Thursday, June 5, 2014

"There's nothing around it! The tenant is going to fail!"

Two weeks ago, I had a California Buyer who made an offer for a property with a fast food restaurant that was located just off I-215 on Jones Blvd.
It sits in an area between where there are a lot of office warehouse buildings and well built up neighborhood of SFRs.
And, there is a lot of vacant land in this area and most of it is owned by McCarran International Airport.
Now, Jones to and from the I-215 is a very, very busy street as it is the easiest way for workers who live in the neighborhood to the south to travel to work either on the 'Strip,' or to a business that is located near the 'Strip.'
The Buyer and Seller agree on a sales price. We open escrow. Then, -- not more than one hour AFTER opening escrow -- the Buyer calls me to demand I cancel escrow!  What?! Huh?! Ok.
It took me a week, but I finally found out that "a friend" of the Buyer had told him he had "looked" at an aerial map of the area and he determined that there was "nothing around the property but vacant land" so that meant to the friend "that the fast food restaurant was going to fail."
Apparently, this "friend" knows nothing to very little about Las Vegas.  BUT, his influence was great over the Buyer.
Since canceling Escrow, the property -- which had a lot of interest in it has SOLD to a Real Estate Broker, who flipped the property to another California investor.  The Broker acquired the property for $5.3 Million.  And, an hour after he closed escrow buying the property, he closes his second escrow to the investors for $5.8 Million.  Today, as I write this, is a Thursday two weeks before Christmas and I am still baffled that someone with little or no knowledge of a city or town in another state could have so much influence over a Buyer.
Even after I went over all of the "friends" objections with the Buyer, he wasn't going to go against his "friend."
Yes! This is absolutely absurd!
You see, the reason the fast food restaurant was placed there in the first place was because there is a severe lack of fast food in this area.  There are numerous businesses in this area that their employees had to -- and still do -- go OUT of the area to eat lunch, etc.  In other words, there is plenty of "Rooftops" and "Traffic" to support this fast food restaurant.
And, with McCarran International Airport owning most of the land, and with the recent economic meltdown developers have been hesitant to lease the land and build more buildings.  (This will iron out eventually.)
But a national fast food chain will be able to survive here because it is the only fast food in the area.
So, "friends" please keep your big, uneducated opinions to yourself.  Otherwise, you will cost your Buyer friend an opportunity to make money from a well placed National Credit Tenant NNN investment.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Questions surround the future of the Fontainebleau

Questions surround the future of the Fontainebleau

A week or so ago, Paul Joncich, an anchor on Channel 8's NewsNow called to ask if I'd be willing to be interviewed about the (mostly) built Fontainebleau Resort here in Las Vegas, NV.

At first I was hesitant because I truly don't like the way I look or sound on camera.  But, after the wife told me to take my own advice of: "What other people think, is none of my business," I decided to go for it.
Anyway, click the link above for the news story.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Downtown Las Vegas Church to acquire Neighboring Property!

After almost a year of going to and fro, a Downtown Church has agreed to acquire it's neighboring property for $1.9 Million.

This church which sits on the NEC of Ogden and 9th will be increasing it's land footprint from .09 acres to .32 acres.  The neighboring property to the south has a +/-3,600 SF store front office building; and, the adjacent parcel to the west has two store front office buildings of about 1,100 SF.

Since most of the sales activity in this area has been completed by the Downtown Redevelopment Project, the church's impact would be minimal.  However, with the acquisition of these properties, the church will be able to service more of the homeless and indigent populous that are an earmark of this east Las Vegas area.  And, this increase in lot and building size will help the church provided better and more food services for the growing food recipients.

Hopefully, we will be able to close the sale by mid summer.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes