Showing posts with label Resorts.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resorts.. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Poker Pro faces Felony Charges about Casino Debt

Years ago, when I first met the Retired Casino Owner/Manager who I am very good friends with today, he said to me at lunch one day that most Poker Professionals lose money playing poker.

I was astonished because of how they are portrayed on TV.  You win a million dollars, you should be set for a long time.

But, he continued by saying that a poker player needs to win 51% ALL of the time to make any money.  And, he said that like 90% never, ever win anything if they win anything at all.

So, even though this Professional Poker Player had won millions of $$$'s in tournaments through the years, he has lost millions of $$$'s more.

Which means, he loses more than he ever wins, thus his inability to repay the markers.

So, when I saw this article today, I wasn't surprised that this poker player is being charged with writing bad checks.

And, as it states in the article, when a casino issues you credit, under Nevada Law, you are technically writing a check to the casino even though it is referred to as a "Marker."

The casino issues the marker as if you have the amount of the marker in your bank account.  Fortunately, they will give you a set time to repay them -- if you lose.  (If you win, all is forgiven.)

Unfortunately, for this Professional Poker Player, he understood this when he signed the marker,  But, he truly didn't have the money to pay them back.  So, the Wynn Resort -- using the Nevada bad check writing law -- is charging him with writing a bad check.

Everyone understands that the House never loses, correct?

With that in mind, my advise to you who think you have a system to win at any casino: Don't sign for a marker unless you know that you have the ability to wire the money to the casino when you lose.

Oh, I have a better system for beating the house in Nevada: and it is a better way of "winning."
Buy a NNN income property.

Then, the checks issued to you have your name on them as the payee; and the tenant is the one paying you money on a monthly basis.

Now, that's a sure fire way of a Win! Win!

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Now, This Is What I Have Been Talking About!

As this link shows, 100% of Professional Athletes will experience unemployment in their future.

That is why I have been so vocal about young athletes acquiring a CRE NNN property early in their careers so that they will have an income producing asset to fall back on for monthly income once the lay-off or employment termination comes.

The author is a former professional athlete, so I think he knows.

Contacting David Howes about Las vegas CRE is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Smart People Will Listen to You!

Yesterday, my younger brother, Tom, called to say 'Hello!'

I found out that Tom had to have surgery on the shoulder that he thought he dislocated back in February this year when he slipped and fell on some ice.

As it turned out, he actually tore his rota-tor cup and the doctor finally ordered surgery. (I hate insurance companies.)

Anyway, being out of work for awhile, he was bored and thought he'd give me a call.

I updated him on how bad sales of CRE properties are going in Las Vegas; and how many, many potential buyers are ignoring my advice.  They are still waiting for the market to turn as far as I can tell.

Then, he said something that surprised me!

He said, "Don't worry.  The smart people will listen to you, forget about the rest."

Huh?!  I immediately thought: Have I been dealing with dumb people who I thought were smart?! -- You know the ones who won't take my advice and buy the 8% Cap Rate properties that are available here in Las Vegas? But, will buy a 5% Cap Rate property in another state?

I just thought that they knew something more about Las Vegas than I did.

Anyway, he went on to say, that "the buyers will eventually come around.  They most likely want a steal and they only view Las Vegas as deals."  Okay, good point, Tom.

The problem with that theory is that a 5% Cap Rate is a high purchase price that is more in favor of the Seller.  Anyway...

We then got into how he has been using his down time to fix up his rental property -- surgically repaired shoulder and all -- Blah, blah, blah.  The usual stuff you go through when you are a landlord, too.

But, if you are smart.  And, truly are interested in a Las Vegas CRE Property, my contact information is...

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Bullies have been and will always be Weak People

We know the cliche.

The high school quarterback picks on the nerdy student because the nerdy student is "weak" according to the High School Quarterback.

Hey, "nerdy student" do my homework or I will beat you up!

So, sad.

And as a society that is trying to re-educate our children that being a bully is wrong, How, why then do we allow a bully to take the political pulpit and decry the American system of government as "Corrupt" or "Rigged" when 'things' don't go the way they want them to go?

Bullies invalidate people for one reason only: They are weak people.

Men who abuse their wives or significant other are weak; Most people who end up in prison are -- for the most part -- weak.

I even find that gang members are weak.  (They think they are strong when in a collective, but they are just a collective of weak minded individuals.)

(Did I hit a raw never, there?)

Anyway, weak people fear-monger; weak people are prejudice; and weak people bully others when they are in the wrong -- know they are wrong -- and they insult and invalidate others when backed into a corner trapped in their small mindedness.

I saw this article today;

and, it did for a while give me hope that the one person stopping a foreign buyer client of mine from buying -- and preventing me from making millions -- will (hopefully) lose the general election.

If this one person does win, the US is in for a world of hurt. (My opinion.) 

I have had this discussion with several people who are Trump supporters.  The underlining theme from these people for their support is that Trump will lead us in the right direction. (I know he won't.)

The reason Trump would fail as president is that he still thinks of himself as the high school quarterback who knows how to kick the nerdy kids butt.

What people have forgotten is that the nerdy kid from high school is now, today, the former bullies boss.

And, Trump's problem in this election is....

Oh, wait.  I don't want to say.  It might get back to him.  He would change his course, and win -- which I don't want because it will cost me millions.

Contacting David Howes is easy -- either by: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR call him at: 70 25 01 93 88 AND Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes