Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump is only running for US President to launch his Trump TV Channel!!!!

Ever since April, 2016 -- when my client stated that Trump was just filming a Reality TV show -- I have had this underling gut feeling that Trump hijacked this year's presidential election from the Republican Party, to launch something that was of benefit only to him.

I have been saying all summer, something is NOT right about Trump's run for President.  No one can say such hateful rhetoric and continue on with this fight -- unless he has an underlining motive.

And, now I know what that odd feeling was referring to.

Trump is only running for US President just to launch his own TV Network.

I know, I know. I sound off my rocker.

But, this CNN report actually confirms my suspicion.

If you have knowledge of this, and know that I am correct about this, Please email me

Thanks, David.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Is Trump Filming a Reality TV show?

With his latest antics and comments during the 2016 presidential election - and the fact that we are within  30 days of voting, I have been re-thinking a comment a client said to me back in May, 2016.

He said: 'Trump is just filming a Reality TV Show!'

Now, I believe the client was Johnny on the spot.  Back in May, I retorted that no way anyone could  hijack a political party; say such god awful hateful things, and expect the American Voter to follow in goose step behind him.

Now, I need to call the client and ask if he had any insider information.

Anyway, while researching for any proof of this, I found this article from a news paper where Trump said he didn't care if he lost the election.
(You may have to copy and paste to see article.)

So, draw your own conclusions.  A very competitive guy is currently resigned to losing; he has said some hateful things about women, Blacks, Hispanics and is within 30 days of the election of the next US President?

Presidential Election history shows, that candidates who were trailing in the polls within 30 days of the election, in the 30 percentile, do loose the election.  Trump is polling in the 30's with less than 30 days to go.

Last May, 2016, I didn't want to buy into the fact that Trump was trying on purpose to lose.  But, now, I am convinced Trump was never, ever a serious candidate about being president.

But, he knows he didn't waste his money.  He invested in a reality TV Show about running for US President.  Should get high, high ratings and Trump will earn his money back.

However, I won't be watching.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Bullies have been and will always be Weak People

We know the cliche.

The high school quarterback picks on the nerdy student because the nerdy student is "weak" according to the High School Quarterback.

Hey, "nerdy student" do my homework or I will beat you up!

So, sad.

And as a society that is trying to re-educate our children that being a bully is wrong, How, why then do we allow a bully to take the political pulpit and decry the American system of government as "Corrupt" or "Rigged" when 'things' don't go the way they want them to go?

Bullies invalidate people for one reason only: They are weak people.

Men who abuse their wives or significant other are weak; Most people who end up in prison are -- for the most part -- weak.

I even find that gang members are weak.  (They think they are strong when in a collective, but they are just a collective of weak minded individuals.)

(Did I hit a raw never, there?)

Anyway, weak people fear-monger; weak people are prejudice; and weak people bully others when they are in the wrong -- know they are wrong -- and they insult and invalidate others when backed into a corner trapped in their small mindedness.

I saw this article today;

and, it did for a while give me hope that the one person stopping a foreign buyer client of mine from buying -- and preventing me from making millions -- will (hopefully) lose the general election.

If this one person does win, the US is in for a world of hurt. (My opinion.) 

I have had this discussion with several people who are Trump supporters.  The underlining theme from these people for their support is that Trump will lead us in the right direction. (I know he won't.)

The reason Trump would fail as president is that he still thinks of himself as the high school quarterback who knows how to kick the nerdy kids butt.

What people have forgotten is that the nerdy kid from high school is now, today, the former bullies boss.

And, Trump's problem in this election is....

Oh, wait.  I don't want to say.  It might get back to him.  He would change his course, and win -- which I don't want because it will cost me millions.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


By definition insolence means rude and disrespectful behavior.

In the current political US Presidential election climate, the word Trump also is defined as rude and disrespectful behavior.

What I don't understand is: Why is this behavior so popular among-st non-college educated white middle aged male adults?

And as the college educated politicians and business people abandon Trump left or right for Clinton because of Trump being Insolent, I don't understand why Trump supporters ("guys" for the lack of a better word) continue to goose-step along with their racial hatred.

Yes, I believe the Clinton Campaign set Trump up with having Mr Khan talk at the DNC.  I believe the Trump Campaign set Clinton up at the RNC.  But, now that both of those shows have run their course, it appears that Clinton has won the convention battle.

I believe that Trump's, disrespecting Mr Khan and his wife will be Trump's Achilles' heel this November 8th.

What Trump -- and most bullies don't understand -- is that when you bully someone, even the bystanders who are doing nothing while witnessing the bully's actions, will eventually turn against the bully.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes