunch, he said that he had heard that one of the national real estate firms located in Las Vegas, NV could be closing it's doors before the end of the year.

Now, he did say which one; but, for the sake of NOT spreading rumors -- at least until I can verify this information -- I will just let that simmer.

This information was told to him by an agent he knows that works at that very office.  And, she also said that they have only closed three sales or escrows this year since January, 2016.

And, because they are in the prestigious high end office with their monthly rent so high, the agent told him that she was leaving and was going to get out of the real estate business altogether.

Now, a day later, I attended a mixer that a major national bank held.  When I arrived -- fashionably late -- I saw that there were only maybe three or four CRE agents attending.  The rest were all bank employees from various divisions of the sponsoring bank.

As I was greeted by a bank employee I know, I asked her why the CRE agent/broker attendance was so poor?  She embarrassingly said something to the effect that most of the invitees (real estate agents/brokers) were to busy and didn't RSVP.

Oh, really, was my reply.

I then told her about the major CRE company that I had heard only closed three sales this year.  She replied, that she had heard that, too!

So, I wonder.  If a national real estate company -- given that it is a franchise -- can't close sales and maintain their office; I feel so lucky that I have been able to, that I should travel to Prim and stand in 110 degree heat to buy a lottery ticket.

Then, again, I would probably get mauled by a Polar Bear before acquiring the winning ticket. (That seems to be my luck.)

Anyway, I think I will stick to doing what I am doing, because what I do seems to still be able to put sales deals together and close escrows when needed.

And, if it is true that Las Vegas CRE is about to go south -- again -- then, you need to contact me now, so we can put together a game plan for moving forward once this 'new' recession hits us.

I am ready when you are...

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Athletes bilked out of Millions!

My first question is: How does this happen?
My second question is: How do I convince these very same athletes that placing so much of their money with a money manager is NOT a good thing to do!

I know, I know, I am talking to the wall.

The few celebrity athletes that I know, do know other athletes; and they have a frat type aura that they help and/or recommend these supposed ethical money managers to each other.

Unfortunately, they should be more like the Jamal Mashburn type of athlete.  He took charge of his money; he invested in long term CRE properties; and he is one of the "former" athletes that is truly a success story.  And, Keyshawn Johnson is another.

What did Jamal do?  Well, he went out and through his retirement years bought something like 80 NNN properties with national credit tenants paying him a nice monthly income.  And, his property expenses are paid by the tenant.

Excellent Job, Jamal!  Hope you see this and contact me about Nevada NNN Properties!

What, don't believe me when I say Jamal has built a wealth worthy of everyone's envy?  Why don't you take a look for yourself, then?!

Now, if only these "bilked" athletes had been interested in Net Investment property just like Jamal rather than playing like they were wealthy.  Instead of depending solely on a "recommended" money manager, they could have contacted me and I would have (possibly) diverted such potential loss into long term financial gain.  And, it might have looked something like Jamal had done years earlier.

Then, again, I might as well hit my head against the wall.
For one: I would have saved my breath; and two: I'd have done less talking...

More importantly, it might draw more attention to me and a very important post career message.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes