Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - It's not limited to Hollywood!

Sexual Harassment is prevalent in our society.

Now, not everyone will suffer it directly.  But, a lot of people will.
Since I talk a lot (probably too much) through the years, I have talked to various women who were going through some form of sexual harassment right in the very workplace I was working.

Fortunately, I only encountered one sexually harassment event which was years ago by a gay man who was a co-worker while working as a bartender during my college years.

I passed it off as him being drunk even though he tried to kiss me.  And, with that incident in mind, I have not tried to harm any woman I have worked with.

So, when I hear of incidents where one person was approached by another in some manner implying an unwanted sexual advance, whether it's a woman or man as the aggressor, I understand their plight.

What people don't seem to realize is that if you make another uncomfortable, whether in the form of a friendly gesture or not, if those incidents make that person uncomfortable, you are sexually harassing that person.

So, when today, I read an article in the Daily Mail stating that several women who subscribe to LinkedIn, have complained that "Connections" are trying to secure dates with them even though they are married, these 'men' being the aggressor are actually sexually harassing these women.

So, a woman on LinkedIn posts an attractive profile picture of herself.  That doesn't mean they are looking for a date -- even if they were currently single!

And, I have through the years of being a LinkedIn member, have several connections that are attractive women.  I don't think I have ever sent them a message suggesting a date.

(I am even seriously thinking of deleting my LinkedIn account because I can NOT trace any real estate deal I've ever done to have been originated through a LinkedIn connection.)

With apologies to the want to be Hugh Hefner Playboy types, I'm NOT interested in a date with any woman on LinkedIn - or elsewhere.  I don't care how attractive your profile picture is.

I have two woman in my life that take up 99% of my non work time: Wife & Daughter.  That's all I need.

But with this Harvey Weinstein guy, he's thrown this entire sexual harassment thing into the open.

I for one, am glad this has been made public.

To Contact David Howes try: davidATdavidhowesDOTnet OR; 7 0 2 5 01 9 3 8 8 AND Please #Follow David on Twitter: @DavidAHowes Have a nice day!

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